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Thread: Manga: Gantz

  1. #101
    I am reading it too...

  2. #102
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    I thought Izumi would die sooner or later. Nobody wants to help him as he's such a prick to begin with. Good fighter nontheless, but nobody can fight alone.

    I wonder how's the next episode going to be like, especially with all his friends back again. I really hope Tomb Raider returns. Oooyeah!!. Kinda like Tomb Raider and the sniper guy from the Buddha scene. I thought those two would go far as well.

  3. #103
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    I'm back to being caught up with Gantz and I'm a little disappointed that Izumi died. He was such a cool character and I didn't get to see his secret weapon. Anyone think Kurono dies again and is sent back to the room?

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  4. #104
    chapter 236 @ register first.

    So I guess kurono will die since the gantz team is gonna be sent to the room again. Just a hunch anyway. At least he killed a lot of vampires first.

  5. #105
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Oh shit at 237.

    WTF now I have to wait Nov 16th, day before ps3 to see Gantz part2. Was it really his brother that was calling him on the phone? It didn't seem as though his brother cared for him at all. And Katou is still using that darn capture gun. I hope Gantz 2 is about Reika and not him.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  6. #106
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Kei chan, NOOOOOOOO. This really proves no one is safe in this series. it takes balls to kill off you main character, but I was expecting somthing drastic but this even through me for a loop. Four months of guessing and waiting.

  7. #107
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    No more Kurono, huh? Has something like this ever happened before? Not only is the main character dead mid-series, but the gantz team loses its supposed two strongest members, Izumi and Kurono. I don't think he's even revivable, because he's no longer in memory, right? Unless gantz keeps a file on members that have exited the system.

    I also don't want part two to focus on Katou, but I don't think it'll focus on Reika either. Her character isn't someone that masses of readers could easily identify themselves with. Aside from her being voted as the leader after Kurono left, she's been mostly a support role. Hopefully the story will spread its focus to cover all of the members equally - they're at the point where they've trained enough that they're a group of veterans now instead of just one.

  8. #108
    Kie isnt that cause GANTZ can take back any dead people right, why not take back on of the best fighters in the game history.

    Was his brothers head the vamp showed Kie? I mean Kie called him Akira which was his name right.

    Did you guys see the preview it looks like GANTZ goes global.

    Man phase 2 is soo fricking interesting. Typical its a long break when the manga reachs its high :P

  9. #109
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    There is one thing they never explained, so I hope phase 2 touches on it. At first I thought the blonde haired smoker was Akira, but I was remembering it wrong. That's the only way I was able to notice this though. He and the girl vampire who looks like Gogo Yubari latched onto Gantz members before the transfered out. We've all seen the smoker before in a couple of places, but I didn't think we'd seen 'Gogo' before.

    Back in chapter 228, Akira brought three girls to a vampire club where two of them were killed for food. The third he tried to run away with, but Blonde Smoker fought him for her and won. I assumed she was killed and fed on, but it seems that Blonde Smoker actually turned 'Gogo' into a vampire as well. To me, that comes off very odd, because I don't remember seeing any female vamps before, and most of them are so arrogant I couldn't see one saving somebody. It's interesting to say the least.

    Here's hoping phase 2 focuses on most of the characters instead of that idiot Katou. Does anyone remember if the capture gun grants more of less points? I seem to remember it being FAR less.

  10. #110
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    All this time I thought the blonde vampire was his brother. That's why I was all crap Kei's brother killed him. I'm annoyed that the artist of Gantz showed images from pt2, that means that he's already drew some things and is taking a break to annoy me . I am officially boycotting Gantz till after PS3 is launched.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  11. #111
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    He probably has the first few new chapeters already done but he wants more time to rest but also develop the story more and take it to an even better level. This series is one of the most original sereis I have ever read, it's unpredictable, raw, and sucks you in. So let the man take his break, no one wants the quality to drop.

  12. #112
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Does anyone remember if the capture gun grants more of less points? I seem to remember it being FAR less.
    In the first mission Nishi tells Kurono that he'd get more points if he killed the onion alien. Nishi only got three points from capturing the "boss" of the mission, so it is indeed quite a bit less. Also - my memory is a bit fuzzy on this one - on the "Tae alien" mission didn't Tae get captured instead of killed? I think Izumi got 20 points from that one, though I may be totally off there.

    About Akira: I'm almost positive that Akira is the guy that called Kei warning him of the attack. The blonde-smoker vamp that kills Kei is still unnamed, although he does seem to be the leader of the group of vampires that we've seen so far.

  13. #113
    Akira is HIS BROTHER but i wonder if it was him that the smoker had his head of.

    I mean who else they know would Kie care about. So his brother is gone i thought he would have a bigger role.

  14. #114
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    that was pretty gutsy to have Kurono die like that. I mean, now that the main character is gone, who's gonna be the go-to guy? Izumi??

  15. #115
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Sadly Izumi was killed a couple chapters back when that stupid reporter gave up His and Kei's home address's to the Vamps. What sucks even more is that we didn't even get to see Izumi use his new weapon that he earned.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  16. #116
    Kie isnt dead for real not yet.

  17. #117
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    I thought of something when I looked at the last page again, I remember during the anime we used to wonder if there were more then one Gantz in other cities. The people in the middle left look like Gantzers from Osaka. Now I wanna know why Katou was transported there. And what makes you think Kei isn't dead?

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  18. #118
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Anime sucks.

    Manga's a whole world of difference.

  19. #119
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    I thought the anime was great, I think the only thing it cut out was the nudity/sex scenes. I started reading the manga after season one ended and was complaining about wanting Kei(Female) to die and Shockwave posted up images of her death for us to see. After that he started translating and I didn't bother with season 2.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  20. #120
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Ooops, i didnt mean Izumi, i meant kurono's friend with the long hair; i forget his name...

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