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Thread: Monster

  1. #181


    Finally watched episodes 49-55...

    great shit happens... i like how the whole series I wanted a bullet to put in Eva's head, and then the series shows you her emotional side so that you start to sympathize with her... and guess what, they kill her right off the bat (we all know she is probably dead)...

    And another thing... doesn't Margot Langer being Carl's mother make Anna and Johan, Carl's stepbrother and sister? Great twist there, i probably should've realized earlier when we found the truth behind Carl's mother back in those episodes...

    It was also cool when Milos went into the redlight district and saw all that wierd shit, girls being raped and stuff... pretty fucked up...

    Speaking of Milos, I hope Grimmer shows up again later on... he has been one of the coolest characters by far...

    I'll be watching 56 and 57 tonight...

  2. #182
    Genin yallo's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    And another thing... doesn't Margot Langer being Carl's mother make Anna and Johan, Carl's stepbrother and sister?
    Hmmm? Why does that make them step-siblings? Margot Langer isn't Anna and Johan's mother, right? I thought she is simply the good friend of their mother... or was she the sister? Damn I can't remember....

  3. #183


    Well from what I gathered, Margot Langer was the woman painted in the Mansion of Roses, making her the mother of the twins, which makes Carl their step-brother... that's how I saw it...

    Edit: I guess it all has to do with whom is actually portrayed in the picture... is it Margot or the friend... if it's the friend i guess they are not siblings...

    In either case, it was interesting that Johan might have been able to know all about Margot just by listening to Shuwald speak about Margot with her friend in Prague at that young age, even before all the experiments...

  4. #184


    margot is johan/anna mom friend

    schuwald went to johan house to find her mom to trace margot

    there johan learned all about margot/schuwald/bastard son (carl)

  5. #185


    All of you that are watching Monster and like to read manga, I suggest looking for 20th Century Boys from the same mangaka... you'll like it also...

  6. #186


    *** Spoilers to ep 57 ***

    I was a little disappointed when they switched away from Tenma's story because it was picking up so nicely, but Nina's storyline with the creepy fairy tales wasn't bad, and the puppeteer guy was a bit disturbing ("Look! I've created a creepy-looking puppet version of you to show my love!"). I thought it was odd that he just let her walk off though. Didn't Wolf say she was with a member of their secret group or something?

    As for Margot, wasn't she dark-haired like Karl? I seem to remember that from the flash-backs. And we had decided earlier that the friend she left behind with twins was probably Johan's mother. Since the woman in the portrait was blond and looked a lot like the twins I thought that Johan was probably looking at a portrait of his mother.

    I've been wondering who Johan's father was. Maybe it's this Napolean guy? That would make the puppeteer a half-brother.

  7. #187
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Josh Olson Adapting Monster
    Source: The Hollywood Reporter July 8, 2005

    Josh Olson, who adapted the upcoming A History of Violence for New Line Cinema and director David Cronenberg, has signed on to adapt another comic book for the studio.

    The Hollywood Reporter says Olson will adapt Monster, a best-selling Japanese manga comic book series from author Naoki Urasawa. As part of the deal, Olson will write a treatment for a sequel, which he also will write.

    Monster is a psychological thriller that tells the story of a young doctor who saves the life of a little boy only to find out a few years later that the life he saved was that of a brilliant killer. The doctor must track down the young killer and solve a larger conspiracy.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  8. #188


    fuck that shit he can only ruin it

  9. #189
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    I hope they keep the main character as a Japanese, but I think the possibility is next to zero.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  10. #190


    while we cry and bitch about the movie

    watch a-kraze's 58

  11. #191


    Damn. I might have to pay premium media or something to get all the episodes. Because this show sounds really good. I only have a few 56-58 and Anime Kraze's bot only has a few episodes. I would do bittorent but it takes extremely long. And I want them NOW!!!

  12. #192


    I think one of the bots has the earlier eps, but I haven't checked recently. Worth getting even from bittorrent.

    As for the movie, I doubt it will get any further. Hollywood seems to be obsessed with mediocre sequals and crappy remakes lately. But I would definatlely see it if it ever happened. Monster would make a great live action series too. And if either happened it would bring more attention to anime and manga, which would be a good thing.

    As for ep 58, I loved it. Eva remains one of my favorite characters. Absolutely miserable and desperate, but still such a bitch. If she goes down she'll go down spitting in her killer's eye. Poor Martin, I hope he makes it. And good to see The Baby back in action, although you'd think that his organization would have given up on Johan after what happened last time. But hey, they've got Eva, and if anyone's going to spot him for them it's got to be her.

  13. #193


    Episode 60 out by Anime-Kraze. Link.

  14. #194


    *** Spoilers to 60 ***

    Aw, damn. I kinda knew Martin was done for, but I was hoping. Johan's "apprentice" did a pretty good number on him, but I guess he can't match the master yet... And good tension when Eva was being approached, but you didn't know by who. I was genuinely worried that they'd finish her off after all. I liked the Eva/Tenma scene too. And the scene with Tenma staring up at the hotel. And Eva deciding not to go off to Munich like a good girl (She doesn't listen to anyone, does she?). And this whole ep, really. I hope the next one comes soon....

  15. #195
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Ah hell, I was gonna post here quickly to say that I've watched 7 episodes and this is bloody amazing. This has the potential of being one of the best shows I've ever seen. I can't thank Bud enough for recommending it in that reviews thread. Unfortunately stumbling in here spoiled me big time even though it was only 1 or 2 posts I read, my own fault of course, but yeah. I'll stay clear from here until I catch up. Fucking awesome stuff, really. And a very welcome change to the fact that all of the shows I'm watching have become so incredibly kiddie and shit.

    Johan is so awesome.
    Poor Maurer though. :/

  16. #196


    **** Spoilers to ep 63 ****

    Now, enough people put Monster on their top 5 favorite ep we should be able to have some discussion... I thought ep 63 was pretty good, very creepy without actually showing any violence. And Johan took Anna with him when he left the hospital? AFTER she shot him? I had always thought she must have taken off after hearing that he escaped... I wonder how they got split up then?

    And about ep 62... I hope that wasn't foreshadowing.

  17. #197
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Ani-Kraze's version of episode 65 is out

    On animesuki:

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  18. #198


    Spoilers for 64 and 65

    Tenma keeps firing off his shit cannon about how it's wrong to get revenge. It's starting to get annoying, but both episodes were still solid. I'm glad The Baby died, he was obnoxious. Looking forward to seeing how they wrap this series up.

  19. #199


    I just caught up from episode 54+....

    This is some good shit, and how The Baby died was awesome... I would've liked if they had shown his dead body, I'm pretty sure that hooker cut his dick...

    Anyways, We know Tenma got the kill in episode 65, unless he missed... the other dude had a silencer on

  20. #200


    I like how just before he was killed off they made him a pitiable character so you would have at least some regret for his death. Oh, and Eva shooting that guy's ear off was awesome. He didn't predict that one.

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