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Thread: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

  1. #81
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    Originally posted by: chambers
    oh right S-K so iam dumb for speculating on somthing? i think you should get off of my case and stop harrasing me, just get off the whol 'i hate chambers' bandwagon.

    1st off, naruto is just shocked eh? so why the focus specifically on his eyes, its a reasnonable assumption that due to the focus on his eyes hes doing somthing with them, the same way if he used a sword it may focus on the sword it imiediatly imples that it will be used.
    2nd are you really such a stupendious idiot to think that every time itachi uses that technique the artists will devout 4-5 minutes of the show to it? i thinks its going to get pretty boring if they do that.
    4th how do you know he doesnt want to hurt him, for all we know he may want to release the fox to see if he has any techniques he can learn or seal him on one of his partners, you also have NO IDEA WHAT SO EVER what they plan on doing to him, or how they intend to harness or examine his power.
    5th oh right so they focused on itachis eyes to show how scared he was? er no. i think its you who didnt watch the ep, like i said in point one, its a reasnoable assumption, i wouldnt be surprised if iin the next ep naruto just collapses and itachis runs so he doesnt have to deal with jira.

    6TH is this a joke?!!?!? show me one line wher eit states 'to enter (whatever the name is) you must be an s-class ninja', it snot even implyed. it just happens to be a coincidence that the best ninjas are s-class and only the best ninjas are in the organization, it wouldnt be too hard to come to the conclusion that they are still recruiting (espesh after oro left?) how do you know they wont pick naruto up for his obvioulsy immense power and try to mak ehim part of there team??

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  2. #82

    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    Damn i truly loved that episode. It was one of the only few episodes that i thought was done better than the manga. Did anyone find that naked guy with the flame and the dog odd at all? That disturbed me. But it was funny.

  3. #83
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    Originally posted by: chambers
    oh right S-K so iam dumb for speculating on somthing? i think you should get off of my case and stop harrasing me, just get off the whol 'i hate chambers' bandwagon.

    1st off, naruto is just shocked eh? so why the focus specifically on his eyes, its a reasnonable assumption that due to the focus on his eyes hes doing somthing with them, the same way if he used a sword it may focus on the sword it imiediatly imples that it will be used.
    2nd are you really such a stupendious idiot to think that every time itachi uses that technique the artists will devout 4-5 minutes of the show to it? i thinks its going to get pretty boring if they do that.
    4th how do you know he doesnt want to hurt him, for all we know he may want to release the fox to see if he has any techniques he can learn or seal him on one of his partners, you also have NO IDEA WHAT SO EVER what they plan on doing to him, or how they intend to harness or examine his power.
    5th oh right so they focused on itachis eyes to show how scared he was? er no. i think its you who didnt watch the ep, like i said in point one, its a reasnoable assumption, i wouldnt be surprised if iin the next ep naruto just collapses and itachis runs so he doesnt have to deal with jira.

    6TH is this a joke?!!?!? show me one line wher eit states 'to enter (whatever the name is) you must be an s-class ninja', it snot even implyed. it just happens to be a coincidence that the best ninjas are s-class and only the best ninjas are in the organization, it wouldnt be too hard to come to the conclusion that they are still recruiting (espesh after oro left?) how do you know they wont pick naruto up for his obvioulsy immense power and try to mak ehim part of there team??
    i said they focused on his eyes to show how scared he was, reffering to naruto. and they did say what they wanted naruto for, or it was implied, they were after the 4th's legacy. jiraiya had said they were going around getting techniques etc, so, with this information you can see theyre after kyubi. i think it may have been said by kakashi, but i dont feel like looking. and i didnt say 4-5 mins, i meant they would have shown the illusion or implied it. and its not a coincidence, all the ninjas in that organization are extremely strong missing nins, and extremely strong missing nins are ranked s class, so basically you do need to be an s class to get in. and i dont hate you chambers, hate is such a strong word, i just find you annoying.

  4. #84

    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    ok you DO NOT NEED to be an s-class to get in , ill tell you right now, if theres someone who wants to join theothers dont whip open ther bingo book, and check his class and then say yeah man your IN!!!

    yes there was the cooment abotu thechniques, made by either kakashi or jira, but how on EARTH does that releate to naruto? we havent seen him do any extraordinary techniques AT ALL due to the fact he has the monster within him.
    and mutata if i want to look into things i will. thats what this post if for, discussing the ep. and i will use it for that. can you please tell me what is over the top abotu it? perhaps suggesting that becasue itachi looked at him, and the ep lingered on the look for a long long time he was going to use the tech to incapacitate naruto to avoid a fight with jira, hmmmmm seems quite a reasonable idea, just beacse you know what will happen , doesn tmean that people here should stop looking into what could happen.

    and at kononhamaru corps, why should i let a comment pass, when its made by a complete idiot flaming me for no reason....not to tmention they are WRONG.

  5. #85
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    Originally posted by: chambers
    and mutata if i want to look into things i will. thats what this post if for, discussing the ep. and i will use it for that. can you please tell me what is over the top abotu it? perhaps suggesting that becasue itachi looked at him, and the ep lingered on the look for a long long time he was going to use the tech to incapacitate naruto to avoid a fight with jira, hmmmmm seems quite a reasonable idea, just beacse you know what will happen , doesn tmean that people here should stop looking into what could happen.
    no one is stopping you from over analyzing, buddy. so don't be so defensive. incapacitating naruto (using mangekyou sharingan) has nothing to do with avoiding a fight with jiraiya. one event can't lead to another since jiraiya isn't with naruto. duh?[img]i/expressions/light.gif[/img]

    EDIT: response to below:

    akatsuki isn't after techniques specifically, they're after all things related to techniques. hence... kyubi chakra.

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  6. #86
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    I don't think the Aka are after technique's. I remember the conversation between Kakashi and Jaraiyah being that they are after the pure chakra's of the world or something like that and that Kyuubi is one of them and I'm guessing Shukaku is another. Kinda make's you wonder how many demon's there are.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  7. #87
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    I hate Sakura. She gets to know that Naruto saved her ass, yet she thinks PRIMARILY of giving SASUKE candy. WHORE!
    Oh and btw, all you people who doubted Jiraiya gets it black on white in this episode... Itachi admits that both he and Kisame would get raped by Jiraiya in a 2v1 fight. So there!

  8. #88

    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    well maybe if people didnt call me dumb becasue they disagree with me, then i wouldnt have to be so defensive, at least that wa sa friendly post tho.

    however what i was meaning in terms of the fight with jira is that one outcome could be that (lets itachis doesnt want to use that technique) the first thing naruto does it make 1000 replications of him self, he then proceeds to run away in the town. i think jira would notice that. also kisame ha sbeen described as attractign too much attention so maybe he will be the one to alert jira.

    also i think this ep puts paid to some peoples idead about oro being scared to fight itachi, itachi clearly is hesitant abotu fighting jira, whereas oro was the same for itachi (only oro stated that he was stronger), does this mean that jira is stronger?

  9. #89

    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    Atleast Naruto fans are dedicated...

  10. #90

    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    i liked this episode
    a lot of stroy-developing information.
    Naruto stepping on dogshit was hilarious (he could have avoided it because he was hella wiggling his legs in the air, but that wouldnt be as funny). Jiraiya was saying how Naruto and the fourth were alike, then he makes a comment about the hair and stubborness...hahahaha
    the part where Sakura finds out Naruto actually saved her was cool, she has more respect for him. i think she might like him a little more because she was spotted at Narutos place before going to Sasukes knowing that Naruto might finish off all the sweets
    i too think that Itachi used genjutsu to hypnotize the women to fall for Jiraiya, not anyone would happen to pass by the exact hotel and pause and look in to find a white hair perverted stud
    i loved how they showed Sasuke knocking on the door to find a stupid, blond hair kid with a white haired geezer, then Naruto opening the door to find the same Sharingan, Uchiha name as Sasuke, great ending for a nice episode leading to a lot of anticipation.

  11. #91

    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    yeah that was really well done, i thought it would end in an anit climax, i didnt think itachi would be so fast to act.

  12. #92
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    it doesn't mean that jiraiya is stronger... i think it's common sense to realize that it is dangerous to fight one of the legendary sannins even if you were someone like itachi. just don't forget that itachi isn't MANY levels above the sannins or anything.

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  13. #93
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    did any of the manga readers notice the diffrence between Sakura's reaction in the animea and the manga?

    Anime: she believes that Naruto saved her, and she goes off to thank him.
    Manga: She thinks 'it must have been the chidori' and disregards what Sasuke said completly..

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  14. #94

    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    i think the anime had the added advantage to show a progression of thoughts more rapidly there fore making more sense as it finally dawns on her that 'hey maybe naruto did save me?'

  15. #95

    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    sakura and a whore shes just OBSESSED with sasuke

  16. #96

    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    whos this whore? is she in next ep?

    you should mark with spoilers you know!

  17. #97
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    it doesn't mean that jiraiya is stronger... i think it's common sense to realize that it is dangerous to fight one of the legendary sannins even if you were someone like itachi. just don't forget that itachi isn't MANY levels above the sannins or anything.
    You sure about that? I just watched the A/A version and Itachi said if him and Kisame both faught Jiraiyah that they both would be killed, and if they got lucky they would die along with him. And that even if they had more men the result would still be the same. Another thing I just learned from A/A version is that Jiraiya peeping jutsu is a cloaking technique that has never been cought. So I wonder if a clone is walking around with the girl while Jiraiya is keeping a eye on Naruto.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  18. #98

    Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    I don't know if anyone noticed this, but when Itachi and Kisame were talking about losing their lives in a "fight," it seemed like they were talking about Naruto.


    Then, a few moments after that quote, Kisame says this:

    After looking at these two shots, it appears that they are talking about losing to Naruto. I mean, he does have the Nine-Tails in him, so maybe if Naruto was about to die, the fox would lend a huge amount of Chakra to him, allowing him to kick Itachi, Kisame, and whoever else's ass.

  19. #99
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@

    no one is stopping you from over analyzing, buddy. so don't be so defensive. incapacitating naruto (using mangekyou sharingan) has nothing to do with avoiding a fight with jiraiya. one event can't lead to another since jiraiya isn't with naruto. duh?[img]i/expressions/light.gif[/img]

    Actually, if Itachi is in fact using hypnosis on Naruto, it might have to do with avoiding a fight with Jiraiya. I'm sure Naruto doesn't stand the slightest chance, as of right now, of beating Itachi, but I want to give him enough credit to at least make a ruckus big enough so that Jiraiya would notice. Ny keeping Naruto quiet, they keep Jiraiya away, unless he's onto them already.
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  20. #100

    Episode 83 ****SPOILERS****

    Originally posted by: cheez121
    I don't know if anyone noticed this, but when Itachi and Kisame were talking about losing their lives in a "fight," it seemed like they were talking about Naruto.

    After looking at these two shots, it appears that they are talking about losing to Naruto. I mean, he does have the Nine-Tails in him, so maybe if Naruto was about to die, the fox would lend a huge amount of Chakra to him, allowing him to kick Itachi, Kisame, and whoever else's ass.
    Naa they were talking about Jiraiya. Why if they thought they would be killed by Naruto go straight to his room?

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