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Thread: Music: HIP HOP!!!

  1. #361

    HIP HOP!!!

    According Immortal Tehcnique will do a song with Nas that will appear in Nas upcoming album.

    I hope its true cause that would be awesome

    Sk: Bin Laden is hot like lava [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    One of the best Immortal!

  2. #362
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    HIP HOP!!!

    You all need to get The Minstrel Show!!!!! 5/5
    Seriously BUY this album, real Hip Hop groups like Little Brother need support. You can't be dissapointed by this album, it is easily a Hip Hop classic. The whole album is very conscious, talking about what's wrong with Hip Hop which is basically what's wrong in our communities right now. The production is great using soul samples but not speeded up like Kanye's. The lyrics are very straightforward, which I think is great. One line is simply, "I love Hip Hop, I just hate the people in it." The album is sure to attract a lot of controversary, and the group is definately taking the risk of being blackballed with this release. Great, refreshing album.


  3. #363

    HIP HOP!!!

    Nice i like rappers who have something so say.

    Like Immortal said in Industrial Revolution

    " So if your message ain''''t sh*t, f*ck the records you sold
    ''''Cuz if you go platinum, it''''s got nothing to do with luck
    It just means that a million people are stupid as f*ck! \"

  4. #364

    HIP HOP!!!

    hey SK i downloaded a few albums from that site, the saigon ones have really impressed me, how on earth doesnt this guy sell millions? i got all of papooses tapes and im not really that impressed with him, same goes for hell rell who i think maybe a bit to gangsta for me, tho his skits are really really funny.

  5. #365

    HIP HOP!!!

    Which guy? and which site?

  6. #366
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    HIP HOP!!!

    Probably talking about Yeah, Papoose isn't for everyone, it's a very New York gritty style, basically all punchlines-battle/freestyling rapping broken into song format. However I think the kid definately has potential, check out his sons Chess, Cherades or In the Bushes ft. Ghostface of the WuTang Clan. Got to remember this is just mixtape stuff, I'm sure when Papoose is given original beats and actually writes (most songs he is actually freestyling) that he will be able to put together a great release.
    Has anyone given Little Brother's album The Minstrel Show a listen yet, this is by far one of the greatest cds of the year, you can find it on
    If you're looking for some new music, I suggest getting the new We Gets Busy 3 mixtape and the new Fidel Cashflow mixtape.

  7. #367

    HIP HOP!!!

    imn listening to we gets busy right now, its OK so far, nothing jumps out at me.
    i listened to the little brother album in the background while doing somthing else, only the very last song stood out, which i have listened to again and its brilliant. ill give it more time later, but not right now.

  8. #368
    IRC ADMIN DO's Avatar
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    HIP HOP!!!

    Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
    Nice i like rappers who have something so say.

    Like Immortal said in Industrial Revolution

    " So if your message ain''''t sh*t, f*ck the records you sold
    ''''Cuz if you go platinum, it''''s got nothing to do with luck
    It just means that a million people are stupid as f*ck! \"

    Immortal Technique is one of the best rappers out. If you like him you might like Mr. Lif, Cannibal Ox, Binary Star, RJD2. #gotwoot

    Kitkat makes great signatures!

  9. #369
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    HIP HOP!!!

    Jedi Mind Tricks is pretty good too, so is Pharcyde.

    So, did anyone watch Hip Hop Honors on VH1? It was a really good show from what I seen, nice to see the ol school cats performing and being recognized.


  10. #370
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    HIP HOP!!!

    I'm not sure if anyone here listens to Rass Kass, but you guys should definately check him out. Here are lyrics for his song, Nature of the Threat.

    Let freedom ring with a buckshot, but not just yet
    First we need to truly understand the nature of the threat
    And a pale man walks in the threshold of darkness
    Roughly 20,000 years ago the first humans evolved
    with the phenotypical trait, genetic recessive
    Blue eyes, blonde hair and white skin
    Albinism apparently was a sin to the original man, Africans
    So the mutants traveled North of the equator
    Called Europeans later, the first race haters
    So here's the Devil's alpha to the beta
    Cause history's best qualified to teach one
    Quoting German philosopher Schopenhauer
    Every white man is a faded or a bleached one
    Migration created further mutation
    Genetic drifts, evolution through recombination
    Adaptation to the climate
    As the Caucus Mountain man reverted to that of a primate
    Savage Neanderthals, until the late Paleolithic age
    That's when the Black Grimaldi man came
    With the symbol of the dragon, fire and art
    Check cave paintings in France and Spain to the Venus of Willendorf
    Around 2000 B.C. Southern Russians migrate in small units
    Those who travel West populated Europe
    Those who went East settled in Iran, known as Aryans
    1500 B.C. some crossed the Khyber Pass into India and
    created Hinduism, the first caste system, the origins of racism
    A white dot on the forehead meant elite
    The black dot - defeat; untrustable, untouchables
    They wrote the holy Vedas in Sanskrit
    That's the language that created Greek, German, Latin and English
    Now the Minoans around 2000 B.C.
    Starts on the island of Crete, in the Agean Sea
    The Greek culture begins Western Civilization
    But Western Civilization means White Domination
    Myceneans learned from Kemet, called Egypt in Greek
    It existed since at least 3000 B.C.
    Creatin geometry and astronomy
    This knowledge influenced Plato, Socrates and Hippocrates
    Cause Imhotep, the real real father of medicine
    Was worshiped in Greece and Rome in the form of a Black African
    The word Africa comes from the Greek Aphrike
    meaning without cold; the word philosophy means love of knowledge
    Stole from first man, Greek power expands
    The first Greek fraternities band
    The word gymnasium is Greek for naked
    This was the place where adolescent boys were educated, and molested
    This was accepted because Greek culture was homosexual
    For example, Sappho trained girls on the island of Lesbos
    Hence, the word lesbian (Ay let these dumb motherfuckers know)
    December 25th, the birth of Saturn
    A homosexual god, now check the historical pattern
    December 25, now thought the birth of Christ
    Was Saturnalia, when men got drunk,
    fucked each other then beat their wife
    Fact is, it was still practiced, til they called it Christmas
    So put a gerbil on your Christmas list
    The Hellenistic Era, Alexander the Great
    Conquers all the way to India leavin four successor states
    By the Fifth century B.C., R.O.M.E.
    succeeds to be the conqueror of Egypt and Greece
    But had the threat of the Black Phoenicians in Sicily
    The Punic Wars began 264 B.C.
    The Black general Hannibal and Carthaginian Peace
    In 146 B.C. Carthage fell after a six-month siege
    Rome sold every citizen to slavery
    The first genocide of history
    And more bisexuality in sight; Julius Caesar was known as
    every woman's husband and every man's wife (BEOTCH!)
    Spartacus Revolt, a slave rebellion that lost
    Where 6,000 slaves was nailed on a cross
    Cross? Aw, shit! Jesus Christ! Time for some-act-right
    Christians get your facts right
    Cause Christ was not his name
    That's Greek for One who is anointed
    Yoshua Ben Yosef was his name, do Christians know this?
    So who do you praise, do you know his name?
    Or do you do this in vain?
    Accepting the religion they gave slaves to behave
    Peep the description of historian Josephus
    Short, dark, with an underdeveloped beard was Jesus
    He had the Romans fearing revolution
    The solution was to take him to court and falsely accuse him
    After being murdered by Pilate how can it be
    these same white Romans established Christianity
    Constantine would later see the cross in a dream
    In his vision, it read En Hawk Signo Wonka:
    In this sign we conquer - Manifest Destiny
    In 325 he convened the Nicean Creed
    And separated god into three
    Decided Jesus was born on December 25th
    and raised then on the third day is a myth
    Plus to deceive us
    Commissioned Michelangelo to paint white pictures of Jesus
    He used his aunt, uncle, and nephew
    Subconsciously that affects you
    It makes you put white people closer to God
    (Yo, 'The Man' got game like a motherfucker!)
    True indeed, fuck it, Jihad
    In the eight century Muslims conquered
    Spain, Portugal and France and controlled it for 700 years
    They never mention this in history class
    cause o'fays are threatened when you get the real lesson
    Moors from Baghdad, Turkey threatened European Christians
    Meaning, the white way of life; hence the Crusades for Christ
    On November 25th, 1491
    Santiago defeats the last Muslim stronghold, Grenada
    King Ferdinand gave thanks to God for victory
    And the Pope of Rome and declared this date to forever be
    A day of Thanksgiving for all European Christians
    .. Now listen, when you celebrate Thanksgiving
    What you are actually celebratin
    is the proclamation of the Pope of Rome
    Who later, in league with Queen Isabella
    sent Cardinal Ximenos to Spain
    to murder any blacks that resisted Christianity
    These Moors, these black men and women
    were from Baghdad, Turkey
    And today, you eat the turkey, for your Thanksgiving day
    as the European Powers destroyed the Turkeys
    Who were the forefathers of your mothers and fathers
    Now fight the power, you bitch-ass niggaz!
    Now around this time, Whites started callings us Negroes
    That's Spanish for black object meaning we're not really people
    but profit, and the triangle trade begins - they seize us
    Queen Elizabeth sends the first slaves on a ship named Jesus
    Stealin land from the indigenous natives
    Gave them alcohol to keep the Red Man intoxicated
    Whites claim they had to civilize these pagan animals
    But up until 1848 there's documented cases
    of whites bein the savage cannibals, eatin Indians
    In 1992, it's Jeffery Dahmer
    They slaughtered a whole race with guns
    Drugs, priests and nuns
    1763, the first demonic tactic of biological warfare
    As tokens of peace, Sir Jeffery Amherst
    passed out clothin and blankets to the Indian community
    Infested with small pox, knowin they had no immunity
    Today it's AIDS, you best believe it's man made
    Cause ain't a damn thing changed.. let me explain
    Now since people of color are genetically dominant
    and Caucasoids are genetically recessive
    and Whites expect to be predominant, meaning survive as a race then
    they simply must, take precautions
    That's why they're worried about their future now
    Cuz by 2050, almost all the Earth's population
    will be brown, then black, so understandin that, whites counterreact
    (I'm sayin.. man.. them fools
    ain't nothin but a teaspoon of milk in the world color majority)
    So they created a system
    to force blacks into an unnatural position
    That re-enforces the position of natural inferiority
    In addition, created guns and developed the ethnocentric view
    that God justifies every fuckin thing they do
    Condition people to perceive whites' culture as civilized
    and every other culture considered primitive - not true!
    Racism is the system of racial subjugation against nonwhites
    in every areas of human relation
    Entertainment, education, labor, politics
    Law, religion, sex, war and economics
    See blacks were 3/5ths of a man with tax purposes intended
    You think you're Afro-American?
    You're a 14th amendment and a good nigga
    Jews don't salute the fuckin swastika
    but niggaz pledge allegiance to the flag that accosted ya
    They never teach about the break of islands like Jamaica
    But before slaves came here whites would take a
    pregnant women, hang her from a tree by her toes
    Slice her stomach with a knife
    and let the unborn baby fall to the flo'
    And stop an unborn child in front of all the slaves
    to inbreed fear, so they'd be scared and behave
    and not rebel more
    Understand all whites must be perceived as potential predators
    I paraphrase historian Ishakamusa Barashango
    Understand that regardless of the lofty ideas ingraved on paper
    in such documents as the Constitution or Declaration
    the basic nature.. of the European American white man
    remains virtually unchanged.. so check
    This is the nature of the threat

  11. #371

    HIP HOP!!!

    ok i been looking for his song everywhere, i cant find it. SK can you contact me and pass it on (id say over IRC but that bitch has banned be for calling him a ..... well a bitch). otherwise i have dl'd papoose and hes the shit!!! ive nbever heard such lines. i really think this guy is legend now, not a big fan of little brother (some songs sound good others dont).

  12. #372

    HIP HOP!!!

    Notorious B.I.G's new album is out and about.
    Duets (The Final Chapter)

    Go and get it bitches i found it at mininova, and on IRC, but the problem is it's missing 6 songs.

  13. #373
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    HIP HOP!!!

    Lil Wayne is releasing a new album this week. One of my friends got an early copy and it is fucking sick.

    "Best rapper alive, since the best rapper retired."

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  14. #374
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    Another good emcee gone
    Just saw a segment on tv. it turns out that Proof of D12 (Eminem's long time/best friend and hype man) died after being shot in the head last night. There wasn't much details over the incident, but yahoo had an article about it
    It's really messed up.
    Last edited by Jman; Tue, 04-11-2006 at 07:16 PM.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  15. #375
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    oh yea, i heard its been gettin real grimey in detroit, and a lot of rappers sre being hurt or killed. in fact, obie trice was shot in the head not too long ago:

  16. #376
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    for all the aussies and heck who ever else support aussie hip hop =]. mmm recommedation LC just cuz i know them lol. old school hip hop owns. also if you're able to access an australian television and can get onto channell 31 [local community channel] called HEAVY WEIGHT DJ Jred [this years ITF (international turntables federation) winner] is mixing the next few episodes with old school hip hop clips, LC, 1200 techinques and so on.

    oh right i suppose you want the time? ... thursday nights 9.30 - 10.00 pm channel 31 remember the name...HEAVY WEIGHT
    they also have great bboy's breaking, mc's at the mic battling and awesome filmclips or mixes by Jred. check it out
    Last edited by msmush; Tue, 06-20-2006 at 06:42 AM.

  17. #377
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockmanj
    oh yea, i heard its been gettin real grimey in detroit, and a lot of rappers sre being hurt or killed. in fact, obie trice was shot in the head not too long ago:
    they should all be killed. they're the ones that advocate violence with their music, anyway.

  18. #378
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I'd say its more reactionary than proactive, really, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion, as erroneous as it may be.

  19. #379
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    someone's opinion can't be "erroneous."

  20. #380
    Kekekekeke. Go buy Lupe Fiasco. Its a ***** album.

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