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Thread: Itachi

  1. #141

    RE: Itachi

    Of course oro fought 3rd with no fear, because he believes he won't lose.
    he fears itachi, because itachi has the ability to totally own his ass.

  2. #142

    RE: Itachi

    Originally posted by: chambers
    sk- dont be ignorant all your life mate, its quite clear that people are scared of spiders not because they bite or are have venom, as in the UK there isnt a SINGLE venomous spider OR one that will inflict any kind of pain, in the wild so why are people scared of them? eh? answer me that? i bet its not cos they think it will defeat them!!!
    also if you dont see the relevance then you are clearly dense, there is no distinction given (in the anime at least) of what kind of fear oro has or why he has it, he merely states itachi is stronger than oro, just because someone is stronger is no need to fear them, he fought the 3rd with no fear.

    so like i said dont just ignore the fact because they dont agree wiht your narrow minded incredulous idiotc views. and stop flaming me for no reason what so ever, i only do it in response to all your flames.
    That's incredibly stupid.

    There is no such thing as Itachnophobia. If the creator of Naruto went out of his way to show that Oro was
    afraid of Itachi just as Itachi was being introduced to the series, then it's not because Oro has a pathological
    fear of him, it's to get the point across that Itachi is that strong.

  3. #143
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    man... chambers. i seriously don't understand how you are capable of coming up with such concepts and ideas. and some of your responses are complete garbage as a result of over-analysis.

    read this:
    Originally posted by: SofaKing
    If the creator of Naruto went out of his way to show that Oro was
    afraid of Itachi just as Itachi was being introduced to the series, then it's not because Oro has a pathological
    fear of him, it's to get the point across that Itachi is that strong.
    this is the sentence that should've gotten your attention: it's to get the point across that Itachi is that strong.

    ok, chambers?

    it's just amazing how some people are able to get up in the morning and not choke themselves with the toothbrush while brushing their teeth. i'm just astounded.

    Originally posted by: Legendary Nin
    I didn't see any spoilers,I think some of you are looking too hard for them.Yes we have our own forum,but you also have your own.No one is stopping you from coming over to the manga section,and no one ever will.I was an anime watcher before a mangareader.I don't regret reading the manga now,and I never will.I come here to see things from an anime only perspective.No we don't try to act all high and mighty,but you being a colege student,it's like arguing with your professor over something you know nothing about.In this situation we are like the professors in a sense,since we've read the textbooks(manga) which holds more knowledge.Though your always welcome to read them,and were always willing to give them.I just wanted ti open more doors to Naruto,and done so by reading the manga.
    awesome. well said and i totally agree.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  4. #144


    Originally posted by: chambers
    sk- dont be ignorant all your life mate, its quite clear that people are scared of spiders not because they bite or are have venom, as in the UK there isnt a SINGLE venomous spider OR one that will inflict any kind of pain, in the wild so why are people scared of them? eh? answer me that? i bet its not cos they think it will defeat them!!!
    also if you dont see the relevance then you are clearly dense, there is no distinction given (in the anime at least) of what kind of fear oro has or why he has it, he merely states itachi is stronger than oro, just because someone is stronger is no need to fear them, he fought the 3rd with no fear.

    so like i said dont just ignore the fact because they dont agree wiht your narrow minded incredulous idiotc views. and stop flaming me for no reason what so ever, i only do it in response to all your flames.
    I realise what point your trying to get across, but like SofaKing said "There's no such thing as Itachinophobia". Obviously if Orochi fears Itachi, then he's on a higher level. Keep in mind that Itachi is not a bug that can just be squished if Orochi overcomes the fear, they're both human on different levels, Itachi is on the higher level.
    It's like you're trying to say a strong guy can win against a regular guy holding a machine gun. Even if the big guy aint scared of the gun, he's gonna get gibbed to bits. I honestly dont know how or why you come up with such nonesense all the time...

  5. #145

    RE: Itachi

    of course theres no defiined word like itachiphobia, but that doesnt mean that psycologically people cant be scared of fighting him. i bet we will see some thing similar in kakshi/asume/kurenai now they have felt or been present to feel the effects of one of/itachis best attack.

    the very fact that itachit technique exsists should be enough to provide fear enough for anyone to NOT want to fight him, i mean imagine your oro fighting some dude one day, then this punk itachi comes aslong locks eyes with him, and thats it. the fights over. oro's like wtf? itachi explains what just happend, oro thinks to himself "**** me. i dont know this technique, and i cant counter it, maybe i can fight after it but do i want to even experince it?". the 1st times he asks that is when the fear starts to creep in, doubting himself.

    iam not doubting that itachi could well (and all sources point to yes) be stronger than oro, but i just dont think hes scared of the power, more frightend of the technique. it would make MUCH more sense.

    @ people who think that he said that to show the stregnth of itachi, i thought the fighting did that.

  6. #146


    Originally posted by: Legendary Nin
    I didn't see any spoilers,I think some of you are looking too hard for them.Yes we have our own forum,but you also have your own.No one is stopping you from coming over to the manga section,and no one ever will.I was an anime watcher before a mangareader.I don't regret reading the manga now,and I never will.I come here to see things from an anime only perspective.No we don't try to act all high and mighty,but you being a colege student,it's like arguing with your professor over something you know nothing about.In this situation we are like the professors in a sense,since we've read the textbooks(manga) which holds more knowledge.Though your always welcome to read them,and were always willing to give them.I just wanted ti open more doors to Naruto,and done so by reading the manga.
    Unfortunately I DID see a bad spoiler, maybe because you have already read the manga you don't notice them so easily. I wasnt looking hard for it all, I was casually reading through the forum, paying attention to what you read as people do and ran into a post which invariably ruins a key aspect of the story upon reading it. Also I don't get what you are saying.... How does the fact that we are free to go over to the Manga forum and find out things for ourselves justify people coming to the anime forum from the manga forum and ruining it for others? You make it clear that the anime forum is our own, yes, so technically should it not be free of manga spoilers as the rules state? There is no arguing that.

    Originally posted by: Mut@nt
    because people don't use SO subs as my reference since they've been known to be inaccurate when it comes to translating. i use AA and mainly the manga (inane translation).
    Orochi says strong, I have heard that word more than enough times in japanese to recognise it easily.

  7. #147


    I hate spiders those things are freakin creepy. One time there was this big hairy one that was crawling towards me it was lke the size of my fist when its legs were xtended out. So I killed it by impailing it on a stick. Then all out of a sudden like 50000000 baby spiders, very smell but still very creepy, come pouring off its back. The thing was carrying all its friggin children on it. I almost puked in disgust. Not only was it ugly but man thats just wrong.

    Any who yea itachi is super strong there is no itachi phobia, however there is a phobia for fear of hobos, I forgot what its called and fear of female reproductive system. I forgot what thats called but its not xygophobia lol.

    Sure Itachi is a scary guy but thats cuz hes strong and evil.

    The lesson of the day is: Spiders are creepy as hell thus arachniphobia and lots of millions upon millions of small errie little baby spiders riding on mommy's back. Itachi is just evil thus no itachi phobia.. Sure there is a general fear of him but he isnt that scary.

    Chambers, you're a dumbass that simple.

    If it had been a year since ELIA I'd give you the ELIA award. Please read below actual quote text.

  8. #148

    RE: Itachi

    Originally posted by: chambers
    of course theres no defiined word like itachiphobia, but that doesnt mean that psycologically people cant be scared of fighting him. i bet we will see some thing similar in kakshi/asume/kurenai now they have felt or been present to feel the effects of one of/itachis best attack.

    the very fact that itachit technique exsists should be enough to provide fear enough for anyone to NOT want to fight him, i mean imagine your oro fighting some dude one day, then this punk itachi comes aslong locks eyes with him, and thats it. the fights over. oro's like wtf? itachi explains what just happend, oro thinks to himself "**** me. i dont know this technique, and i cant counter it, maybe i can fight after it but do i want to even experince it?". the 1st times he asks that is when the fear starts to creep in, doubting himself.

    iam not doubting that itachi could well (and all sources point to yes) be stronger than oro, but i just dont think hes scared of the power, more frightend of the technique. it would make MUCH more sense.

    @ people who think that he said that to show the stregnth of itachi, i thought the fighting did that.
    No, it wouldn't make any sense at all.

    Characters in a TV show have a reason for everything they say. Characterization, setting the mood, comic
    effect, to express the theme of the show, etc. Their lines are deliberately written. They don't just randomly
    spout off.

    The point the series we're talking about is when Itachi is introduced. So, to help introduce him, Oro is shown
    saying the he fears Itachi. This is meant to provide information about Itach, namely, that he's stronger than

  9. #149
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Itachi

    phobias are psychological characteristics....sometimes people have them for no explained a fear of a certain color, for example.....but a phobia is a condition that groups of people are diagnosed with, a person cant have a phobia of a certain other just doesnt happen.

    Now if in the naruto world there was a phobia for people with sharingan eyes, then i suppose that could work. But that wouldnt explain why orochimaru is so interested in sasuke though.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  10. #150

    RE: Itachi

    Yea course we all know he wants the eyes. Imagine how easy it would be to copy every technique out there with them. Not to mention they look sexy compared to those byuuken

  11. #151
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: Itachi

    Originally posted by: chambers
    the very fact that itachit technique exsists should be enough to provide fear enough for anyone to NOT want to fight him, i mean imagine your oro fighting some dude one day, then this punk itachi comes aslong locks eyes with him, and thats it. the fights over. oro's like wtf? itachi explains what just happend, oro thinks to himself "**** me. i dont know this technique, and i cant counter it, maybe i can fight after it but do i want to even experince it?". the 1st times he asks that is when the fear starts to creep in, doubting himself.

    iam not doubting that itachi could well (and all sources point to yes) be stronger than oro, but i just dont think hes scared of the power, more frightend of the technique. it would make MUCH more sense.
    thinks for proving my point you fucking retard. your saying oro could be scared because he has heard of itachi's sharingan techniques, which is the same thing as oro being afraid of him because he KNOWS itachi can defeat him. itachi's techniques are PART of his power! thats not even a hard concept to understand, but for an idiot like you i guess it is. chambers you contradict yourself so much its funny.

  12. #152

    RE: Itachi

    Am I missing something? Can some1 please provide the episode number and the exact time in the ANBU&AONE translation where it was said that Orochimaru is the strongest of the 3 Sannins?

  13. #153
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: DrunkPotHead
    Am I missing something? Can some1 please provide the episode number and the exact time in the ANBU&AONE translation where it was said that Orochimaru is the strongest of the 3 Sannins?
    i don't think it ever said he was the strongest, but i think it was said he was the most talented out of the three... which was the reason why the 3rd was gonna choose for him yondaime but didn't cuz of orochimaru's ideaologies.

    EDIT: response to below:

    their attitudes and personality are similar but i don't see any similarities in terms of jutsus and talent. all of the three sanins were talented, jiraiya just happened to be a goofy, yet talented, clown.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  14. #154

    RE: Itachi

    Sasuke is the most talented, yet naruto is the strongest, and as we saw earlier, jiraiya, tsunade, and oro are equated witht he sasuke, sakura, naruto trio.

    So orochimaru may be the most talented (knows the most techniques) while jirayia may be the strongest.

  15. #155

    RE: Itachi

    Knowing that Itachi owns Gai in every aspect and maybe Gai is equal to Itachi in Taijutsu.

    However i think there still is one slim chance that Gai would defeat Itachi, and that would be with the 8 seals.

    It's been brought up before(sorry i forgot who said it) that Lee vs Gaara, Lee with 4 gates wasn't enough to defeat Gaara. However this is because Lee was using the gates not to protect anyone, but instead for his own personal gain(meaning he wanted to actually live after he used them)

    Remember that Kishimoto(spelling?) has one of the main themes as <u>protecting those you love</u>.

    So if the chance ever did happen that Gai did fight itachi, and Gai opened the 8 gates, he'd probably lose anyway. Itachi would see the dramatic rise in chakra/ power and probably retreat.

    The only chance Gai would ever have of beating(this is the one slim chance i spoke of) Itachi is if he had a lapse of stupidity and thought that Gai wasn't going to sacrifice his life fighting Itachi.

    If Itachi had a lapse of judgement and believed that Gai would try to survive the encounter, and Gai was successful in opening up the 8 gates, THEN i think Gai has a chance of beating Itachi.

    But thats all speculation.

    A side note, i think that Orochimaru feared Itachi because of the fact that Itachi could copy all of Orochimaru's jutsus. Jiraya however isn't a genius, and instead just has massive amounts of chakra.

    Orochimaru was a candidate for hokage with the fourth because they were well rounded ninjas, while Jiraya is not really ninja like, he's more power than finess.

    It's important to understand the differences in Orochimaru and Jiraya's styles in considering Jiraya fighting against Itachi. I dont have any idea who would win in a Jiraya vs Itachi battle because their style is essentially different, though Itachi could copy Jiraya's moves, Jiraya most likely has much more chakra than Itachi.

    But then again Jiraya doesn't seem to be very fast, i'm sure Itachi could just pop up and stab Jiraya or somthing(but that would be horribly anti-climatic)

  16. #156

    RE: Itachi

    how do you know anything about how jiraiya fights

    he hasn't done anything yet except summon toads.

  17. #157


    Originally posted by: tuggumkee
    Knowing that Itachi owns Gai in every aspect and maybe Gai is equal to Itachi in Taijutsu.

    However i think there still is one slim chance that Gai would defeat Itachi, and that would be with the 8 seals.

    It's been brought up before(sorry i forgot who said it) that Lee vs Gaara, Lee with 4 gates wasn't enough to defeat Gaara. However this is because Lee was using the gates not to protect anyone, but instead for his own personal gain(meaning he wanted to actually live after he used them)

    Remember that Kishimoto(spelling?) has one of the main themes as <u>protecting those you love</u>.

    So if the chance ever did happen that Gai did fight itachi, and Gai opened the 8 gates, he'd probably lose anyway. Itachi would see the dramatic rise in chakra/ power and probably retreat.

    The only chance Gai would ever have of beating(this is the one slim chance i spoke of) Itachi is if he had a lapse of stupidity and thought that Gai wasn't going to sacrifice his life fighting Itachi.

    If Itachi had a lapse of judgement and believed that Gai would try to survive the encounter, and Gai was successful in opening up the 8 gates, THEN i think Gai has a chance of beating Itachi.

    But thats all speculation.

    A side note, i think that Orochimaru feared Itachi because of the fact that Itachi could copy all of Orochimaru's jutsus. Jiraya however isn't a genius, and instead just has massive amounts of chakra.

    Orochimaru was a candidate for hokage with the fourth because they were well rounded ninjas, while Jiraya is not really ninja like, he's more power than finess.

    It's important to understand the differences in Orochimaru and Jiraya's styles in considering Jiraya fighting against Itachi. I dont have any idea who would win in a Jiraya vs Itachi battle because their style is essentially different, though Itachi could copy Jiraya's moves, Jiraya most likely has much more chakra than Itachi.

    But then again Jiraya doesn't seem to be very fast, stab i'm sure Itachi could just pop up behind Jiraya and stab him or somthing(but that would be horribly anti-climatic)

    Dont talk like you know everything about Jiraya! Nobody know how fast or how strong he really cause we havent seen hardly anything of his moves.

    The dummest thing i have ever heard is that Jiraya a leagendry nin who was the 4 hogakes sensei would die from a stab from behind.

    Hole your post is full of nonsense!

    Also just because Oro was considred a hogakes canditate 10 years ago or so doesnt mean he is better than Jiraya now. Its not just a nins powers that make him a hogakes canditate.

  18. #158


    Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
    Also just because Oro was considred a hogakes canditate 10 years ago or so doesnt mean he is better than Jiraya now. Its not just a nins powers that make him a hogakes canditate.
    The main reason Oro would be chosen for Hokage would be because of his power. Jiraiya is probably at the same level as Oro when he fought the 3rd, which is still under Itachi. This doesn't mean that it wouldn't be a dangerous fight for Itachi though.

  19. #159


    Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
    Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
    Also just because Oro was considred a hogakes canditate 10 years ago or so doesnt mean he is better than Jiraya now. Its not just a nins powers that make him a hogakes canditate.
    The main reason Oro would be chosen for Hokage would be because of his power. Jiraiya is probably at the same level as Oro when he fought the 3rd, which is still under Itachi. This doesn't mean that it wouldn't be a dangerous fight for Itachi though.

    Itachi havent done anything that makes me believe that he would win for sure agianst Jiraya.

    When they fight eachother for real we will who is stronger.

    Oro would lose agianst Itachi cause he is a justsu freak but Jiraya doesnt seem that kind of a ninja,we will surely see who is stronger since he is protecting Naruto who is chased by Itachi.

  20. #160
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: Itachi

    Jiraya's old team is just like Narutos team now(except for maybe Sakura and Tsunade), and since Naruto became stronger than Sasuke, that means that Jiraya became more powerfull the Oro, that means that Jiraya would probably beat Itachi

    R.I.P Captain America.

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