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Thread: Which codec you guys prefer Divx 5.0 or Xvid?

  1. #1

    Which codec you guys prefer Divx 5.0 or Xvid?

    Which codec you guys prefer Divx 5.0 or Xvid?

    I hope ANBU & AonE can stay on with Divx codec...

    I don't know why this thread was in the Naruto section last year, but it doesn't belong there.

    GotWoot Moderator

  2. #2
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Which codec you guys prefer Divx 5.0 or Xvid?

    i believe Xvid is the open source equivalent....which makes alot of encoders prefer it for legality reasons (i could be totally wrong, but i believe thats what i heard)
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #3
    Benevolent Dictator
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    RE: Which codec you guys prefer Divx 5.0 or Xvid?

    I talk about this in some detail in this thread:;enterthread=y

    Long story short: we've never used divx5. You just think we have, because we normally do things in divx5 compatibility mode. And this new encoder we were testing decided to use all sorts of crap that's not dx50 compatible, and we didn't notice because our computers are for the most part properly set up to actually play video.

    As far as "legality reasons" -- well, it's not illegal to use divx5. xvid is just better. Always has been (well, almost always).

  4. #4

    RE: Which codec you guys prefer Divx 5.0 or Xvid?

    I got this editing soft that no way will work with Xvid. No matter if the guy who made it says otherwise.
    Why? I have no idea.
    BTW, if anyone has chapter 34 in divX5 please let me know where I can get it. Or at least how can I encode that chapter in divX...

  5. #5
    Benevolent Dictator
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    RE: Which codec you guys prefer Divx 5.0 or Xvid?

    neji: you can always reencode it yourself. Just load in virtualdub, configure the codec you want, and do a fast recompress to whatever it is you want to work with.

    chapter 34? Are you talking about episode 34? or something else? In any case, if it's an avi file, virtualdub (or virtualdubmod) will be able to turn it into pretty much whatever you want, assuming you have the codecs installed.

  6. #6

    RE: Which codec you guys prefer Divx 5.0 or Xvid?

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    i believe Xvid is the open source equivalent....which makes alot of encoders prefer it for legality reasons (i could be totally wrong, but i believe thats what i heard)
    Nice to see some-one post a correct answer so fast. But yeah that's basically it: Xvid>DivX

    I had some massive codec problems had way too many they were eating each other and I couldn't fix anything. So I uninstalled all my codecs, got the Windows Media 9 pack, and the latest XVid. Everything works fine.

  7. #7

    RE: Which codec you guys prefer Divx 5.0 or Xvid?

    Can you tell me how to uninstall and install codecs ? Also, DatteBayo naruto 137 and 138 don't work on my divx. Should I get xvid ?

  8. #8
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Which codec you guys prefer Divx 5.0 or Xvid?

    You should try asking at a place where they are associated with... I don't know... DB???

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  9. #9
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Which codec you guys prefer Divx 5.0 or Xvid?

    Originally posted by: complich8
    I talk about this in some detail in this thread:

    Long story short: we've never used divx5. You just think we have, because we normally do things in divx5 compatibility mode. And this new encoder we were testing decided to use all sorts of crap that's not dx50 compatible, and we didn't notice because our computers are for the most part properly set up to actually play video.
    Huh, why would GSpot report it as Divx 5 and Open DivX?

    Also nice hellbump.

  10. #10
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Which codec you guys prefer Divx 5.0 or Xvid?

    yeah, that's like .... a full year bump, and some change. yikes.

    GSpot trusts the fourcc, and reports a video as whatever those are. They're encoder-settable and easy to change.

    Way back then (pre-1.0 xvid) the xvid decoder was craptastic. So, the choice was use a craptastic decode filter for a nice and versatile codec, or use divx 5's decoder instead.

    around 1.0, xvid's native decoder matured quite nicely, and everyone who was paying attention stopped encoding with pre-1.0 xvid. most of them stopped changing the fourcc bits, too, so that it'd correctly identify.

    Mose encoders didn't use the "DIVX" (opendivx) fourcc, which left it open to be decoded by even more inferior opendivx filters, and instead tried to force divx5 playback with "DX50" (divx5). Which is why people thought it was divx5, and why why it doesn't identify as opendivx or xvid.

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