Originally posted by: chambers
oh right S-K so iam dumb for speculating on somthing? i think you should get off of my case and stop harrasing me, just get off the whol 'i hate chambers' bandwagon.
1st off, naruto is just shocked eh? so why the focus specifically on his eyes, its a reasnonable assumption that due to the focus on his eyes hes doing somthing with them, the same way if he used a sword it may focus on the sword it imiediatly imples that it will be used.
2nd are you really such a stupendious idiot to think that every time itachi uses that technique the artists will devout 4-5 minutes of the show to it? i thinks its going to get pretty boring if they do that.
4th how do you know he doesnt want to hurt him, for all we know he may want to release the fox to see if he has any techniques he can learn or seal him on one of his partners, you also have NO IDEA WHAT SO EVER what they plan on doing to him, or how they intend to harness or examine his power.
5th oh right so they focused on itachis eyes to show how scared he was? er no. i think its you who didnt watch the ep, like i said in point one, its a reasnoable assumption, i wouldnt be surprised if iin the next ep naruto just collapses and itachis runs so he doesnt have to deal with jira.
6TH is this a joke?!!?!? show me one line wher eit states 'to enter (whatever the name is) you must be an s-class ninja', it snot even implyed. it just happens to be a coincidence that the best ninjas are s-class and only the best ninjas are in the organization, it wouldnt be too hard to come to the conclusion that they are still recruiting (espesh after oro left?) how do you know they wont pick naruto up for his obvioulsy immense power and try to mak ehim part of there team??