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Thread: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

  1. #121

    Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    that ep was nice...a good lead-up to the next'll be see how they how do it...i forgot what happened in the and my short memory..

  2. #122

    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    My BT isnt going anywhere.
    I need seeds. Or a link to a direct Download.

  3. #123

    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    I watched the Shin-Otaku version, and it said that Kisame would die, but Itachi could match him. So I don't know who's subbed version to trust. But I know that shin otaku messed up big in episode 81..... but anyways... the manga didn't even show this part.......... damn i wish i really knew what they said.

  4. #124

    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    Originally posted by: jing
    I watched the Shin-Otaku version, and it said that Kisame would die, but Itachi could match him. So I don't know who's subbed version to trust. But I know that shin otaku messed up big in episode 81..... but anyways... the manga didn't even show this part.......... damn i wish i really knew what they said.
    hey jing, i'm having the same problem here. ANBU-AonE and shin otaku were both totally different in subbing this part, but ANBU's version is probably correct but i'm still confused [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  5. #125

    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    That scene is in the manga. Chapter 144 page 9 to be exact.

  6. #126

    Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    My guess is that Kisame transformed into the girl. I also think that Jiraiya knew this, because he told Naruto to go into the room and mold chakra. Now, this is just a guess, but maybe he wants Naruto to do this because either:

    A) Use up all his chakra so he goes Kuuybi on Itachi.
    B) Get ready to fight so he can see what Naruto can do.
    C) Just because he was blind at the time and just wanted to hang with the girl.

    If the answer is C, then I'm guessing he's going to see the REAL version of the girl, then kick the fakes ass (if it is Kisame or something).

    Also, did anyone notice that when Jiraiya and Naruto regiester at the inn, the girl with the green hat is behind the counter (the same one that Sasuke talks to)? Maybe Sasuke is in the same hotel as Naruto and Itachi after all.

  7. #127

    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    thanks for finding the page for me, but it didn't say how jiraiya would kill them both. so........ in the end im still confuzzled...we need a translator here.

  8. #128
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    Originally posted by: cheez121
    My guess is that Kisame transformed into the girl.
    ahahaha.....yeah i can just picture kisame all flirting with jiraiya [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #129
    Jounin Cal_kashi's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure (which is kinda weird how sasuke was able to go for a 3rd chidori stab into the rock in that guessing he has more chakra since he wasnt using his sharingan at the time)
    He didn't use the sharingan to activate the chidori, but he was using it as he lifted his hand (and head) up to attack the rock again.
    When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in theHills

  10. #130
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    A little transcript from the episode:

    Kis: "Perhaps you can fight him evenly...but I cannot. He is too strong."

    Ita: "Yes. If we both fought him, we would both be killed...or in a good case, we might kill him, but we'd die along with him. Even if we had more men, that result would not change."

    Kis: "His caretaker is a legendary Sannin."

    Now, maybe its just me, but in the first few lines they are talking about a He and a Him, and then, in that last one that say that His caretaker is a Sannin(obviously Jir).

    So from the way this looks, I think that the person they are talking about who is able to kill them is actually Naruto, or, more likely, they are talking about Naruto as though he IS the Demon Fox, and it is actually the Demon Fox they think is stronger than them and not Jir.

    EDIT: Bah, I see Cheez already brought this up, and with screenshots too. My bad. Anyway, I don't know if the translations are right or wrong, but from what the AnA version says, I think they are talking about the Fox.

  11. #131

    Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    A little transcript from the episode:

    Kis: "Perhaps you can fight him evenly...but I cannot. He is too strong."

    Ita: "Yes. If we both fought him, we would both be killed...or in a good case, we might kill him, but we'd die along with him. Even if we had more men, that result would not change."

    Kis: "His caretaker is a legendary Sannin."

    Now, maybe its just me, but in the first few lines they are talking about a He and a Him, and then, in that last one that say that His caretaker is a Sannin(obviously Jir).

    So from the way this looks, I think that the person they are talking about who is able to kill them is actually Naruto, or, more likely, they are talking about Naruto as though he IS the Demon Fox, and it is actually the Demon Fox they think is stronger than them and not Jir.

    EDIT: Bah, I see Cheez already brought this up, and with screenshots too. My bad. Anyway, I don't know if the translations are right or wrong, but from what the AnA version says, I think they are talking about the Fox.
    I think they are too.... I have only seen the A/A version I wonder what the Shik one version translated it as. Oh and Kisame being the girl can't be because in the preview for the next ep is standing right next to Itachi. I think Naruto saved Sasuke, Sasuke comes and saves Naruto that way they are even again. And Naruto gets to see how powerful Sasuke has gotten. I think Sasuke might awaken some new ability like when he fought Haku he was able to awaken the use of sharingon. I dont know. I just hope Jiriaya really didn't fall for that type of trap. That flashback of him and the third I think was a hint to let us know what he is going to do. I mean why else would they talk about him using the cloaking thingy.

  12. #132
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    well, i can use common sense and say that it's jiraiya they are talking about. i wouldn't look too much into this if i were you guys.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  13. #133

    Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    A little transcript from the episode:

    Kis: "Perhaps you can fight him evenly...but I cannot. He is too strong."

    Ita: "Yes. If we both fought him, we would both be killed...or in a good case, we might kill him, but we'd die along with him. Even if we had more men, that result would not change."

    Kis: "His caretaker is a legendary Sannin."

    Now, maybe its just me, but in the first few lines they are talking about a He and a Him, and then, in that last one that say that His caretaker is a Sannin(obviously Jir).

    So from the way this looks, I think that the person they are talking about who is able to kill them is actually Naruto, or, more likely, they are talking about Naruto as though he IS the Demon Fox, and it is actually the Demon Fox they think is stronger than them and not Jir.

    EDIT: Bah, I see Cheez already brought this up, and with screenshots too. My bad. Anyway, I don't know if the translations are right or wrong, but from what the AnA version says, I think they are talking about the Fox.
    In this case I think it's a little confusion on the part of the translation. Both Naruto and Jiraiya are "he", after all, so I interpreted it as Kisame switching to talking about Naruto suddenly without informing the viewer. Perhaps a less confusing wording would be "That caretaker is a legendary Sannin."

    It wouldn't make any sense for them to be afraid of Naruto, in any case, since he's the one that they're trying to get, and the one being protected by a legendary ninja. If Itachi and Kisame are afraid of Naruto and not Jiraiya, Orochimaru would have been afraid of him as well, being at the same level as Jiraiya, but he had no trouble sealing off the Kyuubi's powers a while back, without even batting an eye.

    Also, Itachi subsequently talks about everyone having a weakness. Then, a pretty girl shows up, which directly appeals to Jiraiya's failing, and Itachi and Kisame show up at Naruto's door at the end of the episode. The implication is clearly that Jiraiya was sidetracked so that Itachi could get to Naruto without any trouble from the old man. The story would make no sense if Itachi talks about Naruto's weakness and then shows up without doing anything to Naruto previously other than distracting his schlub teacher. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] There's no evidence in the anime that anyone (other than Naruto) thinks Jiraiya's reputation is unfounded.

  14. #134

    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
    why not.. I have nothing better to do with my life than to give unrespected hugs to sarcastic bitches who can't admit they are wrong.

    thanks alot ot Shin Naruto! You are the man for copying that... you get a hug along with Luchio
    Originally posted by: Hinata-chan
    does everybody have to get a fuckign boner over each other?

    seriously calm the fuck down - the amount of e-thugs here is starting to get annoying
    look at the guy above you if you want a target to kick/ban ..fucking retard ..or its just his avatar that makes him bully everyone .
    so full of himself ..
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  15. #135
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    guys, be nice. the only e-thug here is me, k?

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  16. #136

    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    I think in the manga they were only talking about Jiraiya, or at least that's how it was translated.

    This episode seemed to diverge a lot from the manga. It looks like they are putting in more scenes to slow down catching up the manga o sometihng. I could be wrong though, my memory sucks.

  17. #137
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    Here's what they say in the manga - just so people can compare:

    Kisame: "You can fight how and where you want, but I don't know... the time is wrong."

    Itachi: "Ah. To meet those two and kill them. It's a good place to fight. So they can't increase the number of people they have."

    K: "It was good that we found him at the Ramen shop. But he's protected by one of the 3 legendary ninjas. That guy might be a match for the #1 of the Leaf and one of the Mist's Seven Strongest."

    I: "Ah, but, it is said that every strong man has a weak point."

    So, Kisame said that Jiraiya might possibly be a match for them. This is in contrast to the anime, where Itachi said Jiraiya would beat them. So we have to ask, which is a more reliable source: the manga or the anime?

    We can't really discuss it further without spoiling though, so we'll have to wait untill a few more eps are released.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
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  18. #138
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    Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    Originally posted by: Mongoose
    In this case I think it's a little confusion on the part of the translation. Both Naruto and Jiraiya are "he", after all, so I interpreted it as Kisame switching to talking about Naruto suddenly without informing the viewer. Perhaps a less confusing wording would be "That caretaker is a legendary Sannin."
    I thought the subtext was pretty clear (or I would have changed it or at least complained about it).

    That's the problem with pronouns though .... "he is doing this" "he is doing that" "he is doing something else" might be one person concurrently (with non-conflicting actions), one person consecutively, three people concurrently, or three people completely disconnected, and you only have the subtext and the way the sentences are strung together to figure it out.

    Especially when people are being all nonchalant or speaking from a largely shared understanding ....

    Kisame and Itachi both know they can't take Jiraiya, no matter how hard they try. But they know he has a weakness in his defenses -- namely that he's a pig (as all healthy straight single men are, to some extent). They also both know they could pretty easily take on someone like Kakashi (Itachi says Kisame would win but be injured in the process, and Itachi renders Kakashi useless pretty fast), and someone like Kakashi could probably beat Naruto without too much difficulty. So I'd say until Naruto is a whole lot stronger and a good deal more tactically experienced, he's probably not the subject of their discussions about their inferiority to him. Remember that Itachi is stronger than orochimaru right now, and even Kisame is at least an even match if not a bit stronger than Asuma (who is a badass, as his beaten-up cigarette demonstrates).

  19. #139

    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    Anyone want to get out as a Seeder. My BT hasnt moved at all. and the only Direct download site i know of dosnt have eps 83

  20. #140
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    kumiriko, there's still over 2000 seeds for 83....having one or two more of us seed it isnt going to change anything if you are having trouble dling it
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

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