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Thread: Monster

  1. #141

    RE: monster

    Yeah, that's the quote, but it's definately from the book... Lunge looks at the copy that those Japanese businessmen had (btw I was really disappointed he declined the karaoke). Later he's in the office with a Czech dictionary translating something and one of his cooworkers asks what he's doing. He says it's a quote from a picture book he thought was interesting.

    I think Johan left a note with this on it or something... I kind of remember Tenma reading it and looking horrified.... but I could be wrong.

  2. #142

    RE: monster

    you might be right... for some reason i thought he was looking for the word Czech... like if it had a hidden meaning... but i see now lol

  3. #143

    RE: monster

    Spoilers up to episode 37....

    I have stand firm for my choice for Johan as my favorite villian... he is simply insane....

    And what about Anna/Nina... Do you guys think she has a monster inside of her like Johan... for some reason I thought that Johan would/will be killed in these episodes and somehow transform Anna/Nina into a monster similar to him... she seemed kinda psycho when she was little saying "Kill... him"

  4. #144

    RE: monster

    Spoilers for same

    Finally..... HOW many lead-up eps did they have for this? Six? Still, it did turn out really nicely.... Johan wasn't after the old, almost-dead kingpin after all but instead the room full of business leaders that came to see him... Nice call for maximum chaos.

    I don't think the book is meant to be taken literally, but rather show us that Johan identifies with the hungry monster that wants to eat everything. Maybe it's because he was an orphen, so didn't know his own name. I wonder if he chose Johan after reading the book... Which was pretty creepy come to think of it. Munch munch. Crunch crunch.

  5. #145

    RE: monster

    Up to 38........

    About the book... Johan says in this ep that he thinks of Nina as his other self. So if he follows that story he wants to.... devour her? Kill her? He would have had a chance here but he just walks past... It seems we should have some more insight into Johan's motives, but I'm still not wure at all what he's trying to do with Anna and Tenma. Tenma could have very well killed him if not for her showing up so they were both distracted yelling at each other not to shoot...

    This arc was cool, but I'm glad it's over too. It will be interesting to see where they go next.

  6. #146

    RE: monster

    Episode 41 Spoilers....

    Another great episode... man who was that girl.... at first i thought it was Anna... but after we saw the murders now i dont know who the heck was it... maybe Johan's mother?

  7. #147
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Jan 2005
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    RE: monster

    So far I've been getting my eps of Monster from Anime Keep, but they are taking forever to come up and have only reached ep 24. Should I d/l from another sub group? I like Anime Keep but I would really like to see more of the anime rather then having to keep waiting.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  8. #148

    RE: monster

    anime-keep is a shitty group if you ask me.... just download from anime-kraze

  9. #149
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Jan 2005
    Sunny Singapore

    RE: monster

    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    anime-keep is a shitty group if you ask me.... just download from anime-kraze
    Their quality of the subs is not bad, just that they are really s l o w. Think I will follow your advice and check out anime kraze.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  10. #150


    Spoiler up to 42

    Damn, this episode is sick.... i had stop half-way through to eat something and take a break.... i'll get back to it in a few minutes.... damn this series is good

    Edit: Just finished... awesome episode... it might actually turn out that Nina is the killer... all evidence is pointing towards her...

    I have to say that Grimmer is pretty awesome

  11. #151

    RE: monster

    I like Grimmer

    Just wondering if there is something in the anime that isnt in the manga?

  12. #152


    Whoa, other people are actually posting in this thread.....[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img]

    *** Spoiler to 42 ***

    Nice ep, that fingernail clipper scene actually made me cringe... It was wierd that they didn't, you know, just SEARCH him for the key? He was taking the taxi to the bank, so he should have had it on him.

    And it certainly looks like Nina is involved, but for some reason I don't think she is the murderer. Why would she kill Petrov? Maybe Eva? She hasn't showed up in a while. But I wouldn't know her motive here either. Grimmer is yet another nicley developed character, holds up quite well under torture too...

    Edit: Oh yeah, the kid, duh.

  13. #153

    RE: monster

    im pretty sure that Grimmer gave the key to the kid (the leader of the orphans), unless i missed something...

    From what i saw that woman has darker hair than Nina, but she is too similar... maybe they are 2 different people... one for Petrov and one that saved Grimmer...

    i'm leaning towards the mom theory...

  14. #154

    RE: monster

    Episode 43 out by Kraze.


    The episode was pretty good, except that Detective Suk was such a loser that it sort of made me lose interest. Nina was just spending time with him so she get information on the police, at least that's how I saw it. The whiskey bonbons reminded me of how Johan killed the hospital staff in the earlier eps. I guess they might've done it to show that Nina could be turning into a "monster" as well.

  15. #155

    RE: monster

    *** Spoilers to same ***

    Um, are you SURE that's Nina? The twins really look alike... While I was watching this ep I was wondering where Nina had ditched Deiter, then I was wondering why she saved Grimmer only to sic the detective on him, and then the bonbons, and then the last scene where Suk was saying "she" was the only one who understood him... Man, I feel bad for Suk, he is a little overly innocent, but noone deserves Johan as a girlfriend.

    On another note, I was surprised that Grimmer's captors weren't all shot, but also beaten to death rather horribly. Could it have been Grimmer? After all he did tell that story about the incredible Steiner or whatever. I don't think Johan would be physically strong enough to do it, but I guess he could have brought a minion. He always seems to have minons around.

  16. #156

    RE: monster

    ***Spoilers 44****

    OK... not that i that wasn't possible... but... WTF!!!!!! Mae... right on target... i don't think i can say anything else...

    But Johan played Anna's character to perfection, he even knows the only hint Anna has are the 3 Frogs...

    Man there were hints all over the place, but you don't want to believe it.... Tenma talking to the bar owner about how you cant really tell the gender from twins when they are kids, the bon-bons.... etc...

    Glad to see Grimmer is out in the open and gaining the trust from Suk... but that damn Johan... he is simply too good...

  17. #157

    RE: monster

    Spoiler 44

    Good call Mae. I didn't really want to believe that it was Johan cross-dressing, but I guess it was. Pretty fucked up, but smart. Suk continues to be a loser, and still doesn't seem to realize that Johan/Anna is just trying to get info from him.

  18. #158

    RE: monster

    Spoiler up to 47

    All i want to say is that Grimmer is kickass... he's the man...

    That younger Anna looks very creepy welcoming herself back... i wonder if the monster will maniferst itself in her...

    And I think we are just about to learn who the real bigshot behind Johan is... that guy with the rose or whatever...

  19. #159

    RE: monster

    Originally posted by: Psyke
    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    anime-keep is a shitty group if you ask me.... just download from anime-kraze
    Their quality of the subs is not bad, just that they are really s l o w. Think I will follow your advice and check out anime kraze.
    They're not shitty, but Kraze and Soldats are both better, ane Keep also takes longer. There's no point in getting their version. I just download whichever release comes first between the other two.

  20. #160

    RE: monster

    I meant that they are a shitty group as a whole... not that their subs are bad (though i don't like their style)...

    Anyways.... episode 48 is out

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