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Thread: Advanced Bloodline

  1. #21
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Advanced Bloodline

    Originally posted by: khaodessy
    i dont think he mean by having the same powers as naruto when he says kyubi powers, but of the fact that kyubi has changed narutos genetic make up since he had kyubi sealed in him as a new born. so what ever abilites his kids will have from the fact that kyubi was in side their dad would his kids be of an advance bloodline because they will ahve abilities only to their clan
    kyuubi and naruto didnt merge. kyuubi exists inside of naruto so narutos genetic make up didnt change. which means this wont be passed on to narutos son unless naruto fuse with kyuubi.

  2. #22

    RE: Advanced Bloodline

    your not getting what im saying. i didnt say anything about kyubi merged with naruto the only thing that is merging is their charka. i was talking about the presence of kyubi inside of naruto has changed how his body would of been if kyubi was never sealed. because of kyubi naruto has a healing factor even if you cut kyubi totally off (which has already been done) naruto still has that healing factor. naruto body is more duriable then others because of the effects of kyubi. kyubi himself will not be passed down but the effects of him being inside naruto and the small changes done to his body can be passed down to his kids. they would have a high chance if they take after naruto to be stamina freaks with high charka lvls and a healing factor. depending on the mother who knows what else they could get. them being like naruto other then that is not possible because they dont have a demon sealed inside them

  3. #23

    RE: Advanced Bloodline

    I thought that Naruto would be changed because of Kyubi being sealed in him, didnt they say it would change his chakra pathway or something?

    Anyway isnt Naruto going to eventually merge with Kyubi completley, meaning that he will have the demon in his blood = passing on of the plood to his least thats the way I see it!

    Advanced bloodlines wise I dont think they just evolved, MY theory is that they first advanced bloodlines began with the mixing of demon and human blood. I recon a random demon took a human shape got it on with a random girl or guy and hey presto CRAZY demon powers! Well thats the way I'm theorizing it, but hey I'm probs completley wrong

  4. #24

    RE: Advanced Bloodline

    Catalyst, Dude. This is not inuyasha. I seriously doubt that's how bloodlines came to exist.

  5. #25

    RE: Advanced Bloodline

    Erm I've kinda never seen Inuyasha, heh the only anime's I've seen are Naruto, Full metal alchemist and I've started on Beserk (scary) whats the story behind Inuyasha?

  6. #26
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Advanced Bloodline

    Originally posted by: khaodessy
    your not getting what im saying. i didnt say anything about kyubi merged with naruto the only thing that is merging is their charka. i was talking about the presence of kyubi inside of naruto has changed how his body would of been if kyubi was never sealed. because of kyubi naruto has a healing factor even if you cut kyubi totally off (which has already been done) naruto still has that healing factor. naruto body is more duriable then others because of the effects of kyubi. kyubi himself will not be passed down but the effects of him being inside naruto and the small changes done to his body can be passed down to his kids. they would have a high chance if they take after naruto to be stamina freaks with high charka lvls and a healing factor. depending on the mother who knows what else they could get. them being like naruto other then that is not possible because they dont have a demon sealed inside them
    hmm yea but those changes are close to nothing since narutos body cant heal all by itself you have to use ointment or bandages or something. and that is also the only thing kyubi has given naruto other than chakra. naruto durability is his own and his chakra is very high at its own to. so narutos kids wouldnt be anything special.

  7. #27
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Advanced Bloodline

    when you think about it, it isn't impossible for Naruto's kids to have some of the chackra from the demon...

    in the tree climbing episodes, it's said that chackra comes from either body cells or mental power, and Orochimaru says that the Kyubi's chackra is merging with Naruto's... so that means that the Kyubi is merging with Naruto's cells, and seeing how each cell has the D.N.A in it, and that the kyubi chackra surges all over Naruto's body (through the chackra 'high way'), it seems that Naruto's offspirings will also have the Kyubi (or just high amounts of) chackra.

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  8. #28
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Advanced Bloodline

    I believe we're thinking way too much into this. I really doubt the Naruto universe follows the real world rules of DNA structure and all that.

    If you're born into a bloodline family, you'll get the abilities. Naruto isn't part of a bloodline, so none of his kids (if he ever has any) will get any extra abilities. Naruto has extra abilities because there's a demon inside him, but any kids that he has won't have that demon, so therefore no extra abilities. The End.
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