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Thread: help with irc >.<

  1. #1

    help with irc >.<

    hey people ^^
    1st post here
    dunno y but my mirc is weird
    wen i go into the #animeone channel at
    theres like only 10 people and no triggers or nething
    usually theres like tonnes of people
    ne1 kno why?

  2. #2

    RE: help with irc >.<

    You where probably victim of a netsplit.... reconnect to the server

  3. #3

    RE: help with irc >.<

    i use the server when i connect to rizon,pretty stable

  4. #4

    RE: help with irc >.<

    any chance to get gokusen there? too bad that it was licensed 3 eps before finishing the series. that sucks

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