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Thread: About the sealing jutsu

  1. #1

    About the sealing jutsu

    I've been wondering about something. The sealing jutsu the third used in order to seal Oro's hands was the same the fourth used in order to seal Kyubi right? but why did the fourth seal it into a baby?
    He's gonna die anyway, why not seal it into himself and let kyubi go with him like the third did? any ideas theories would be welcome but please no spoilers O_o

  2. #2
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    About the sealing jutsu

    i think there might be some other threads about this....but anyway i remember jiraiya or kakashi saying the 4th did it to protect naruto. maybe the 4th decided if he sealed it into a baby then that child would be able to use kyubi to protect konoha.

  3. #3

    RE: About the sealing jutsu

    i think they said that kyubi cant die.. so probably if the carrier dies, kyubi is set free.. i dunno..

  4. #4

    RE: About the sealing jutsu

    I agree with Sharingan-Kakashi on this one, I believe the Fourth sealed Kyubi inside Naruto so that one day he could protect Konoha with that power.

  5. #5
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: About the sealing jutsu

    Probably the Fourth did it so that his legacy would live on in Naruto.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  6. #6

    RE: About the sealing jutsu

    This is so obvious!

    They did it so they can have an anime called NARUTO!

  7. #7

    RE: About the sealing jutsu

    why would he seal it himself and let him die? it doesn't seem to me that kyubi has any effect on naruto psychologically.. i mean naruto isn't some crazy fox person, he just has his power... if the 4th sealed it himself and let himself die that's a awful lot of power being wasted =( then sakura would die! no one wants that do we!???

    ok maybe we do but other people would die too!!

  8. #8
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: About the sealing jutsu

    I don't think the fox gets set free if Naruto dies, because the Chakra of the fox can only be used if the fox gives it, which it does because it believes that if Naruto dies, it dies.

  9. #9

    RE: About the sealing jutsu

    nope, that dun work either, remember the haku fight? he got a ton of the kyuubi chakra and it was never asked for. the only way for the ninetails fox to come back to life is for it to take over naruto's body. So, he can die, no prob...

    btw- if naruto dies and the kyuubi comes out, the series would be alot different. 1st off.. Naruto wouldn't be a ninja because of ya know, the high death rate an all. 2nd off- there would be atleast 1 jounin following him at all times to make sure he's not murdered or something or falls off a cliff. 3rd- they'd all be fuxed anyways cuz there's no way he could live forever, and the transfer sealing jutsu was known only to the 4th, and he couldn't teach it to naruto if he was dead, now could he?

  10. #10

    About the sealing jutsu

    Umm you are mistaken konoha rek, it says in the series that if naruto dies kyuubi will die.. that is why he gives naruto the chakra when naruto asks for it.
    However, naruto got some of kyuubi's chakra during the haku fight because naruto was under a lot of emotional stress. Emotional stress is the key to unlocking the seal and so the seal was weakened allowing kyuubi an easier chance to escape. And because the seal did not fully break, it just resulted in naruto gaining some of kyuubi's power. most likely it can sense naruto's fear, anger.

    kyuubi does die with naruto.

  11. #11

    About the sealing jutsu

    i think konoha rek was theorizing

  12. #12

    About the sealing jutsu

    yeah this question was bugging me ever since the first episode...
    hmm.. keeping it inside a little baby so they can use it later to save konoha? well.. that could be true since theres no other logical reason for not killing kyuubi with him...
    but i think theres more to it... now i know this is crazy (maybe kinda n00bish, too) but u think its a coincidence that naruto looks like the 4th (no im not say he is his son, the 4th dies instantly, giving him no time to 'spread his seed').. so i thought about it for a while, and heres my crazy theory : the 4th somehow got reincarnated (maybe its his will).. naruto looks like the 4th, and he wants to become a hokage (the 4th was a hokage) i know it sounds kinda stupid, but hey, freedom of speach, right?

  13. #13

    About the sealing jutsu

    Originally posted by: Ganesh
    Umm you are mistaken konoha rek, it says in the series that if naruto dies kyuubi will die.. that is why he gives naruto the chakra when naruto asks for it.
    However, naruto got some of kyuubi's chakra during the haku fight because naruto was under a lot of emotional stress. Emotional stress is the key to unlocking the seal and so the seal was weakened allowing kyuubi an easier chance to escape. And because the seal did not fully break, it just resulted in naruto gaining some of kyuubi's power. most likely it can sense naruto's fear, anger.

    kyuubi does die with naruto.
    in the fight with haku it wasnt emotion stress that made him kyuubi come out but the fact that naruto was gonna die

  14. #14
    ANBU Shuurai's Avatar
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    RE: About the sealing jutsu

    So your telling me that when your about to die you wont feel any emotions at all?

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  15. #15
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: About the sealing jutsu

    I think he might feel some emotion, come on dying's a big deal

    R.I.P Captain America.

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