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Thread: Monster

  1. #161

    RE: monster

    I really don't know enough about the groups to comment one way or the other, but they're all just doing it for fun and fandom, so I tend to cut them a lot of slack.

    *** ep 47 spoilers ***

    Haven't seen 48 yet, but I thought 47 was good. Not a lot actually happened, but it was nicely dramatic. I thought the voice actors did a really good job with this one, especially Tenma's. Made the episode, really.

  2. #162

    RE: monster

    hey guys please answer this for me:

    I am an a-keep watcher but i'm fed up with waiting... i guess my 2 choices are soldats or anime-kraze

    i know everyone watches anime-kraze is it definitely better than soldats?

    thanx guys

  3. #163

    RE: monster

    Originally posted by: 010577
    hey guys please answer this for me:

    I am an a-keep watcher but i'm fed up with waiting... i guess my 2 choices are soldats or anime-kraze

    i know everyone watches anime-kraze is it definitely better than soldats?

    thanx guys
    Soldats and Anime-Kraze are both at about the same quality, it's just that Kraze is faster. And just so you know, I'd put Keep below these two groups, so it's completely pointless to wait on them.

  4. #164

    RE: monster


  5. #165

  6. #166
    Genin yallo's Avatar
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    I used to wait staunchly for Soldats release... but I finally caved in a downloaded AKraze since they're faster in releasing... *ashamed*
    but yeah I have to agree that they're about the same in quality. But I sorta prefer Soldat's typesetting though.

    *** possible spoilers ****

    wow so Lunge really was on a holiday? hmm I'm kinda confused on this, but, so he finally bought the whole Johan story after that incident with the Baron and son and burning up the library? So he believes in Tenma's innocence now?
    man this episode is soooo sad... poor Grimmer!!! =( 511 kinderheim really messed him up bad... sigh...

  7. #167


    I also got Soldats up till Ep 44, when they seemed to have quit. Only difference I see in Ani-Kraze is the different name translations. Lunge is now Runge, and Secret Police is now STB. Everything else is still very easily understandable.

    Ep 49 is interesting, as usual. Johan really knows how to gain influence, even to simple-minded little kids. I'm still waiting to see Grimmer go Magnificent Steiner mode on Tenma, because it's bound to happen sooner or later. Tenma will be forced to kill Grimmer.

  8. #168


    *** Spoilers to 49***

    Wow, Grimmer is certainly alot more psychotic than he seemed at first, Not sure if I like his character more or less now that I know his big smiles are all fakes. Johan hasn't lost his touch for pure evil, and Tenma, who seems to like everyone, seems at least a little freaked out by Grimmer's admissions.

    The Milos story seemed like a more disturbed version of Deitre's story earlier, another rehashing of the "kids have to be raised with love" theme. Which is a kind of odd theme for anime, but works ok for me. I wonder if Milos will start following Grimmer the same way Dietre is following Tenma? Maybe a replacement son? I hope they get back to Nina in the next ep, I was wondering what was happening on her side of the story....

  9. #169
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    RE: monster

    I've been following the Akeep version as well, but they're really slow and just when I'm thinking of switching to Anime kraze their tracker goes down. : (
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  10. #170

    RE: monster

    yo same here!

    let's keep each other updated when the files are back up!

  11. #171

    RE: monster

    *** Spoilers to 51 ***

    Not bad, I was NOT expecting Tenma to be arrested. I thought we would have a ways to go in the current arc before they switched like this, but I guess they tied up the last arc by having Grimmer take the blame for everything.

    It looks like they're bringing a lot of characters back for the up-coming trial, which is cool since there are a lot of really good, memorable characters (Unless Tenma escapes? But I don't think that would fit with the story). Weird that Suk doesn't return immediately, maybe he's finally done being intentionally blind to Johan's existance? It would be an ironic plot twist if he's the one who ends up proving Tenma innocent. Anyways, I anticipate another good story arc, although this may be the last one.

  12. #172

    RE: monster

    Holy god... I'm finally up to date with the rest of the world... good bye a-keep

    anyways awesome shit... everyone is behind tenma now... even RUNGE!

    It was awesome how Schuwald said he will get him the best criminal lawyer in every state... that's just badass

  13. #173


    Ep. 52 out by A-Kraze!

    Ep. 52 (A-Kraze)

  14. #174

  15. #175


    *** Spoilers to 53 ***

    Wow, that didn't go as I expected. Nice twist to have Tenma confess. I thought they were heading for a big trial, but now it looks like he'll escape after all. Or maybe he'll save Eva and she'll decide to testify after all? It will be interesting to see where they go with this. And where is Johan at? Was he pushing Tenma to escape using his own lawyer? Or was he just taunting him with Eva's death thinking he couldn't do anything to stop it?

    I'm not sure what to think about the other lawyer. He's got a wife and what looks like a happy family, but he seems a bit unstable.

  16. #176
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    Thats the great thing about this anime all the characters are flawed and alot of them are terrible people, but it is a great anime, I'm glad I just watched the last 53 eps over two weekends. I would like to see Runge do something usefull before this series ends, for some reason I like him even though he looks like Spok from Star Trek.

    Sig made by Lucifus

  17. #177


    Monster's really picking up

    54 , 55 out by a-kraze

  18. #178
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    This show is pretty damn cool. Sometimes way too sentimental and preachy and goody-goody, but oh the dark side is beautiful. Johan is one scary friggin villain and drives the show like i've never seen one character do. Runge cracks me up. I fell behind on this show when Ani-Kraze's tracker went down but I intend to catch up ASAP

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  19. #179
    Genin yallo's Avatar
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    Episodes 56 & 57 are out by Anime-Kraze.
    Damn this show is picking up speed. Lots of stuff is being revealed, bit by bit tantalizingly.
    Arghs I still don't get it!!! Wassup with Johan and Nina/Anna's past???
    I'll have to re-watch this series again soon... I'm getting so lost...

  20. #180


    56 is the best ep. so far

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