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Thread: Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

  1. #21

    Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    i really think sakura will play an important role later in the story but right now, i hate her with a passion after the night she talked to sasgay. serious, what a stupid bitch.

    seriously, she wants to jump sasgay's bone like badly. sasgay should just bend her over that night and rump her until her poon turns purple and leaves.

  2. #22

    Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    sasgay should just bend her over that night and rump her until her poon turns purple and leaves.
    not oging to happen because sasuke is gay he will screw naruto b4 sakura :\

    everytime I see sakura i want to fucking stab her in the face with a pencil bitch IS always looking around for sasgay its getting real annoying and it was real annoying the first time i sawi t


  3. #23

    Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    The Sakura character is in fact an important character to the series and has been all along. What she doesn't do is stand out and grab our attention.

    She may not be strong at this point in the series and may never be, but she is far from useless. While we await her development into a character that we can enjoy and look forward to seeing more of, many of us seem to overlook what her role in the series actually is. Thusfar, Sakura has been a roleplayer or somewhat of a grunt. She is there to develope the other characters. We complain that she gets in the way and the others have to look out for her, but that is her purpose. It is when the other characters have to protect her that we have seen them at their strongest. (i.e. Naruto vs Gaara, Sasuke vs Oro, Lee vs Sound). She is in the story because of the way that she influences the other characters, especially Naruto.

    And I'm sure at some point we will see her develope into a more foreground role where she gets some of the spotlight. *cough* training with Tsunade as a medical ninja *cough*. But at the moment its a wait-and-see type of thing with her. So for now lets just enjoy the other characters that we all know and love. Sakura's time will come.

  4. #24
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    I think Kishimoto is a racist, and is telling the female teens in Japan that Japanese guys with long hair, red contact lens, and a fake brooding angst suck..

    You should go after the whites. Hence Naruto, blue eyes, yellow hair.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  5. #25

    Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    I dont want to see Sakura die, well not anytime soon anyway. No shes not a strong fighter and she was never meant to be. Her talent lies in her knowledge not her strength unlike Naruto.

    I have a feeling she will become formitable in the future but people still wont be happy. Theres just to many haters out there

  6. #26

    Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    Frankly, Sakura isn't that bad of a character, it's just that she doesn't have a lot of depth and winds up being annoying, but at the same time, she makes a good secondary character in the story because her existence acts as a crux that works against Sasuke's vengeful ambitions.

    Still, Kishimoto could stand to have her say, "Sasuke-kun," 500 times less.

  7. #27

    Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    If she were to die, I think she should die by using Rasengan.

    Think about it, her chakra control is superb, and if there's anyone among the genin who could spin that ball of chakra, it'd probably be her. What she lacks is stamina and thus, a sufficient amount of chakra. Using it would probably take everything out of her.

  8. #28

    Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    if she doesn't improve in the coming 50 chapters she can just roll over and die

  9. #29

    Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    50? Why not bring that down to... 2? Maybe 4?

  10. #30

    RE: Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    The best thing would be to hire a squirrel to kill her. Simple and cheap. Then, kill the squirrel and leave its body in front of Naruto's place, making sure that the corpse has Sasuke's address in its pocket.
    Naruto would find the body and the address, and considering his high level of intelligence, he'd conclude that Sasuke masterminded the crime and would immediatly waste Sasuke.
    Since that would be more interesting that Sakura's death itself, there won't be need for episode consuming funerals for her, and best of all you'd have both of them done with, and get away with the evil deed.

  11. #31
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    It can be the same squirrel Lee saved, but it shouldnt die because its cool

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  12. #32

    Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    What I hated about Sakura most was that episode in the forest. She has this epiphany; she realises how lame she is, and swears to get her act together. I thought, yes! She's going to learn how to be a good ninja in her own right, she's going to show how you don't need a special bloodline/demonic essense to be good, she's going to show how perfect control can be a match for raw power when used right! And what does she do, while those who go onto the chuunin finals train long and hard? She mopes around the house, staring at that damn picture all day. She'll occasionally sigh. Way to go!

    I disliked her before that. Now, I loathe her. She's Konoha's number one hyper-annoying cheerleader.

  13. #33

    RE: Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    it would be fun if she just hung herself or something

  14. #34
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    Sakura is as intersting as a charecter as Yanagai (flame of Recca), Keiko (yu yu hakusho) and any DBGT villian...

    I agree that they have some importart role in the story, and that they're needed for the main charecters to grow and express themselves. But they're still bonded to their role... they don't have a single redeeming perssonallity trait that can make focusing on them worthwhile, you could put a wooden board instead of them and if the other charecters keep thier attitude towards them, you wouldn't notice the diffrence...

    lets face it, Sakura is purely boring... other than her once in 100 chapters funny comments (which were mostly in the beginning of the story), she is completly irrelvent on her own... reading about her inner problems was as intresting as watching paint dry...

    I can have her around once in a million chapters, if I have to, but i would much have some other female charecter (every single female charecter was more fun to watch than her... and that includes Tenten...), at least they had some good story, witty comments and funny haircuts..

    well, yes, Sakura is a trigger for other charecters, but if i wanted to watch trigers, i could write one in C, if i'm not mistaken it goes like this:
    If {}
    /p "[]";

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  15. #35
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    "(i.e. Naruto vs Gaara, Sasuke vs Oro, Lee vs Sound)"

    Dunno about you guys but I think I'd sacrifice those because-of-Sakura fights if it meant that she disappeared for good.

  16. #36
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    Originally posted by: Riyuma Spike
    it would be fun if she just hung herself or something
    no animated sigs allowed. plz fix.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  17. #37

    RE: Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    I say off with her head.

  18. #38

    RE: Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    Originally posted by: Riyuma Spike
    it would be fun if she just hung herself or something
    I agree, and then Naruto can use her body to train, like a punching bag, only it'll smell after awhile and they'll throw it out., or they can just give it to the Anbu class so they have a cadaver to practice on, for their disposal training, it's not like they'll learn anything from her.

  19. #39

    Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    Originally posted by: Riyuma Spike
    it would be fun if she just hung herself or something
    I'm all for Sakura's death, but my vote goes to "Death by Squirrel Mafia"

  20. #40

    Would you care if Sakura got wasted?

    This thread is really old but, my opinion will always remain the same.

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