Ok, so...I wanted to see how much of the fillers the fans(or not) of the series can take out and still keep the story going, rendering the episode into a shorter form. If anyone would be interested, let me know... =p
Ok, so...I wanted to see how much of the fillers the fans(or not) of the series can take out and still keep the story going, rendering the episode into a shorter form. If anyone would be interested, let me know... =p
sounds interesting but tht would mess the show up quite a bit even if you only take out filler parts.
Just take out anything not in the manga.
yeah that would pretty much sum it up
R.I.P Captain America.
You'd have to go through and take out portions of episodes, and then reedit them together to get full length episodes, and that just seems wrong to me. Also, the filler material isn't terrible and fits in nicely with the original material. Except for the recap episode(s). There was one during the bridge storyline that took half an episode, and then the "newspaper report" recap. That was annoying.
Anime adaptations of manga aren't meant to be complete photocopies of the manga. Naruto seems to stick pretty close to the manga without too much filler. Of course, I've only read the first 3 volumes of the manga, so I can't speak for how it's been recently. But since they haven't caught up with the manga yet, I'd imagine that it's been consistant. More or less. I've seen adaptations that have been so different from the manga that it's almost a whole different beast all together. And compaired to the American adaptations of American comics, manga to anime adaptations like Naruto are pretty damn faithful.
I agree with bitwar. Take out the recaps. and I'm guessing your buying the manga for this I salute you sir!
I'd rather just watch the eps as they are, but the idea isn't bad
I think deviating from the manga at times is important. Anime and Manga are two completely different mediums, and the anime offers many things the manga can't. for example, animated battle sequences, music, and in some cases, flashbacks.
It may not be practical to take up a couple of pages of the manga for a flashback, but in the anime they only need to gray over for a minute, which is nothing out of 22.
Plus, I think it adds to the overall epicness of the series. Naruto is by far the best story I have ever read/seen, and the anime takes it and makes it that much better.
i dont mind the recaps, aslong as its not recapping from a recent ep. cos otherwise i will have forgotten it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Yup. R3n's right. Hoever. It can make the anime very very draggy times to timesOriginally posted by: r3n
i dont mind the recaps, aslong as its not recapping from a recent ep. cos otherwise i will have forgotten it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii
Full episode recaps annoy me because it really shouldn't take that long to go over what hapened the last 12 episodes. And if it's only been that long, why bother? From episode 26 through where they are now, they haven't had a recap episode or half-episode that I can remember. Lots of flashbacks, but I don't mind those. Especially when Naruto has a flashback to Haku while he's fighting Gaara. That gave the series a more grand, epic feel knowing that the writers still have those events in mind as the characters would.
Going over the "newspaper report" episode, I found that most of it was reintroducing the characters and basic facts of the Naruto world. And it was done because they had moved to another time slot and wanted to catch everyone up with what was going on. It's forgivable, especially since it had its own little story to it (even though a lot of the footage for the "new" scenes was recycled), but still. It's a bit annoying to watch when you've just binged the entire series to that point on a slow weekend on campus.
Bottom line, I wouldn't really change anything or take anything out of the series. It's a damn great series. The recaps are annoying, but there're only 1.5 episodes that I remember being nothing but recap, and for a 83+ episode series, that's not bad at all.
And yes Konoha Rek, I am indeed buying Viz's releases of Naruto. For one, I don't want to get ahead of the anime. For another, I don't have the hard drive space. ^^;; And for another, Viz manga's a lot cheaper than it used to be, especially their Shonen Jump stuff.
what about stuff that happens in both the manga and anime, but out of order?
like when jiraiya had the flashback about the bell exercise in the anime, it was while they were going out to get tsunade....but in the manga, it happened back during the funeral episode when he was standing next to the log
even though both versions add that detail in, the anime one included all the filler stuff of naruto playing with those giant bells and recapping the survival training with kakashi
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
I actually think that worked better in the anime, because you have the temple bells sparking that memory.
This post just confused me. Leave it as it is. The second you tamper with something trying to fix it and make it better you usually end up ruining it. You can always just FF through the filler.
I used to do video editing so I know a fairly good deal about cutting video footage etc.
One time I had to cut some guy who dragged on for about an hour talking about whats wrong with school budgets to five minutes.
Its amazing what you can do with a mac and videos I made it seem almost totally seamless too. However, there is one thing I would never do. Tamper with someone elses work, its just taboo and like digging up someones corpse and rearranging the way they're laying then stealing their watch and replacing it with a broken one.
Well maybe thats a bit extreme.... However, even if I was offered the chance to cut out filler in Naruto I wouldn't. Even if its the ino and sakura flashbacks you can just FF.
Personally I watch them and get teary eyed. *Sniff* they used to be such good friends.
yeah but he just wanted to see how much shorter the series would be without the filler.....it would be an interesting experiment
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
gaarland you were already editing the speech that someone else had edited tho. unless your the top producer/director of a top tv station.
Wait. I'm editing an editing?
I just wanted to add some sentimental value.
they should cut out ALL the recap crap startup and ending sequence and make it into several long films...
Yes I suppose seeing as it is a TV show that would work. Not to mention it would also cut alot of the suspense out of it.