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Thread: i am a newbie

  1. #1

    i am a newbie


    I am new to this forum and new to manga/anime!!!

    I have some question(they may soun like stupid qstns):

    1. what is the difference between manga and anime?

    2. I am in the UK and this stuff isnt big over here -my first manga film was ninja scroll and i really liked it.I have watched many episode of naruto and really enjoyed it too!!!

    does anyone have any good reccomendations of good series/films to watch?

    3.where can i download(in english or english subtitles) them from(i normally use kazaa but any other suggestions)?

    thank you

  2. #2

    i am a newbie

    Download BitTorrent, and go to to find some anime series.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    RE: i am a newbie

    Wow, you are right. You are a newb. Anyhow, as Corps said, get BT and download away at I would also recommend to use (yes, that is the proper address) to find some decent and good anime.

    Regarding question one. I look at it this way: Manga is the book part, the anime the movie part.

  4. #4
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: i am a newbie

    once you get Bt and go to the site downloading will be a peice of cake

    R.I.P Captain America.

  5. #5

    i am a newbie

    Originally posted by: heihaci

    I am new to this forum and new to manga/anime!!!

    I have some question(they may soun like stupid qstns):

    1. what is the difference between manga and anime?

    2. I am in the UK and this stuff isnt big over here -my first manga film was ninja scroll and i really liked it.I have watched many episode of naruto and really enjoyed it too!!!

    does anyone have any good reccomendations of good series/films to watch?

    3.where can i download(in english or english subtitles) them from(i normally use kazaa but any other suggestions)?

    thank you
    1 - Anime is animation (ie series or movies as someone else has mentioned) and Manga is basically japanese comics

    2 - *is British too* - yeah anime isn't big over here which sucks, but for movies i'd suggest ghost in the shell, akira, perfect blue, blood: the last vampire and theres probably a load i can't think of right now. good series (imo) are ghost in the shell: stand alone complex and X tv (there is a movie of X also but I remember it was pretty cool but very complicated...I've just started watching the tv series and its really cool so far).

    3 - Download BitTorrent as other people have said, then you can find sites from there. Personally I use which is by far my favourite torrent site, but another good site is - though most of the time they make you download an entire series at once (which isn't always good if you just want to try an anime out). I might use eDonkey myself in future (P2P program like kazaa), just downloaded it myself and found you can get really rare stuff there (I'm downloading the 'Guinea Pig' movie series) although if you can get something via bit torrent then you're best off using that.

  6. #6

    RE: i am a newbie

    if you learn how to use irc... is useful since it gives the groups that are releasing a certain series and it gives their website and irc channel

  7. #7

    i am a newbie

    Thanx guys for the info and links

    i think i might need to buy an extra 120gb hard drive!!!!

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