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Thread: Music: METAL!!! \m/

  1. #281
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    METAL!!! \m/

    I should come out and recommend some stuff. First i will say that Finntroll and Exhumed isn't really study music in my opinion and not instrumental either, both got singers and harsh ones at that.

    Gamma ray, German power metal with Kai Hansen(past helloween member) as frontman. the albums Powerplant, which got a killer ending song, Armageddon. And Somewhere out in space which got one of the best songs ever in my opinion as opener, Beyond the Black Hole.

    And i would like to second that Elvenking kicks ass. Great music, try out their album Heatenreel.

    Judas Priest is a must if you haven't already tried them out. Painkiller got some really good songs. and Screaming for Vengeance is good to a little softer tho.

  2. #282

    METAL!!! \m/

    Falkenbach or Vintersorg could work for studying. A few of there songs are really heavy and loud, but some are more instrumental.

    One I am listening to currently and am absolutely hooked on at the moment is Rhapsody. Not really heavy, but not soft either.

  3. #283
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    I'm listening to a lot of glammish hard rock / heavy metal now, lots of Möotley Crue & Guns N' Roses. Satisfies the girl-chasing part of me.
    Perfect party music, as well.

  4. #284
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Chris Poland's (Megadeth) album Return to Metalopolis is pretty good.

    Maybe I'm thinking of a different band than Exhumed... but I know most Finntroll songs I've heard were instrumental.

    The new Children of Bodom will be out soon too. Should kick ass.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  5. #285
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    METAL!!! \m/

    Originally posted by: KitKat
    How is it that the hip hop thread has been on the front page for so long while this one has gotten lost? Time to bring it back. I need some music suggestions. Does anyone know any good metal bands that do primarily instrumental music? I like to put music on when I'm reading or studying, and sometimes I find lyrics too distracting. All I have at the moment that fits this category is Apocalyptica, and I'm starting to get tired of them. I need some more variety. Ideas?

    Nice with the bumping of this thread [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img] For study music, I usually have on a mixture of trance and tori amos, but if that's too gay for you, try out the liquid tension experiment. Its an instrumental band which is a side project of a couple of dream theater members. So, think dream theater without the singing, and that's pretty much what you have.

    I'm listening to a lot of glammish hard rock / heavy metal now, lots of Möotley Crue & Guns N' Roses. Satisfies the girl-chasing part of me.
    Yes! GNR definately hits the spot everytime you're in the mood for that type of music. They're just so raw.
    "You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."

    - Inquisitor Czevak

  6. #286

    METAL!!! \m/

    Bands I listen to.

    NightWish. Lacuna Coil,Children of Bodom,Atreyu,Cradle of Filth,Sepultura,Linkin Park ( >.> yea I listen to em, what of it.),Tool,Sublime,System of A Down,Kidney Theives,Muse,Papa Roach,Queens of the Stoneage,Shadows Fall.Stabbing Westward,Korn,Evannescence (sp?),Godsmack,Mindless Self Indulgence

  7. #287
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    That's like 70% mallcore, but yeah, there's some good things there too I guess. Personally I can't stand LP, Korn, Godsmack and it's ilk though.
    You're off to a good future with the likes of Bodom, Nightwish & Lacuna Coil though. Perhaps you'd be interested in trying Norther & Kalmah next, both in the vein of Bodom.

    @Barles: You bet. Can't go wrong with Paradise City.
    @Azazel: Yep, unfortunately there're a few months left. But I am having high hopes for it, 2005 is shaping up to be the best metal year in a long time!

  8. #288

    METAL!!! \m/

    hmm. Norther & Kalmah? ill have to look in to em. any other good suggestions? Im always open to new bands.

  9. #289
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Well there are many bands that I can suggest. As a substitute for the extremely overrated Cradle of Filth I'd recommend first and foremost Anorexia Nervosa (might be -too- extreme though) and otherwise Dimmu Borgir which is also quite an overrated band but nontheless quite good. If you like Norther & Kalmah, then move on to Eternal Tears of Sorrow (very similar to Kalmah). In the Nightwish/Coil vein there are also many bands, perhaps After Forever will be your cup of tea.

    Bear in mind though that many of these bands need time to sink your teeth into, the thing about mallcore is that it's very easy to get into (which is why those bands have followers even amongst those who do not necessarily like "heavy" music) so, well, only try the bands out if you want to see what metal really is about. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  10. #290

    METAL!!! \m/

    I have one song from Dimmu Borgir. Burn In Hell I beleive is the name. And I know what you mean it took me a bit to really start to like Bodom and Filth.

  11. #291
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Good Dimmu songs to start with: Mourning Palace, Kings of the Carnival Creation ... and just about everything else from the albums Enthrone Darkness Triumphant & Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia.

    Filth is becoming quite commercial as well. I don't really know why though, I don't think they are -that- easy to listen to, yet fucking 14-year olds with their 50 Cent shirts have started to like them. It's strange. I guess it's because of Dani (who is a short fucking moron, by the way)

  12. #292
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Burn in hell is a Twisted Sister cover which brings me right into the TS album that cover is on "Stay hungry" great mindless 80's metal. All of you have probably heard I wanna rock and We're not gonna take it but i decided to mention them anyway, 2 of the songs on "Stay hungry"

  13. #293
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    I didn't know anyone was extreme as me enough to listen to Anorexia Nervosa, heh.. if you like it, you should try Anaal Nakhrath.

    Kezren you should definitely check out some Opeth.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  14. #294
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Anorexia Nervosa is one of my favorite bands, I don't like pure extreme black/death metal, but the symphonic influences of that band is just lovable and makes it stand on top many.

    Opeth is a good band, albeit pretty hard to get into. Though that varies as well, some seem to find them very listenable. I guess it's a matter of preference.

    @PSJ: Yep, Burn in Hell is a TS cover (which I actually forgot in the midst of my reply to Kezren). Good observation!

  15. #295
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Another TS recommendation. The ablum Love Is For Suckers got some awesome tunes, check it out if you like 80's metal. The same goes for Mötley Crüe - Dr. Feelgood, awesome album with alot of hot tracks, works great in summertime.

    What the hell are you waiting for? Go and get them now!!

  16. #296
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    I just started too listen to "Inkubus Sukkubus" after hearing there song "Vampyre Erotica" on Gotham radio.. And i thought it was really good.. i ended up downloading 8 albums with them.. I had never hear of them before so it was a happy supprise.. So if you havn't heard them, give them a chance and say what you think about it..

  17. #297
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    What kind of music is it?

  18. #298
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    You guys should all check out one of my favorite bands, the Babylon Whores. They're goth metal with lyrics about the occult and mythology, and basically they're like no other band. they're a really cool underrated band from Finland. But they might be hard to find. If I'm allowed, maybe I can upload a couple songs and post them here.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  19. #299
    Missing Nin
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    you'd probably be better off just giving a link to people who PMed you with a request for any of their songs.

    no point attracting unneeded attention for copyright infringment

  20. #300
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    METAL!!! \m/

    Thanks to everyone for the recommendations. I'm going to check out a bunch of those bands this weekend and I'll let you know which ones I like best.

    Azazel, you could always share songs over IRC: #gotwoot at
    There are quite a few of us that hang out there on a regular basis.

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