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Thread: Episode 81 Discussion

  1. #41

    Episode 81 Discussion

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    i noticed the connection with the sleeping guard as well, thanks for confirming it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    this episode hints at the next hokage
    explains the 2 mysterious guys with the cloud cloaks
    shows kurenai actually doing something

    i think this was a pretty accomplished episode [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
    NP [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
    Yeah, they really should give Kurenai and Asuma more screen time. Why did they have to pitch them against Itachi-nii-chan and fishface right of the bat?
    Asuma's hand weapons are pretty neat, now that we know that he uses chackra to cut and not exactly the blade.
    Kurenai's genjutsu was pretty cool with her disappearing into thin air.
    Good to see the two of them on a date. Why did they cut that line from the manga?
    And finally we learned where Hinata learned to blush. heh, heh
    Best of all, we now can say their names! Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame.

  2. #42

    RE: Episode 81 Discussion

    yea. good episode. i wanna know what the big deal is with itachi, too. is the anime at all catching up with the manga? :shrug:

  3. #43
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 81 Discussion

    the big deal with itachi is that he freaking rocks and is cooler and better than every character in the series (except a certain few). the manga is at 213 right now, 214 this i say like 80, give or take some, chapters away?

    just a pure speculation about the chapters.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  4. #44

    Episode 81 Discussion

    Originally posted by: baka passing
    yea. good episode. i wanna know what the big deal is with itachi, too. is the anime at all catching up with the manga? :shrug:
    He is just a bishie gone bad and a fancy psycho. I don't see much function for him as a character in the story unless they didn't have strong and mean characters to begin with. Well, now that Oro is sick...
    Other than being Sasuke nemesis, I really don't see how the helps develop the plot.
    I have to admit, though that he's good looking. Even if fishface's lines are better, he also has good ones, now that the best Oro can do is curse the deceased Sandaime and make empty threats of killing Kabuto. Didn't make you wonder *how* Oro would kill Kabuto? Like, by kicking his insuferable ass? Yeah, the little bastard would stay there, quiet until Oro finished him off with his feet.
    A far cry from, Long time no see, Kakashi-kun, And kill me if you can... And that sensual tone he used to say Sarutobi-senseee... One can even feel sorry for him as he yells How dare you? Give me back my arms!
    Actually, IMO, the prob with Itachi-anchan is not Itachi himself, but the cult of Itachi worshipers that goes around. I can think of a simple explanation for that zeal, but it's off -topic and some things are really better left unsaid.

  5. #45
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Episode 81 Discussion

    Didn't make you wonder *how* Oro would kill Kabuto?
    Lack of hands only means that he can't use Ninjitsu and Genjitsu.

    While you might mock the idea of Oro "kicking him to death" its entirely possible if Oro's Taijitsu is advanced enough.

  6. #46

    Episode 81 Discussion

    Kick-ass episode.
    Can't wait for the next one. I like Itachi, but to me, he's just as kewl as Orochimaru when he showed up and every1 was scared of his power.

    Btw, i wanna hear Itachi's theme. (musicwise). Any1 have it? It should sound kinda good.

  7. #47
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 81 Discussion

    i didnt notice that he had a theme song yet......
    if he did though......then there's no point in asking for it until like, the 4th or 5th OSTs come out
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #48
    ANBU Shuurai's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 81 Discussion

    Itachi's theme is actually sasukes theme in episdoe 81 im sure he will get his own in ost3 or ost4

    This sig was made by KitKat.

  9. #49

    RE: Episode 81 Discussion

    Wow this storyline is so much better animated. Them fighting on top of the water was kind of cool in the manga, but the anime does it much better. The fight scenes like this are also much better.

    Years ago when this came out in manga form, a good fansub group wasn't really doing it so we got such shitty translations. The one I have doesn't even mention that Kakashi is waiting to get an offering for Obito.

    I can't wait for the next episode.

  10. #50

    RE: Episode 81 Discussion

    I'm very bad with names, who is Obito again?

  11. #51

    RE: Episode 81 Discussion

    Most likely Kakashi's old team mate. We are not sure if it is the girl or the boy who is pictured with him in the flashback. Most likely it could be the girl, but the boy hasn't been entirely ruled out either.

    Why was he waiting for Sasuke to go with him though...... (that is what it looked like to me anyway, I don't know why Sasuke said something about the food. Maybe he thought they were going to eat)

    Either way, Kakashi is still so much favoring Sasuke over the other two.

    A few baka's on the manga board might tell you that Obito is Sasuke and Itachi's father, but thats not true. The dates don't match up at all. Obito would be around 25 or 26 the same age as Kakashis now. So Obito would have had to had Itachi and Sasuke at like 10 and 13, so that won't work out.

    Kishimoto could be playing us though and Obito could be someone else other than his two teammates, but it is most likely that Obito and Kakashi's friend (from the end of their Genin Exam Test who he talks about) are the same person.

  12. #52

    RE: Episode 81 Discussion

    WOW!!!! What an amazing episode. Asuma and Kurenai finally get to show their moves and they don't dissapoint except for the fact that they had to fight two of the most badass characters ever and get punked! Itachi is one bad mofo and Kisame is the veritable psycho. Damn i can't wait for the animated version of the kakashi vs. Itachi fight.

  13. #53

    RE: Episode 81 Discussion

    I just love how Samehada, I think that is what Kisame calls his big blade, just overpowers Asuma with one hand. The blade needs to stay in toilet paper wrappings 24/7 though otherwise its ugly as heck.

    Does anyone else think Kisame looks alot like zabuza? They both have shark like teeth and the same skin complexion at times. Sure not the gills or the small eyes but still they even have someone of that evil eyel ook about them. Not to mention they both use very interesting swords.

  14. #54

    RE: Episode 81 Discussion

    i was wondering about the same thing about the appearances of Kisame and Zabuza.
    Could Kisame be part of a clan that is only known to exist in the hidden village of mist? Not much information is given about other countries and the nins, and the other special bloodline we've seen was Haku's.
    I dont know but do wierd characters just pop out of nowhere (Oro, Kisame.... i wonder how their parents are like), but IT IS an anime, so things like that can happen.

  15. #55
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 81 Discussion

    huh? only resemblance i see with fish face and zabuza is they both have those giant blades. but zabuza is human looking and the fish guy looks like a half shark half human thing. kakashi does obviously favor sasuke, since theyre more alike or whatever. but whats awesome now is that naruto has jiraiya a friggin legendary sennin. jiraiya is a lot like naruto, so i think that shows that naruto will one day be a high level ninja like him, while sasuke will just be more like kakashi, unless he turns evil like itachi.

  16. #56

    Episode 81 Discussion

    Uchiha Itachi Is God.Well that's completely opinionated,but it's nice to see Itachi animated.I'mso glad they didn't scew his part up,unlike the 3rd vs Orochimaru(read the manga,then watch the anime,then done this part so wrong,same with the war).But it seems like for the Itachi part they aren't holding back,even on blood...Itachi's just that good...

  17. #57
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 81 Discussion

    seeing Itachi fight was great, it was getting something you really wanted after a long time, Kisame on the other hand is like nappa from DBZ, very annoying and pointless, even what Itachi said made me think of Kisame as Nappa "Dont over do it, your moves stand out too much" Nappa's moves were loud and big, so IMO the two are the same

    R.I.P Captain America.

  18. #58

    Episode 81 Discussion

    I was wondering if anybody knows a translation for what was on Kisame and Itachi's rings? They seemed to stop there for a second, like it was significant.... Do those symbols mean anything?

    i'm not a manga reader, so if this is spoiler bait please don't reply [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  19. #59
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Episode 81 Discussion

    kisame's ring symbol meant South, and Itachi's meant Scarlet.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  20. #60

    Episode 81 Discussion

    I am guessing the rings stand for there clan. I Orchi was a part of that clan at one time... then he got out of it like he said. I think when he was in the clan he saw Itachi having sharingon and how powerful it made him thats why he has an obsession with it. Hmmm I wonder if he was trying to get a hold of Sasuke to get to Itachi. Because Kabuto mentions putting a new collar on him. I dont know if he was talking about the seal or not then Orchi says if he got Itachi to begin with there would of been no problem.

    That convo between Orchi and Kabuto have me questioning a lot of things. I think there is some between Itachi and Orchi.. but I am sure if there is it wont be shown for a while.

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