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Thread: New Series

  1. #1

    New Series

    So a new season of anime has apparently started (lots of ep 1 whatever floating around). Anyone have any information on whats good to watch or worth downloading?

    I d/l Kono_Minikukumo_Utsukushii_Sekai (This ugly and Beutiful world) and it really seems like a rehash of mohoromatic (this can be a good or bad thing)

    Kyou_Kara_Maou seemed kinda bleh from the first ep but I dunno really... main character gets sent to a fantasy world where nothing really happend after that (basically first ep was boring, doesnt make me want to see more)

    any one else with insight on the new series popping around?

  2. #2
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    New Series

    the three funnest new series i've seen so far are:

    Tenjou Tenge - purely cool... just damn cool!
    Melody of oblivion - really mature, and really well made.
    Baku Tenshi - Good action, good comedy, just good.

    those are three that i think everyone would like, you can also try Madlax if you're a Noir (bee train) fan, but i'm not so sure about it yet... and there's also Midori no hibi (i think it means days of Midori, but not so sure) which is also nice, but it's on the thin line between funny and stupid, so i still need to watch a few more episodes...

    that's all the new animes i've started this season, once i get a new HD i'll check the others as well.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  3. #3

    New Series

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    Tenjou Tenge - purely cool... just damn cool!
    Melody of oblivion - really mature, and really well made.
    Baku Tenshi - Good action, good comedy, just good.
    Looks like we're watching basically the same stuff.

    Tenjou Tenge looks to be the best of the new stuff that I've seen this season. Good mix of comedy, action and a bit of ecchi. Action is really well done too.

    Bakuretsu Tenshi carries some strong action elements as well, mixed in with sci-fi, mecha and plain old gun-fighting. Comedy is minimized. Gonzo Digimation ups the bar again with its style and technique of melding CG and artwork into something better than any cel shading I've seen before.

    I've only seen the first episode of Melody of Oblivion so far, and I don't know if I'll watch more than that. It looks like a revisitation of the older genre of armored troopers fighting viscious monsters. Something along the lines of Samurai Troopers or Saint Seiya. It gives a feeling slightly more mature and up-to-date than its predecessors, but I don't feel it will be worth watching.

    I also took a look at the first episode of Shura no Toki. I think it will turn out to be another case of an overpowered hero triumphing over all adversaries. Its no fun if its not a challenge. I'll check out the second episode later this week, maybe it will change my opinion.

    Its not of the new season, but I'm still working on finishing up Chrno Crusade. It may be difficult to start now that its been licensed, but anime-kraze is still doing new episodes to finish the series. Aside from that I'm watching the same long-running series that I have been for the past half a year: Naruto, One Piece, and Prince of Tennis.

  4. #4

    RE: New Series

    In addition to all of those... I've been watching Monster, Le Portrait de Petit Cossette, Mars Daybreak, Midori no Hibi, Madlax, Tweeny Witches, and I think that's about it...

    Not all of them are great, but all of them are worth a watch... of those that I mentioned I recommend Cossette, Monster, and Midori no Hibi at the moment...

  5. #5

    RE: New Series

    try gantz or midori no hibi

  6. #6

    RE: New Series

    Melody of Oblivion- Really good so far, ep 2 looks to be good, from the screen caps i saw of it. Kinda of life knights on motorcycles who replace horses and etc. Theres a bad guy in it that has a miny bus fetish.

    Interlude OVA- I was completley taken by suprise on this show. A awsome mix of sci-fi,comedy,action, and its 5 episodes.

    Sensei no Ojikan- My favorite of the season SO FAR. Its like azumanga, except little cuter and diff character designs. I think the manga came out before azumanga did. Anywho, theres the lesbian chick,athletic guy, gay guy, manga guy, and others. Its extremly funny that follows a 27 year old teacher that looks like a 12 year old.

    Phantom OVA-Another awsome OVA that took me by suprise. A boy leaves i think for the states, not 100 percent sure. Anywho, he is walking past a building, and is witness to a assination of prob some mob boss or etc. He spies the sniper, which i guess is hard to do. Anywho, his memory gets wiped and he has a choice after each mission if he wants to live or die.

    Bakuretsu-This is a semi ok show. Not much for a comment on it.

    Stuff in limbo since i have only seen the raws: Gantz, Godannar season 2, GITS SAC 2nd gig 7+

    Stuff i want to beat with a stick: Madlax, more to come

  7. #7
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: New Series

    Midori no Hibi and the Kono one (This ugly and beautiful world) are the ones I'm watching so far. Both are pretty entertaining.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  8. #8
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: New Series

    Midori No Hibi, Monster. Umm. Yeah..
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  9. #9

    RE: New Series

    I saw Interlude a week or two ago when it came out... and it also surprised me... good recommendation I totally forgot about it... it is released by triad just incase

  10. #10
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: New Series

    i wanna check out Midori No Hibi but theres a few groups subbing it, i was wondering who has best subs for it?

  11. #11

    RE: New Series

    i wanna check out Midori No Hibi but theres a few groups subbing it, i was wondering who has best subs for it?
    General opinion seems to be going with the A-E subs - they're the ones I've been wtaching and enjoying

  12. #12

    RE: New Series

    Yep. I think A-E's good for Midori.

    Also Panda Z, Shura no Toki.

    I heard that Sergeant Ribbit (Keroro Gunso) is supposed to be good, but I'm still trying to download the promo.

  13. #13
    Missing Nin
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    RE: New Series

    dno if this applies, but gantz rocks so far, 3 eps out

  14. #14
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: New Series

    haha i just watched the 1st ep of Midori no Hibi it was pretty weird and interesting at the same time. i feel bad for the guy but usually girls like bad boys. anyway its a cool series im donwloading the rest of the eps that have come out so far.

  15. #15

    RE: New Series

    Midori no Hibi!! soooo good. hahaha.

    i'm dling sensei no ojijan now..

    gonna try Monster and Melody of oblivion if i get a chance..

    new here, btw. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] ::waves::

  16. #16

    RE: New Series

    I picked up Monster as well and its great, I'm just a little confused why it was an anime. The premise and plot looks realistic enough to do it in Live Action. Does the animation give it that much of an edge?

  17. #17

    New Series

    I'm watching Bakuretsu Tenshi at the mo. It's definately worth seeing! Also Gokusen is quite funny, but that's been going a while. Not sure bout the others.

  18. #18
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    New Series

    Bakuretsu Tenshi is ok, ive watched the eps that have come out so far but the plot seems a little weak. Just watched This Ugly and Beautiful World which is pretty funny too but also has a darker side beneath the cute look.

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