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Thread: Translation diffrences

  1. #21

    Translation diffrences

    Originally posted by: jonny-mt
    [A fair point and a pretty good way of putting it, although I object of course to calling any language a fucked-up language before first taking a good, long look at the train wreck that is English.
    I apologize. I just used the term because that was the one used originally. As I understood, two choices were given and I just wanted to leave clear to the person who asked the question what was my position, in a language that he/she could understand.
    My opinion is that Japanese is a complex language pretty much related to the social context where it exists, and so are all the other languages. But, since I was advised not to use big words (probably beyond the reach of many here) I saw myself forced to use a terminology with what some people seem to be familiar.

  2. #22

    Translation diffrences

    Haha no, no worries; I caught that you were using his own terms to explain, especially since you explained why you were using said terms in your own post [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] I was objecting (academically, not personally or anything) to the original post offering the option of Japanese being a "fucked-up languaged" [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  3. #23

    Translation diffrences

    I picked up understanding most of whats being said in japanese in about a week of being submerged in it. I couldn't respond to it in japanese or read japanese but I got the gist of whats being said. Not bad for just a weeks worth. Because if it I can understand how badly subtitled most works are and it really pisses me off.

    How can anyone get it this wrong at times? Yes I am saying I could do better than some people but I'm lazy, very lazy. I"m not beating down on anyone who does Naruto I'm just pissed in general at most of the crappy company translations.

    I've seen one too many anime butchered by english dubbing or bad subtitling. I just thank God I can make heads and tails out of whats really being said.

    I've personally found that japanese is the easiest language to understand for me besides english currently. Mostly because its so different from any other language i've taken ranging from French, German, Spanish, and English. The problem with those is I tend to get my non-native language of American English mixed up hehe.

    The reason why I like Japanese so much (hence why I'm taking classes to learn it now) is because its totally different from anything out there. Plus it sounds pretty. People say French is the romantic language I think thats a load of crap. It sounds like you've got something in your nose and a stick up your butt.

    No offense to any French speaking fans, this is just my personal opinion of the language.

    Needless to say, some people are just way off when it comes to translations. In a game I'm playing recently quite good besides the bad english subbing (thank god for the japanese voice option or I'd kill myself.) When a character in english says Why is this hapenning! And he screams in Japanese GOD DAMN IT WHY! I laugh at how badly translated it is. However when its pure japanese speaking and she screams "Take this you pervert!"

    I sigh at how they translate it into english as You suck! Sure they probably tamed it down to get a leanient rating on the censorship of the ESRB. I.E. why they took out all the crosses and religious parts. (Not sure why maybe they're afraid it'd be taboo.)

    Well any ways I leave you with one final question. How do the Japanese hear cats as saying Onya! Instead of Meow?

    Thanks to those who do take their time to translate it and do a good job. To those who reallly screw it up badly and create a total different plot. Practice more Japanese.

    If anyone is looking for a really good game check out La Pucelle Tactics. I'm sure you'll agree the english translating is bad just keep the japanese voices on and you'll be fine. If you've ever played Disgaea is like that. If not its kinda final fantasy tactics like. If you haven't played FFT what the hell kind of gamer are you.

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