Actually, Naruto could conceivably defeat Itachi....How long do you think it's been since Itachi's been with a woman? Sexy Jitsu and Kage Bushin will give Itachi a debilitating nose bleed. =)
Actually, Naruto could conceivably defeat Itachi....How long do you think it's been since Itachi's been with a woman? Sexy Jitsu and Kage Bushin will give Itachi a debilitating nose bleed. =)
Itatchi sucks.
lol @ ^^Originally posted by: Kagari
Itatchi sucks.
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
LMAO, am I the onlt person that found that funny. And I think Itachi can see through Sexy No Jutsu, or he'd copy it and turn into naked Sakura and give Naruto a nosebleed.Chouji's dad walks up behind Itachi and sits on him
(Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach
Now that I've seen 82, I've just gotta say-
Gai doesn't stand a chance against Itachi. Itachi is just too fast. Not even Kakashi could follow his movements, and he has a sharingan. The idea that Gai could even
put up a good fight against Itachi assumes that Itachi needs to use his sharingan to beat him. But the sharingan isn't Itachi's only strength.
LMFAO thats to funny.. I would love to see him go out that way.. Itachi is strong and smart... I think that Kakashi said that he was a ANBU leader at the age 13. But I think if someone knew how to counter his attacks.... someone who could fight at a distance could win if they knew what they was doing. Reason why Uchiha clan is strong is because of the sharingon. So if the person avoided eye contact... and had it to where he could make it to where Itachi couldn't see them they could stand a chance. Like Zabuza said at the beginning and what Gai was saying.Chouji's dad walks up behind Itachi and sits on him
Everyone knows Itachi is strong and has some kick ass jutsu... but I think his a bit overrated. I would love to see Sasuke to kick his ass. Sasuke I think is going to be more powerful... because Orchi tells Sasuke that he could sense power that surpased Itachi in his eyes during the exams.
wow this thread exploded. great to see so many ppl interested in itachi. got a long way to the posts of the manga discusson tho [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
i dont think people are really seeing the strength of Itachi. the third lost, in a way, to oro, and itachi is stronger than oro. so at the time oro attacked konoha the third was the strongest ninja in the village (besides jiraiya who was hangin out at the time), oro defeated the 3rd (kinda), and remember oro fears itachi. so if you think anyone in the village has a chance to defeat itachi, then that means there is someone in the village who is stronger than the 3rd, jiraiya, and tsunade, (by this i mean they would have been a candidate for 5th instead of jiraiya and tsunade.) so you get it? no one in konoha at this time can beat him.
Originally posted by: chambers
and you know this how? you state it like its a fact, show me how you came to this conclusion?
just because jira is one of the sannin doesnt mean hes some kind of godlike ninja, he could be the slowest person in the whole of naruto, we havent seen him fight yet. you can say it all you want but as of right now Gai is not only the most likley person to beat itachi, but hes also the only one we can PROVE will be effective against him.
if i wanted i could make apost like yours and just demand that everyone accept gai could beat him, as it stands iam notdoing that. iam INVITING you to defend you clealy unsupportable views.
We're mangareaders,we are years ahead of the anime in thought,knowledge,and insight.Asking us to defend these statements is asking to be spoiled,but this can be done in one of two ways.
1) Read the manga,then come join our discussions and debates
2)Post in the Open Discussion forum.
We are not allowed to disclose details beyond what has been shown in the anime here,thus you'll just have to settle for statements that can't be backed up in this forum for now,unless you choose one of the two options I've mentioned.
You're not alone.Originally posted by: HimizujinEternia
I sometimes feel like I'm the only person who doesn't think Itachi is cool. Simply, he's damn boring as a character. I accept that he's strong, he just doesn't seem useful for anything except to expand Sasuke's character, and bring Sasuke closer to his final purpose in the series: Villian.
I *totally* agree with you, but I really don't feel like exposing the reasons why I think people like Itachi, in order not to hurt sensibilities.
I also agree with Skillz. How many more freaking threads do we need about a character who doesn't even have much autonomy?
IMO, he's there to be Sasuke's nemesis and that Naruto thing seems to be there to give him something to do, since he doesn't feel like doing everyone a favor and kill his little annoying ototo.
Besides, after watching the way he puts his hand on his hair in the wind, there's no doubt in my mind anymore that some sexual preferences run in the family.
oh just say it because itachi is meant to be the hot guy, but who is evil. you dont have to be a manga reader to be able to think of your own theories and conclusions, which i guess chambers is unable to do. he seems to go solely by what the anime has shown so far and thats it. im one of those try and guess what will happen next type, which is the point of the show. i mean i dont read the manga but you can obviously see that itachi is the strongest so far.
So, let's give him a mirror where he can ask:Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
oh just say it because itachi is meant to be the hot guy, but who is evil. you dont have to be a manga reader to be able to think of your own theories and conclusions, which i guess chambers is unable to do. he seems to go solely by what the anime has shown so far and thats it. im one of those try and guess what will happen next type, which is the point of the show. i mean i dont read the manga but you can obviously see that itachi is the strongest so far.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the strongest and hottest evil bishie of them all?
That sure outta keep him busy.
I take Genma over him, any time. He is handsome and looks like a man, notwithstanding.
Besides, unless you are a fish or doesn't mind the possibility of getting beaten into a shapeless pulp eventually, why hang around a psycho like him?
As for his *strategic retreats*, since they were mentioned, Kabuto does that all the time, an people call him coward, not strong. Now, that's being biased.
The gayness or hotness of male characters seems to be a popular discussion lately, you people should make your own thread for it. Itachi being powerful makes him good to have as a partner. Both him and Kabuto retreat for good reason, but Kabuto hasn't shown nearly as much strength as Itachi.
ahhhhhhhh... nicely done legendary nin.Originally posted by: Legendary NinWe're mangareaders,we are years ahead of the anime in thought,knowledge,and insight. Asking us to defend these statements is asking to be spoiled, but this can be done in one of two ways.
1) Read the manga,then come join our discussions and debates
2)Post in the Open Discussion forum.
We are not allowed to disclose details beyond what has been shown in the anime here,thus you'll just have to settle for statements that can't be backed up in this forum for now,unless you choose one of the two options I've mentioned.
this makes me laugh. so... what you're saying is that gai has a proven to us that there is a way to defeat itachi. hahahahah dude, you can't apply gai's method of fighting kakashi (which is to look at the feet) to itachi. itachi even without the sharingan is many levels above kakashi. i hope you realize that gai's method is only effective against kakashi and not someone like itachi.Originally posted by: chambers...but hes also the only one we can PROVE will be effective against him.
instead of asking this, ask yourself: "how many more stupid, irrelevant posts do we need about a character's sexuality?Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-samaHow many more freaking threads do we need about a character who doesn't even have much autonomy?
i wanna see kabutos red eyes again. that was well cool, about 50 eps ago. wonder what other cool tricks he has up his sleeve.
itachi > gai
gai is on par with kakashi so the only thing gai has as an advantage against itachi is his experience with sharingan. even his speed wouldnt be that big a problem to itachi i presume. kakashi got completely owned by itachi so gai doesnt stand a chance really. im sure itachi can do a lot more then genjutsu torture technique [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
since when did people call him a coward? the only problem i have with him was how he just stood there during the whole war....but i wouldnt call him a cowardOriginally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
As for his *strategic retreats*, since they were mentioned, Kabuto does that all the time, an people call him coward, not strong. Now, that's being biased.
for some reason i didnt even think about it until r3n pointed it out, but kakashi and gai are practically EVEN with each other....and this is even taking gai's anti-sharingan strategy into account
if he is on even grounds against a sharingan user, then how can he beat a higher level sharingan user with his same strategy?
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
exactly Gai is at the same level with Kakashi who only has one sharingan and cant even use it to full potential, plus kakashi doesnt have the body of an uchiha to be able to use the sharingan for long periods of time. now itachi can have his sharingan on all the time without to much strain on his body and also has the advantages of performing hand seals fast as hell. we also dont know if itachi uses sharingan to full potential, he can probably get even stronger, isnt that the point of that organization?
Its purpose IMO is to go around collecting techniques(kind of like the rare hunters from Yugioh) they probaby do horrible things but only if it beneficial to them. So to answer your question, Yes
R.I.P Captain America.
Man what's with all this "____ will beat Itachi" and "gai > ___" etc. Wheres the fan support for Itachi... I for one hope he kills another person in Konoha just to make the anime have more sad moments. Something like that of Haku would own ^_^ although it made me wanna cry... but thats a good thing!
And also about Itachi's "Ultimate Technique," didn't he say it was the Sharingan's ultimate technique? So wouldn't that mean he has (assuming that he has copied many other techniques) far better techniques than that 72 hours of non-stop sword stabbing. Although I like Itachi and support his evil ways, I'm a bit saddened by the fact that his "Ultimate Technique" is some lame illusion. I hope he shows a lot more chaotic techniques...
Another thing (not on Itachi but about naruto + Jiraiya), is Jiraiya really going to teach Naruto a technique stronger than Chidori? Or was he just bluffing to get Naruto to come along? I took it as a bluff but wasn't so sure.