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Thread: 5th Hokage

  1. #21
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: 5th Hokage

    kakashi is to lazy to be hokage.

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  2. #22

    RE: 5th Hokage

    I'm going to agree with LostAngel on this one.

  3. #23

    RE: 5th Hokage

    hehehe thanks lenas. Hey they have her in the opening. I just noticed it. They dont show what she looks like but near the end of the new opening theme, when Naruto is standing in front of Jiriaya whose red, Orchi whose purplish, and then a girl in Green its Tsunade!!! Now I know for a fact she is going to be the next hokage! *does a lil dance of joy*

    I bet the part before that scene in the opening where theres the gambling machine the pig and a back of a person in 2 pony tails, I bet that is her too. I bet because each character has there own part in the opening thats hers. I wonder if the pig is hers? Heheh that would be so funny!!

  4. #24

    RE: 5th Hokage

    yeah it would...

    But also... the characters and their animal counterparts are kinda similar in nature, Ero-sennin is kinda froggy, Oro is mos def a snake...
    Naruto is like Jiriaya, but I think he'll get another summon... maybe a giant fox? Who knows.

    So, if she has the pig, she wouldn't be ...decent

  5. #25

    RE: 5th Hokage

    There is no way i could liken Naruto to act like a fox. maybe because he has the nine-tails in him fine. But not because he is smart, quick witted and stealthy.


  6. #26
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: 5th Hokage

    Now that Itachi is back. Would he be the 5th Hokage??
    Think about it.. He's damn strong. He has the sharingan!! I'm sure he'll be the 5th Hokage.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  7. #27

    RE: 5th Hokage

    he is also pycho

  8. #28

    RE: 5th Hokage

    lol itachi being the fifth hokage. dreaming

    have u forgotten he slaughtered his entire clan apart form his brother?

  9. #29

    RE: 5th Hokage

    I doubt that Itachi is from the Uchiha Clan. He only has one eye and cannot stop the sharingan hence it is covered all the time. Also notice the scar on the eye?

    It's pretty clear he stole that eye.

  10. #30

    RE: 5th Hokage

    Originally posted by: Ugly Icon
    I doubt that Itachi is from the Uchiha Clan. He only has one eye and cannot stop the sharingan hence it is covered all the time. Also notice the scar on the eye?

    It's pretty clear he stole that eye.
    wtf!?! lol, are you high or something? or have you been living under a rock?
    itachi IS from the uchiha clan. the one your refering to is kakashi.

  11. #31

    RE: 5th Hokage

    Originally posted by: Stoopider
    Now that Itachi is back. Would he be the 5th Hokage??
    Think about it.. He's damn strong. He has the sharingan!! I'm sure he'll be the 5th Hokage.
    Same prob as with Hyuuga Hiashi. Imagine if Itachi treats the whole village as family as an Hokage is supposed to???

  12. #32
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: 5th Hokage

    Heheh Yeah. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    Papa Hyuuga looks like a cool character to be Hokage. COnsidering Hyuuga is THE strongest clan in the Leaf. Remember that!

    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  13. #33

    RE: 5th Hokage

    Originally posted by: Stoopider
    Heheh Yeah. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    Papa Hyuuga looks like a cool character to be Hokage. COnsidering Hyuuga is THE strongest clan in the Leaf. Remember that!
    I suggested him for Hokage.
    Yeah, he's cool, but a bastard at the same time. I have mixed feelings towards him.
    Treating one daughter like crap and spoiling the other. I think Hinata is doing pretty all right, considering.
    Hanabi has the makings of a little Sasuke, if you want to know my opinion.

  14. #34

    RE: 5th Hokage

    Originally posted by: Stoopider
    Now that Itachi is back. Would he be the 5th Hokage??
    Think about it.. He's damn strong. He has the sharingan!! I'm sure he'll be the 5th Hokage.

    i dont think so....he is a wanted s rank criminal

  15. #35

    RE: 5th Hokage

    i am guessing that was a joke, but i am certain that they will not select somebody who slaughtered his whole clan as hokage.

  16. #36

    RE: 5th Hokage

    Most families with special abilities/bloodlines probably just worry about their own clans more than the entire village. They most likely wouldn't want to be hokage, and I don't think any of the previous hokage had any bloodline limits either. Itachi wouldn't even be offered now that he's a criminal.

  17. #37
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: 5th Hokage

    But not because he is smart, quick witted and stealthy.
    While I'll grant you that he's not stealthy, I must protest your implication that Naruto is neither smart nor quick witted, as he displays ample amounts of both when he's actually in battle. If you look back at most of his battles that he's really won in fact, you'll see that almost all of them are won through trickery. When he freed Kakashi using that deception with the windmill shuriken against Zabuza. Both of the times he uses deception to fool Kiba, which evens up the odds in that fight. And his final move against Neji was also a trick. And the clone disguises used against the clone guy in the forest.

    In fact, despite the fact that he possesses alot of brute power, very rarely does that power actually allow him to win a fight on its own.

  18. #38

    RE: 5th Hokage

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    But not because he is smart, quick witted and stealthy.
    While I'll grant you that he's not stealthy, I must protest your implication that Naruto is neither smart nor quick witted,
    Naruto is dense. He doesn't realize that:
    a) Sakura does't like him and will never will be his gf. Which is a good thing and he should be thankful for.
    b) Neither Sakura or Sasuke are really good friends of his. One think is annoying and the other is sulking because he figured out Naruto is stronger than him. While Naruto is training he is remembering his whining self and cussing. The only one who can watch clouds here is Shika. He's too smart to sulk.
    c) Hinata is the girl for him. She loves him and values him. Besides being herself a very polite, considerate and wise girl, things that Naruto could learn with her.

  19. #39
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: 5th Hokage

    naruto being dense about personal relationships has nothing to do with his ability to be a ninja. it's absurd to apply naruto's ability to realize his situation in personal relationships into his ability to fight in a battlefield. naruto isn't stealthy but sort of witty and somewhat of a quick thinker.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  20. #40

    RE: 5th Hokage

    I agree with you Neji-Aniki-sama that Hiashi is a good candidate for Hokage.

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