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Thread: new codec

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  1. #1

    new codec

    i recently downloaded animes from Naruto from A/A and Gantz from AnimeOne and i was wondering with the codec i have right now the quality is really bad and the player freezes and cause error right at the opening .. and i was wondering if anyone can help me with what codec i should use, so i can play on window media player and not any other players .. thanks[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  2. #2

    RE: new codec

    I'm pretty sure it's just video errors, I have too many codecs for it to be anything else (and I've tried far too many things today).

  3. #3

    RE: new codec

    Well, I only seem to be having this problem when trying to watch Gantz #4. All my other anime is fine, but #4 isn't playing on any player at all

  4. #4

    RE: new codec

    Ok, the codecs you are gonna need are divx, xvid, and ffdshow. These codecs should make both animes work fine. Hope i could help.

  5. #5

    RE: new codec

    Uninstall the codec that gives you, it will only create programs with other codecs, allow latest xvid and ffdshow to decode it.

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