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Thread: Monster

  1. #241


    He's only been away from the hospital a couple of years at most... Maybe not even a whole year, so it's not really amazing that he retained his skills... Plus he was still performing different sorts of "operations" throughout his journey, so his skills were still fairly fresh...

  2. #242
    Monster 72 - Ani-Kraze

    2 more to go. Ani-Kraze is taking their sweet time as usual...

  3. #243
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    this is probably a long shot, but does anyone know where i might be able to find direct downloads of the latest monster episodes? my university network doesn't allow bittorrent (although i've been trying anyway. for the last three months :/), and i'm stuck on episode 65 and onward and it's killing me because this is one of my favourite shows and i want to see the finale. help?

  4. #244
    I just finished this series finally (damn you Ani-Kraze!!!) and there's not much to say. Greatest drama series of all time.
    Quote Originally Posted by 010577
    yeah but what is his fricking name? i want to know after knowing their mom gave anna (nina) such a stupid name.... fraulein .... i mean COME ON! WHat the hell is Fraulein? sorry if there are any frauleins out there but how can you have a smile on your face after you've been downgraded from nina to fraulein
    I guess you haven't seen much German in your life. Fraulein is not a name, it's a prefix like "Miss". The professor called her "Ms. Nina Fortner" because she's graduating and is no longer a student of his. The real names of Nina and Johan are never revealed. Their names are not important, it's the fact that they DO have names that matters.

  5. #245
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, now that it's over, I have to say it was an interesting experiment. A strong and consistent atmosphere throughout the series, and a deep, well thought out story. All the characters that mattered had a backstory that suited the character, and was revealed in a sensible manner. But you really had to put yourself into the characters' shoes to be able to understand why all that happened was so meaningful to them. I'm no real fan of psycho or crime, police and detective stories, but this was nice to watch.

  6. #246
    ANBU Captain Zinobi's Avatar
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    Holy shit. This took forever to find. Fuck!....

    Anyway, today I was talking with a friend about a story that I read for English entitled, "Super Frog Saves Tokyo," which is a good story by the way. However, he eventually handed me some books his sister got for Christmas or something in 1987. I guess the original print date of the stories was 1907.They were written by a Beatrix Potter, the stories reminded me of the picture book in Monster. SO, if anyone is interested check them out. There was one that I read about a squirrel, Nutkin, and a rabbit, Peter. There were two others that I didn't get a chance to read today.

    Alright, thats all I have to say.

    I'm official.

  7. #247
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    A bit of thread necromancy here.

    I just finished watching this series this morning, and it has been one of the greatest series I've ever seen. Everything flowed together nicely, and was told in a timely manner. Kept me guessing until the end. At one point I even thought that Nina was the one that got shot at the beginning and was saved by Tenma, hence her losing her memories. But then I realized that couldn't happen. But it was pretty surprising to find out all the shit that she actually went through.

    Sadly, there were some parts that were pretty predictable though. Like, Johan dressed as Nina killing people. I just knew the real Nina couldn't kill that easily, so I knew it had to be Johan. Or well, I thought it was they're mother the very first time, but that quickly changed. Also that Nina was the one that had been taken from the Three Frogs (predictable because of the way they portrayed it, but still surprising/shocking to find out the truth).

    Johan has got to be the coolest villain ever. He was always so calm and collected, and planned things out so perfectly. I still don't quite understand what he was trying to achieve though. To my knowledge, he was just trying to erase his existence, by destroying anyone who knew about him or his past, and then killing himself. But it also seemed like a personal vendetta for turning him into the monster that he had become.

    Runge was an interesting character as well. I always liked him, but he annoyed the hell out me for the first part of the series. Seriously, how intent do you have to be on placing a murder on someone to be able to ignore all signs of someone else's existence. I mean, it was understandable at first, but when he even had photographic evidence, and testimony from like three different people, and still refused to believe Johan existed, I was getting really pissed off. But, at least he redeemed himself at the end.

    The ending felt a bit anti-climatic. I mean, it was good in the sense that Tenma and Nina didn't have to kill anyone, and because the child's father showed love for his child, but it was out of left field, and left me unsatisfied. I was expecting Tenma to end up shooting him, or at least, something happening that involved Tenma or Nina putting Johan in a critical condition, and then Tenma saving him again (which happened, and was also predictable). But instead it was some random child's father whom we didn't really even know much about other than he was a drunk who beat his son... then he suddenly gains a conscience when seeing a gun pointed at his son and shoots. It was fitting, in a sense, but a disappointment on my part. The last scene in the hospital though (in the last episode) was wonderful. Which one was it? Was she trying to save him, or mistake him for her? I figured throughout that they had mistaken one twin for the other, but I didn't predict it was the mother that handed one of them off. And of course, seeing Johan's bed empty as the closing scene was a great way to end. What does he plan to do now?

    I apologize for the length of the post. I've been watching this series for about a month now, and had so much I wanted to say in regards to it, but figured it was better to wait until the end before reviving a thread.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  8. #248
    If you enjoyed Monster, you should read some of the author, Urasawa Naoki's other manga works like 20th Century Boys, or Pluto.

  9. #249
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    I actually don't read a lot of manga... where they adapted into anime?
    It's not that I don't like manga, I just like to see things animated, so just don't read much manga. Don't like to spoil myself in the chance of seeing it animated.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  10. #250
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    haha, just today i started re-watching the series. Im at episode 1 :P

    For what i remember, one of the most awsome persons of the series was Grimmer. If you made a series about Grimmer alone, i guess it would be a lot like Mushishi or other atmospheric series.

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