Wed, 05-05-2004, 03:25 PM
Somethings just piss you off...
omfg murdering 2,000,000 people for 'racial cleansing' is the same to you as 65,000 people dieing during war? anyway my sig doesnt seem to be working does anyone know a free image hosting site, angelfire just puts an angelfire pic and geocities doesnt seem to work at all.
grrrr now my avatar isnt working either
Wed, 05-05-2004, 04:59 PM
RE: Somethings just piss you off...
Why does it seem like people in this thread are trying to defend the Turkish tradition by pointing out other countries' problems? Yeah, other countries do a lot of other bad shit too, but does that mean it's okay for Turkey to allow this? What the father did was wrong plain and simple.
Wed, 05-05-2004, 05:33 PM
ANBU Captain
RE: Somethings just piss you off...
I agree Xollence in the regard that guilt of OTHER parties, whether more or less, does not excuse in any way immoral actions under any circumstances. I must say, however, that I didn't see anything to the effect that the Turkish government condones these honor killings, but rather that it is a dirty old tradition that is unfortunately still happening today.
It seems that these crimes are mostly being perpetrated by old-school rural citizens, so what the Turkish are seeing is probably similar to what the US saw in the deep south in the 60s onwards. Even though the legislation had reformed, crimes of racial prejudice continued to occur at very high levels, never totally disappearing. There are still KKK-dominated areas in Georgia, etc in the 21st century!
One parallel in all of these unfortunate situations, is that the offenders almost always show no remorse, and believe fully that what they are doing is right .. usually for reasons of 'tradition' or 'honor'. Religion (often the misinterpreted messages that are spewed by twisted, hateful leaders) is the core of many of these criminal's belief systems that they base this behaviour upon.
In the end, it is the lack of education, and the propensity of the human spirit to foster a bitter and committed hatred for one another that makes such horrors possible. Humanity has beaten, starved, tortured, raped, persecuted, and murdered one another for it's entire history with a bloodthirsty vengeance .. it will never stop .. only reduce gradually .. that's all we can hope for.
Wed, 05-05-2004, 06:06 PM
RE: Somethings just piss you off...
There are plenty of foolish people all over the world, it's impossible to stop these problems all at once. Hope for gradual change, and learn to deal with the stupidity until then.
Sat, 05-08-2004, 07:23 PM
RE: Somethings just piss you off...
The whole thing seems really stupid to me. But i guess that's simply because i'm an 'outsider' as it were.
Samurai's would commit suicide in order to make amends to their sense of honour. This is half-way there, in the fact they go to exteme lengths for honour, it's just unfortunate it's to 'someone else' rather than themselves. But then, if they did have the same ritual as the Japanese Samurai, would it still seem as bad if it's the daughters commit suicide, instead of their father killing them just for honour?
People do things that seem pretty strange to me over such a thing as honour. It's not really something i ever really understood, about taking life for the sake of honour. But this is the way cultures go i guess. You can't change a civilization by complaining about it, unless you happen to rule the country or a country who is highly respected by the country with the problem. Also, you shouldn't make judgements simply because of the bad stuff that is involved in their culteral rights. I think the only people who have the right to make such judgements on the whole thing, and if it is ok or not, should be the people who are born with that tradition. (The Turks).
We can observe, comment, and state our disagreements i guess. But we shouldn't insult, suggest they deserve death/life imprisonment, or make a general comment on the whole country (Stereotypical views), just because their culter differs so greatly from our own.
I agree, i don't like the whole thing either. I think it's totally wrong in my view and it should be stopped. But i don't know the full story on their reasons, and i believe that you should respect culteral differences regardless of what it is and no matter how much you dislike them. You can't have everything in life the way you want it =/
Sat, 05-08-2004, 07:56 PM
RE: Somethings just piss you off...
lol you are correct in some ways i will give you that. i do respect other culters and their traditions, but i will NOT respect them when they are evil. and to me, killing your daughter for getting raped is an evil act, and i will say that they do deserve life imprisonment, or deserve to be killed themselves.
Sun, 05-09-2004, 11:05 AM
RE: Somethings just piss you off...
evil is such a......subjective concept
Sun, 05-09-2004, 11:56 AM
Somethings just piss you off...
Wow!! I've triggered a heated arguement!!
I must be special. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] . (Sorry. Too long for me to read and join you guys).
All I could comprehend was AssetrnFailure's last comments.
But the cause of me saying that is also due to the Shariah laws, partly. Once they've lost their virginity,their life is more or less over. (Thus Saving family honour rubbish). Nobody wants used goods. Well thats their thinking. And their laws are extremely strict.
When I talk about backward, I mean their beliefs and ideologies concerning the honour killing rubish.(Therefore like the minister of womens issues say, they need to be educated).
But yeah. Sorry If i'm being stereotypical about them.
Over there they value Virginity like we value Naruto. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

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