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Thread: Monster

  1. #41


    Originally posted by: TeNSaikUn
    the two previous posts:

    i wont say what will happen, but it wont let u down.
    i take it you've read the manga then?

  2. #42

  3. #43


    from mangascreener? or did another group take it? bleh, i want to know what happens later on...i have the entire manga but due to lack of HD space i cant unzip it @_@

  4. #44


    sad you step away from a forum for a couple of days and theres so much stuff to address =P

    first off , TenSaiKun :-

    i think you need to do a couple of years worth of economics and maybe psychology before you makes such statements.

    quality and popularity are not co-dependant at all. while one does tend to influence the other in most cases it doesnt always hold true.

    heh, if MS's OS was sucky, it won't be as popular
    the only reason why microsoft has dominance today is because Bill Gates was a savvy mofo and IBM + apple screwed themselves over in the '80s

    Windows is shit. Anyone who believes that Windows is anything but a steaming pile of rushed buggy software probably believes that fairies and unicorns are real too.

    the fact of the matter is that ppl use windows simply because there is no other alternative(hi linux is only an alternative if you consider castration to be an alternative to the condom). however even if someone were to release a better OS tomorrow MS would still hold the lion's share of the OS market since they have made so many deals it may be decades before anyone truly breaks their hold over the industry.

    If you really only saw 10 episodes of Naruto (altho i forgot how far that went), you have no
    credibility of saying that it sucks. Especially when it gets better and better.
    perhaps. but my point is that no anime should need more than 10 episodes to hook you into it.

    you should have just said you dont like Naruto as much as other anime's instead of saying
    its a Dragon Ball GT level anime.
    perhaps i should be more specific

    Naruto is akin to Dragonball GT in the sense that its a shallow attempt to whore out an already sucessful piece of intellectual property (the Naruto manga and in the case of GT, the Dragonball franchise) and doesnt even do it well like in the case of Kenshin or GiTS.

    and now its Onii's turn :-

    1. Naruto sucks because its unoriginal.
    Its not possible to be truly "original". You think Kenshin is a good anime. Was Kenshin the FIRST anime to feature a hero with a sword? No. So Kenshin is just as unoriginal as Naruto, according to you. If someone creates a story about a character that uses a sword, is he automatically unoriginal, and therefore he sucks?
    the difference being that kenshin was based on an actual japanese legend of an assassin during the revolution and Naruto was created as dragonball knock off to keep the kiddies hooked on a magazine? It is true that kenshin isnt particularly original, nothing ever really is these days, however kenshin is done well enough that you can overlook that issue. Naruto isn't.

    That is not a fact; thats an opinion. There are thousands of people who dont think Naruto is annoying. You dont like Naruto's character... that has nothing to do with the anime, or why its a bad anime.
    Yes my opinion is law in my world and your opinion isnt even worth the bandwidth it costs to view it? Dude in my opinion Naruto is shit. And the argument from the very beginning was because Tensaikun said :-

    Originally posted by: TeNSaikUn

    so if u see somebody rating Naruto a below average anime, you see nothing wrong with that?
    so i just pointed out that yes there are people who find Naruto to be a substandard piece of drivel. kk thx . drive on thru ~

    3. Long storyline, bad pacing.
    Starting from episode 1, the goal of Naruto (the anime) was to transform the manga form of Naruto into a visual, anime form. The manga currently has over 200 chapters, its still not finished... Talk to any of the countless Naruto manga readers, and they'll tell you that they read every chapter, and its not boring and the story does not drag along. The anime form of Naruto simply follows the manga. Its 84 eps and counting because it follows the manga. If they didnt have to follow the manga, they could have turned Naruto into a 52 ep series or less. 84 eps so far, and I can only think of a handful that were boring and/or filler.
    so basicly what are you trying to say here? Yes i realize that naruto was a manga before it was an anime. You arent really saying anything in this particular statement but i shall address what i feel is the gist of your argument

    When you translate manga into anime, you tend to run into temporal disparity, caused in large part between the manga which by its very nature advances at a very slow rate, and the anime which in theory advance at ludicruous speeds compared to said manga.Now this is nothing new. Its a problem that has plagued humanity since the beginning of popular animation.

    To tie this to the discussion at hand, MY problem with Naruto the anime is that in order to solve the problem of temporal disparity they have slowed the pacing of the anime to be more in time with the manga's. I view this to be a very uncreative and stop-gap solution to the problem at hand and it turns what should be a medium used to portray fast and furious action into one that does what amounts to a slow motion blow by blow commentary on battles between ridiculously overpowered demi-gods.

    And do you know what the problem is? If i wanted a slow motion blow by blow i would be reading the manga instead of wasting bandwidth on a substandard reproduction of what i feel is a substandard un-original shallow story.

    It seems you have not watched all the eps of Naruto, maybe not even half (just a guess) nor do you read the manga. Perhaps you should do some "research" before making these arguments...
    hi, if you would care to scroll a few posts up I would like to draw your attention to the fact that i have explicitly said I have only watched 10 episodes before i had to gouge my eye-balls out and sacrifice kittens to Jobu to make up for soiling my precious mind. Perhaps you should do your own research before criticising someone else's?

    and for Lionheart :-
    *sigh* i say we leave things as is. i mean, whats the point of arguing with someone if they'll never understand?
    the point is argument for arguments sake. anyone who believes they can change another person's opinion by posting anonymously on a public internet board is a fool.

  5. #45


    Originally posted by: yenlowangand for Lionheart :-
    *sigh* i say we leave things as is. i mean, whats the point of arguing with someone if they'll never understand?
    the point is argument for arguments sake. anyone who believes they can change another person's opinion by posting anonymously on a public internet board is a fool.
    Exactly... I dont really give a sh**... I was just putting in my 2 cents to defend Naruto, which is an anime I really like.

    hm, Monster 7 is out now... *goes to download it*

  6. #46

    RE: monster

    i was gonna ignore your posts, but because its long and for some reason you always think you're right, i guess i'll reply.

    quality and popularity are not co-dependant at all. while one does tend to influence the other in most cases it doesnt always hold true.
    its funny how you say this and bring out microsoft instead of Naruto,lol
    this is an ANIME FORUM.
    you can admit your bad u kno?

    about microsoft...its funny to me that you would go out to post something like this.. like it hasnt been said before
    the alternative is to shut the f*ck up and work with what you is the best OS.
    the only reason windows has so many bugs is cuz it supports so freaking much
    of course its not stable...
    but then again what is tell me..linux?
    barely any games and software support it
    you know prolly around 80% of the world has never even heard of linux!
    linux would be perfect if it could handle everything windows could handle without trying to "emulate" it

    u freakin whine about everything. everything!

    perhaps. but my point is that no anime should need more than 10 episodes to hook you into it.
    once again, whining.

    about the manga being better then the anime, yea I can agree on that. HOWEVER.
    the Naruto anime is SO not as bad as the DB manga to DBGT anime.
    almost everybody who has read DB and seen DBGT can see that the quality difference is uncomparable.
    however, there ARE people out there that they like the Naruto anime and manga equally.
    THATs the difference.

    the difference being that kenshin was based on an actual japanese legend of an assassin during the revolution and Naruto was created as dragonball knock off to keep the kiddies hooked on a magazine? It is true that kenshin isnt particularly original, nothing ever really is these days, however kenshin is done well enough that you can overlook that issue. Naruto isn't.
    You're making yourself more retarded with this post.
    Kenshin is not original but its done well enough that you can overlook that issue!? lol!!!
    this is totally one sided. Especially from a guy that only spent 1/8 of the time he spent on Kenshin on Naruto.
    Thats like saying Matrix(watching all 3) is better then Lord of the Rings (watched only the first one).
    Only thing you can say is "i like Kenshin better then Naruto".

    also, whats up with all your BS?

    the difference being that kenshin was based on an actual japanese legend of an assassin during the revolution
    You're full of sh!t.
    The only fighting characters that truly existed in Kenshin were the Shinsen-gumi.

    lata whina!

  7. #47

    RE: monster

    oh, and one more thing.
    my advice.

    i think you need to do a couple of years worth of Japanese history and maybe psychology before you makes such statements.

  8. #48
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: monster

    ok, for one thing i'd have to say that the person dissing naruto is OBVIOUSLY doing it just because he's jealous that the shows he prefers arent as popular as naruto is......its kinda pathetic really.....

    nobody cares what you have to say about quality vs popularity.....the ends justify the means, and so whatever naruto did to reach the level its at now is irrelevent......its immensely popular among anime fans and there's nothing you can argue about it to change people's minds......ESPECIALLY in a forum dominated by naruto fans
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #49


    ok, for one thing i'd have to say that the person dissing naruto is OBVIOUSLY doing it just because he's jealous that the shows he prefers arent as popular as naruto is......its kinda pathetic really.....

    nobody cares what you have to say about quality vs popularity.....the ends justify the means, and so whatever naruto did to reach the level its at now is irrelevent......its immensely popular among anime fans and there's nothing you can argue about it to change people's minds......ESPECIALLY in a forum dominated by naruto fans
    apparently no one reads anymore .......

    as i said earlier i argue just for the fun of it and have no illusions that i will bring the popularity of naruto down or convert any of you poor deluded fools into my mindset but thanks anyway for your 2 cents captain obvious!

    oh and what has japanese history got to do with the viewing choices of ppl who leech off the work of fansubbers?

    and if you are implying that naruto has some historical basis i find that very hard to believe =P

    EDIT as an additional argument, Pokemon has made more money in merchandising outside of Japan than every other translated anime released.

    Now by your argument doesn't that make Pokemon the best anime ever made? Discuss

  10. #50

    RE: monster

    if u read what i said and still confused, you're retarded.
    you completely ignore the details about you being wrong.

    and now you bring pokemon. lol
    u really are clueless arnt you?
    I can totally answer that question for you, but because you
    ignore what I say and keep on thinking about other stuff to
    argue about, you can go find out on your own.

    you got issues.
    go make a new thread saying "Naruto sucks! Here is why."
    you'll get alot of people to argue with you there.
    bye bye

  11. #51
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    i think captain obvious needs to save the day again by asking.....

    "isnt it fun to argue about subjective matters like what shows you like, even though subjective matters make for very poor debates?"

    RESPONSE TO BELOW: why not? when you're sitting around bored and nobody posts anything in the topic for several hours....then its not like you'd be missing anything anyway with a little OT action
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #52

    RE: monster

    Monster isn't that fast-paced, but the plot is still interesting.
    Stop bringing up other shows and opinionated comments.

  13. #53

    RE: monster

    Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
    Monster isn't that fast-paced, but the plot is still interesting.
    Stop bringing up other shows and opinionated comments.
    yeah, monster 7 was pretty interesting... things are getting desperate... everything is starting to seem like a conspiracy... tenma cant seem to trust anyone now.

  14. #54


    is it just me or does episode 2 leave you wanting more, and salivating at the mouth?

    and its not that its like action packed, infact its almost slow. but the plot hangers at the end are great. and its like WTF?!?!?!?! EVIL CHILDRED OF THE CORN!@?!?!!?!? or something.

  15. #55


    I love the horrible situation that Tenma has now been put in, just by trying to do what he thought was right at each step. Suspicion at the first three murders ten years ago, now to be a suspect on the four new ones and the kidnapping of the daughter. Then the daughter runs away, so he can't even follow up on that lead. If he had just let the boy die those many years ago, all would seem better.

    By the way, does anyone recognize the girl in the preview for next episode? Was that his old girlfriend or someone completely new?

  16. #56

    RE: monster

    yup, that was Eva.

  17. #57

    RE: monster

    *****SPOILERS TO EP 7 *******

    I just finished catching up on Monster this weekend, and I think the plot is really picking up. I've really like the characters they've introduced so far. I'm SO happy that Anna/Nina isn't a wimp and actually rescues Tenma. The retire German army guy was cool, and I LIKED the overweight, smokes-too-much newspaper guy. I wish they hadn't killed him off.

    The animation is OK, nothing great, but decent and doesn't interfere with the story. I think they were going for a realistic look (no pink hair or orange jumpsuits), but it is a little drab.

    The music, on the other hand, is excellent. The boys' choir opening is good, the ending theme is good (it sounds like The Magnetic Fields, one of my all time favorite bands). I even really like the little harpsicord tune they play on the preview for next week. Tenma's searching theme is nice, and I liked the way they used music to heighten the tension when the twins finally met again.

    Anyway, I have high hopes for this series.

  18. #58
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    RE: monster

    first of all, read this.

    now, tell me that you don't think it's alot like monster...
    so freaking weird!

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  19. #59

    RE: monster

    Curiosity finally got the best of me and so I watched the first episode of Monster the other day. Honestly I thought it was well done, but I couldn't understand where they were going with the anime in general. I could tell it was highly focused on the drama and character development, but those aren't normally the kinds of shows I watch.

    So I watched the next couple episodes just to see where they were trying to go and discovered a much deeper plot than I had expected from the first episode. Now that I've watched up through 7 I can say I'm hooked on this anime more than any other right now. Sure the plot can be predictable, but to me its not about that.

    My favorite anime of all time is Trigun (seems cliche due to its popularity, but its true) because the emphasis put on philosophy and ethics. I think Monster is remarkably similar to Trigun in this respect and offers us a view of things we might not normally consider.

    A lot of people think of morality as being very simplistic, but when you really delve into deontology and consequentialism you discover many problems on both sides. Few forms of entertainment now-a-days actually attempt to expand our minds in the way that Monster does and that alone is enough for me to want to watch it.

    Just my 2 cents.

  20. #60

    RE: monster

    By episode 8 (I watch a-keep)... This series is getting better and better...

    I'm glad that Tenma finally gets a gun just as i wanted... now it's time to bust a cap on that sucker

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