[Utopia] Gantz c.363: SendSpace | MediaFire | Online Viewing
Wow, why is Kei´s dad such an asshole?! And Nishi´s dad is Keanu Reeves, nice.
Well, seems like the plot is actually progressing. Sloooowly. But progressing.
Chapter of "nothing happens, nothing at all"
worst chapter ever.
Did Nishi die? :/
I'm pretty sure he did, they had him do the "cradle up into a ball and cry for your mom" move... usually good indicator that person is a goner.
One thing that confused me. Aren't they in space in an open vehicle? Lack of oxygen, atomsphere burning them on entry... I'm going to be sad if this was all one huge dream.
[Utopia] Gantz c.368: Minus | SendSpace | Online Viewing
I really shouldn't be surprised by now. Gantz always been kind of extreme like that. I expected a all out battle in this chapter.
I love the Gantz-manga, despite dragging on for waaay too long. But ... this chapter was shit. Absolute shit.
WHY are they all freaking out? Some alien tells them "there is no god" and "there is no deeper meaning to your existence".
The first statement should only worry you if you´re a religious zealot. Most people in Gantz don´t make the impression of being firm believers, so ... whatever. The second statement, well, I mean, there´s two ways to read that: Either you touch into religions again -which doesn´t make much sense here-, or you´re of the believe that your life will make sense within the context of your life in society. In which case you will have given meaning to your life by yourself.
Either way, it doesn´t make sense to freak over a random alien telling you "you suck".
But seriously, I love this. Looking forward to how Kurono and Co. will try to disprove these aliens´ statements. Always wanted a good story presenting the "humans are nothing but biological machines"-angle. However, the aliens could have "proven" their views more effectively if they hadn´t just killed them, but rebuilt them again instantly. Maybe even repeating the whole process several times. That would have underlined the "humans are mere things"-saying.
Okay wait, this manga has been going on way too long and I've lost track of who everyone has fallen in love or slept with. Didn't that girl ... but her ... screw it.
Mother-fawking Beethoven!
Well, I call bullshit.
The "everyone will be reborn"-thing should work as consolation, but for me, it doesn´t. Ignoring the unnecessary "Reika´s going to be Kurono´s mom, who he had been fucking in his previous life": If you cannot REMEMBER anything about your past lifes, it is worthless. So what if your "soul" is immortal? You gain zero from that circumstance, because to you, you cease existing every time your current body dies.
Kinda annoying how the other characters appeared to accept this as some kind of "oh well, that´s nice, at least, isn´t it".