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Thread: Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.

  1. #41

    Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.

    Originally posted by: animemaster
    [Putting all that aside, I think that when it's all said and done, Sasuke will <u>never</u> be able to beat Naruto.
    I'll be damned if I have to start reading a manga called 'Sasuke' The name doesn't even have any ring to it.
    Sasuke=limited Chakra...Naruto doesn't
    Sasuga, Animemaster-san!
    Couldn't agree with you more. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
    The manga would be boring without Sasuka????
    Teenager angst is what's boring. Even Oro who's a spoiled snake is not as spoiled as Sassy-kun.
    Mangas are not fair, but it they were, both Saska and Sakura would wind up turning tricks in Konoha less respectable watering holes.

  2. #42
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.

    Actually, Naruto is the one balancing the story mood, not Sasuke...
    as a charecter, Naruto has as much angst potential as any other guy (and not something so overused as revenge, blahh, Cry me a river and drown in it, idiot), just look at the first chapters and all the Inari thing, Naruto has alot of problems on his own, and unlike Sasuke's issuses, he can't solve those by fighting...

    sorry to say it, but Sasuke's story is fucking up the manga, and about the Naruto\ Sasuke rate, you should check again how the story goes... Naruto never had any storyline of his own, he get's messed up in everything else, the water country arc had more focus on Sasuke than on Naruto, the chunin exam was almost solely based on Sasuke (oro put it best, saying that Naruto is interputting him), the third exam is almost only about the Gaara-Sasuke conflict, that Naruto enters in by mistake...
    later on, Naruto has one arc without Sasuke (Rasengan arc), but he's still dragging behind Jiraya, and now, we have about 30 chapters, which are concentrating on Sasuke, and how he's going over to the bad side (of the story spectrume, if they're going to show Naruto jumping trees again without meeting Sasuke, i'll be pissed)...

    Naruto appears happy and dumb becuase he keeps his angsting and trumas to himself, if the charecter was gives sufficoant time to develop, i'm sure we would have seen some deep intersting stories, and i'm sure they would be better than "My gothic bro klled my family, now i'm a moody guy with a lust for revenge" theme Sasuke has been cultivating since the 3rd chapter...

    Note: wow, i wrote this post in 3 hours, made a shitload of stops, so i totally lost my point somewhere along the line...
    2nd note: i'm usually not such a desperate Sasuke-hater, I have respect fot the charecter, i just think that the story should focus on something else for a while, and not get stuck on this crap all the time. if the "Naruto" manga ends with Sasuke killing Itachi and realizing that revenge sucks, i'll be pissed off

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  3. #43

    Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.

    Originally posted by: animemaster
    on Sasuke side, well I think sasuke has a lot better story than naruto. Sasuke is in constant pain and pressure. Its the kind of person that has worked hard and still cant hit that spot where he wants to be.

    Sasuke doenst wanna brag about hes power, he just needs it to kill hes brother.

    what little DBZ kids (12-15 year old) think, is that hes a bad character because in the last arcs hes appeared as a desperate weak guy.

    if you notice well, the naturo story moves around the sasuke story constantly. even more, because of sasuke, naruto is what he is.

    you take sasuke off the story, and the whole thing crashes into pieces. naruto is too happy to balance.
    I'm not naruto's #1 fan, nor is this post an attack on the author of the above quote but I saw something that I wanted to state my opinions about

    --on Sasuke side, well I think sasuke has a lot better story than naruto. Sasuke is in constant pain and pressure. Its the kind of person that has worked hard and still cant hit that spot where he wants to be.

    1)With regards to Sasuke, personally I think that he's an arrogant little prick...guess every series has it's share of unlikeable characters/assholes. Better story than naruto? I disagree. Naruto has ambition to become hokage and make something of himself. Sasuke's intent on getting revenge, maybe he's stuck on stupid but he should've paid more attention to Kakashi:"In the end, those who tasted revenge were not satisfied... it ended in tragedy. You'll only hurt and suffer more... even if you are successful in your revenge, all you'll be left with is emptiness."
    That Ryo Hazuki mindset going to get him nowhere.

    Regarding constant pain and never being where he wants to be [hitting the spot...] ok no more talking dirty j/k Naruto has faced a hell of a lot of pain in his life up until this point...hell even Gaara went through some rough times despite efforts for people to acknowledge/treat them equal and humane as others. Taking into consideration that many other characters have also faced hardships in their lives -won't bother to list names-, I just don't see what makes Sasuke's case so special.

    -Sasuke doesn't wanna brag about his power?
    2)Maybe so but actions speak louder than words. I dunno if anyone else sees Sasuke as a showoff but his actions send me message about him showing off/bragging about his power that time he attempted to step to Naruto and use his Chidori. (And yes Naruto got on the defensive but it's the natural thing to do...and if they weren't stopped, it's very clear that Sasuke would've been destroyed.)

    -you take sasuke off the story, and the whole thing crashes into pieces.
    3)Umm...let's see, unless you are or payoff Kishimoto and/or his editor...NO the story won't crash. Surely he gets credit for keeping Naruto on his toes as far as the rivalry to get stronger and for that I gave him credit for up until Naruto learned to summon Gamabunta and started to grasp the concept of controlling and using the kyubi chakra within.

    -if you notice well, the naturo story moves around the sasuke story constantly. even more, because of sasuke, naruto is what he is.
    4)What manga are you reading? Have you only started reading from the last 10 or so chapters because the last time I checked, Kishimoto was still working on Naruto and the storyline does not constantly move around Sasuke nor is a character who is solely respsonsible for what Naruto is.
    Ok looking at it from the point of view that Sasuke made Naruto into what he is, I could say that Itachi basically made Sasuke and w/o him, Sasuke's role in this manga would've crashed and burned about 213 chapters ago.

    -Naruto is too happy to balance.
    5)He nor many of the main characters come from 'perfect backgrounds'.
    Naruto is a cheerful guy but he hasn't been and isn't always happy or too happy as you put it. Each character has their moments of sadness, anger or any other emotions and their current emotional state isn't permanent.

    -what little DBZ kids (12-15 year old) think, is that hes a bad character because in the last arcs hes appeared as a desperate weak guy.
    6)What every DBZ kid (12-15yrs old) thinks is &lt;/sthat goku is the greatest anime char that ever graced the screens &lt;/sarcasm&gt; and that Sasuke is a bad character because his attitude stinks.

    Putting all that aside, I think that when it's all said and done, Sasuke will <u>never</u> be able to beat Naruto.
    I'll be damned if I have to start reading a manga called 'Sasuke' The name doesn't even have any ring to it.
    Sasuke=limited Chakra...Naruto doesn't
    1. You wanna know what I think is funny? You completely disregard Sasuke's obvious role as an anti-hero type of character. Think for a moment. Your entire family was killed. Your family's murderer constantly gives you nightmares about his wishes to you - that is to KILL HIM. Kakashi told him otherwise.. and? You think somebody who Sasuke knows little to nothing about, will have any valid say, in his ambition? Get real. For the past several years, he's been working on killing Itachi.. now all of a sudden, somebody tells you "Don't do it", and Sasuke is supposed to say "Okay" and just forget about everything? Get real, dude. Before calling it stupid, stick yourself into his shoes. As for Naruto becoming Hokage.. Big fucking deal. He wants to become Hokage, so everybody will like him more. That's his real reason. All he wants is to be acknowledged. That's not exactly leagues better than Sasuke's motive for revenge.

    2. Naruto actually had the Rasengan forming in his hand (w/Kagebunshin support) when Sasuke finished off his fire breath attack. That's when he performed a jutsu. Also, while this has been discussed before, with no real end - I still think Sasuke would've won that fight, contrary to popular belief. Rasengan maybe a better jutsu, but Sasuke had mastered Chidori on a much higher level. A jutsu is only as good as the person using it, and their mastery of it. In this case, Sasuke would've won.

    3. What you're saying is "Now that Naruto has a better technique than Sasuke, Sasuke is basically useless." That's not the case. Sasuke and Naruto are friends, despite their petty little arguments. This has even been ESTABLISHED in the manga. Even if Naruto is stronger, does that change the fact that they're buddies? They're a TEAM. (with Sakura)

    4. Dude, let me ask you the question. What manga are you reading? In the past 215 chapters, where has Kishimoto EVER gone so far as to designate an entire "arc" to Naruto for Naruto to realize where he is at? Has he ever, really truly been the character to take center stage? Yes, he's the main character, but look at it from a plot point of view. He's already a developed character. He already overcame his weaknesses, at the beginning. He has people slowly beginning to realize his existence. So, yes. Sasuke, at this point, has been emphasized way more than Naruto.

    5. Naruto begins the series early as "Mr. Know-it-all". He's already realized the pain of being alone. Already began, knowing what it means to be treated like crap. He's even grown past it. This allows him to say "Well, I've been there too. I know how you feel. Btw, I'm gonna become Hokage."

    6. Sasuke isn't a bad character, you tool. Are you saying that GATSU (Guts) is a bad character in Berserk, because his character isn't exactly mister Nice Guy? Or, any other important character who doesn't have a tree-hugging attitude to be a bad character? Leave your bias out of this. I actually think this is better, because it gives the character in question to realize his or her own faults, which of course, Naruto began the series knowing.

    Putting your weak, one-sided statements aside, I think Sasuke and Naruto, in the end, are equal no matter how much fans try to rule out Sasuke. Sasuke is far more resourceful, intelligent, and calm than Naruto is. Naruto, OTOH, has more raw power (what a loophole), more drive and overall better personality than Sasuke. It's really not up to anybody but Kishimoto to say who would win, and who wouldn't.

  4. #44

    Why I dislike Sakura and Sasuke.

    No one has ever looked down on Tsunade. She always had her strong presence and reputation. At least she had respect because she was the 1st hokage's granddaughter.
    Jiraiya is the one who both Tsu and Oro look down onto. Even now when they are older, Oro shows respect to Tsunade and even fears her to some degree (he said that one punch from her can kill), but Oro still looks down on Jiraiya and calls him an idiot. Jiraiya showed great respect to Tsunade and considered her better than him as a hokage.

    My point is Sakura is nothing like Tsunade. Tsunade has always been one of the superior ninjas even when she was a little girl. At least she was able to get the bell from the 3rd in the bell training, where Sakura didn't even touch Kakashi's bell and we know how the 3rd is superior to Kakashi.

    In simple words, Sakura sucks... Tsunade rules.

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