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Thread: Level of Ninja in Naruto...

  1. #21
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    Hmm. I however have a different perception of all these,

    1. Hokage
    2. Jounins - Captains, or commanders
    3. Job Levels/Chunnins - Anbu, Medics, Teachers(Thats why Naruto first teacher is a chunnin, not because he's stong or anything.)
    4. Gennin - Still Require undersupervision of higher ranking ninja's.
    5. Students

    I view Chunnins as ninja's that are capable enough as in they act or their decision making is like adults. I'm sure most like Sasuke, Naruto, Neji, Rock Lee, and others are definitely strong enough to be Chunnin levels, but they are not chunnins, because they probably deem unfit as of yet to be in the 'proper' ninja's or the ninja working class.

    And also, I don't see Chunnins under supervision of a higher ranking class. Jounins teach Gennins, Chunnins teach Students. Who teaches Chunnins?? (I doubt the Hokage has enough time to teach every single Chunnin) I don't think they have any teacher, therefore, they are like the working class of the ninjas. Some more talented at fighting, go become Anbu. More intelligent become Medics. Some more or less totally hopeless become teachers. Heheh.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  2. #22

    RE: Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    Originally posted by: Krbadass
    Sannin can be over hokage. So id say

    1. Kage - Sannin
    2. Jounin
    3. ANBU
    You're perceptive...

  3. #23

    RE: Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    Originally posted by: chambers
    lenas your being naive. he didnt kill ANY that you can prove. kazekage was killed, we dont even know if it was by oro, it could have been oro his right hand man and 52 sound ninjas ifor all we know.e
    We don't *know* , it's true. But Oro took the faces of the Kazekage and his guards to get inside Konoha.
    We *know* the only way to get somebody's face using Oro's jutsu implies in killing the owner of said face.
    Baki says, Orochimaru, you bastard.
    It's called circusntancial evidence. People go to jail with that. Why try to deny the obvious?

  4. #24
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    Originally posted by: Stoopider
    And also, I don't see Chunnins under supervision of a higher ranking class. Jounins teach Gennins, Chunnins teach Students. Who teaches Chunnins?? (I doubt the Hokage has enough time to teach every single Chunnin) I don't think they have any teacher, therefore, they are like the working class of the ninjas. Some more talented at fighting, go become Anbu. More intelligent become Medics. Some more or less totally hopeless become teachers. Heheh.
    this is what i think: chuunins are still taught by their senseis until they reach almost-jounin status and i think they go train by themselves. unless they want to become exam proctors, teachers, etc. like iruka sensei.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  5. #25
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    If chuunins are still taught by their sensei then it'd be logical that those would have to be jounin/special jounin (Ebisu types). When the 3rd Hokage had that meeting with the jounins prior and during the chuunin exam there were only a roomful of them. I'm thinking that chuunins probably aren't "main" students of their former sensei so to speak but probably receive some guidance so that the teacher-jounin doesn't have to spend much time on them.

    Otherwise, if it's one jounin teacher per 3 genin/chuunin ninjas then there aren't many ninjas in Konoha for a country / village that's considered the dominant force in the Naruto world. Besides, don't those jounins have to go out in miscellaneous missions and whatnot? It seems that the ones teaching the genins are taking a break from missions to develop the youth. (i.e. Kakashi saying he hadn't been in such a dangerous fight when vs'ing Zabuza or when he thought to himself that his body weakened during mountain climbing)

  6. #26

    Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    Originally posted by: The_Fourth
    Hakus mask wasnt a ANBUs one, it was a hunter-nin, and there is the chance that that mask wasnt from a konoha ninja.
    yeah... there's a very good chance, because there were HIDDEN MIST markings on the forhead.

    Anyways, yeah, it'd make sence that Jounin still help with their Chuunin students, but I think they would even if it wasn't traditional, because they develop a close bond, as seen with the Hokage Oro fight...

    And not all Jounin teach genin. Remember Ino's dad? And all the others? They are simply reserved for fighting.

  7. #27

    Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    I'm going to say it goes:

    1. Kages - Sannin - Strong Missing-Nin(i.e Itachi)
    2. Jounin
    3. Anbu/Hunter Nin
    4. Chuunin
    5. Gennin
    6. Students

    I think as far as Kage vs. Sannin it just depends. Because, if you remember, no sannin was chosen to be the 4th hokage. On the other hand though, that could have been due to personality conflicts. Then, a sannin killed 2 kages and we still don't know how Orochimaru compares to Jiraiya and Tsunade but Jiraiya didn't seem to be particularly scared of Orochimaru.

    And not all Jounin teach genin. Remember Ino's dad? And all the others? They are simply reserved for fighting.
    How do we know they're Jounin? Did it say?

  8. #28
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    i don't remember a scene where orochimaru and jiraiya faced each other.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  9. #29
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    no no, ANBU is a class, not a rank
    jounins and probably chuunins can choose to be anbu if they want....or they can be teachers, or just do some freelance missions

    after all, ibiki is a jounin, yet he is also the head of the interrogations section of ANBU

    v Response to below: even IF anbu was a rank, then it wouldnt be higher than jounins....since kabuto could kill 10 of them easily and he's the same strength as kakashi. And further proof that anbu isnt a rank, is that just as those anbu were weaker than higher level jounins, there exist the hunter variety that even zabuza and haku fear
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  10. #30

    Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    they never fought, Jiraiya just shrugs off the idea that Oro is around and comments on how crappy of a job Oro has done on the seal he put on Naruto - maybe showing that he is better than him

    heres my list:
    1. Kage, Sannin, some Missing-Nin
    2. Anbu/hunter nins
    3. jounin/special jounin
    4. chuunin
    5. genin
    6. student
    7. civilian

    the reason why i put anbu, and hunter nins above jounin because they are the assasination squad with special operations. they should be powerful enough to go against others that are powerful. If, say an anbu was chuunin level, and he/she was sent on a task to assasinate a jounin missing nin, but he was found out and the jounin went after him. He'd be screwed.
    i think special jounins are just jounins with special tasks assigned to them, nothing special really

  11. #31

    Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    they never fought, Jiraiya just shrugs off the idea that Oro is around and comments on how crappy of a job Oro has done on the seal he put on Naruto - maybe showing that he is better than him
    except oro put no seal on Naruto... actually, he didn't put a curse on anyone...

    Kakashi put a seal on the curse oro put on sasuke, but thats it.

    How do we know they're Jounin? Did it say?
    No. I just typed out a good paragraph or two in my defence, about chuunin costumes, when I realized their parents could have been wearing street clothes.
    They never say they are jounin, but by how they were fighting, and how old they must be, they probably are.

  12. #32

    Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    actually oro did put a seal around the nine tails seal (during the 2nd chuunin test in the forest) so naruto couldnt control his chakra as well. the perverted hermit removed it.

    no, you don't know that they're jounin. just b/c they can fight doesnt put them at that level.

    as i said in the original post, i dont think the levels are distinct. they can definitely be crossed in terms of individual ninja ability. i also think that the 3rd actually was stronger than oro even up to the end, he just wasnt quite able to finish the job. oro used a forbidden jutsu which gave him the advantage at the start but still got his arse kicked. he just got lucky that the 3rd wasnt able to finish the seal jutsu. if you look at it another way it was worse than killing oro, forcing him to live w/out his abilies.

  13. #33

    RE: Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    Originally posted by: chambers
    i think hokage dwarfs the sannin title in trms of everything really. i think you have to rememeber that you are basing your rankings off of ONE battle and ONE hokage and ONE sannin. the hokage trained the sannin right? yes fair enough they should eventually surpass them, but in the normal run of events we have to take into consideration that the 4th would still be around and we MUST assuem that because he was chosen OVER oro that he was stronger. also you must work into account that the sannin rank or name most likley (if it referes to ninja trained by the hokage or future hokage) referes to them at the time of training. as they all seemingly left the village except the 4th none of them advanced to the point where perhaps they would be called elders, so the name stuck. it most likley no longer reflects there abilitys which have improved with age.

    Nah.. Orochimaru was the the 3rds FIRST choice for being Hokage.. over the 4th Hokage, over Jiraiya, over Tsunade. The only reason he wasn't picked was because he was killing his own people. If he wasn't, Orochimaru wouldve been the 4th Hokage.

    So, I agree with Krbadass's ranking

    1. Kage - Sannin
    2. Jounin
    3. ANBU

  14. #34

    RE: Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    ok first of all......sannin should be ranked lower than the Hokage. the reason why is because the only reason Orochimaru was able to beat the 3rd was cuz he was old and decrepit. if Oro faced the 3rd in his prime, then he would have definitely been owned. (that flashback when the 3rd fought Oro does not mean anything cuz the 3rd was not willing to kill Oro at the time). AND.....the Kage of Konoha is probably the strongest of the Kage's because Konoha is the strongest/largest ninja village in the continent. that's why so many people go to Konoha to have missions completed. so this is my ranking:

    1. Hokage
    2. Sannin
    3. Jounin
    4. ANBU
    5. Chuunin
    6. Genin
    7. Student

  15. #35

    RE: Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    uhhh.... yea, Oro took on the hokage when the guy is going to die soon. They even said if he was 10 years younger, he would pwn Orochimaru's ass like no other. So you can't put Hokage and Sannin together cause sannin is weaker.

  16. #36

    RE: Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    Your wrong. Ok. Wrong. The evidence has proven it already. Jiraiya and Tsunade are sannin and were asked to be hokage, meaning they are on the same level if they qualify for it. Is that not enough proof for you??? Baka..

  17. #37

    RE: Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    Hmmm I think that Sannin can be as powerful as Hokage.... there can be only a few Kages at a time.. when there can be a lot of Sannin. So to me Sannin is someone who is as powerful as a Kage just doesn't carry the title.

    So, I agree with Krbadass's ranking

    1. Kage - Sannin
    2. Jounin
    3. ANBU
    Agree with the above ranking =D

  18. #38

    RE: Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    There can't be a lot of Sannin .. only 3 .. hence the name SAN NIN (3 Ninja)

  19. #39

    RE: Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    Thank you.

  20. #40

    RE: Level of Ninja in Naruto...

    okay but my point was that there 1 Kage 3 Sannin.... and none of them might not even be one, just means they are just as powerful. That they are on the same level. Well at least that is what it means to me.

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