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Thread: alien vs. predator movie

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  1. #1

    alien vs. predator movie

    the alien vs. predator movie is finally coming out in august...
    check it out at this site
    i think that the predators will pwn the aliens.
    i also love the slogan:
    Whoever wins...we lose

  2. #2

    alien vs. predator movie

    ya it looks pretty nice....i just hope its not one of those "all fighting and no plot" movies. there are alot of good movies comming out this summer.

  3. #3

    RE: alien vs. predator movie

    you know whats funny is i might be seeing this tonight. hell yeah my brother got me a thing for an advance screening of a movie.

    its either this or chronnicles of riddick.

    im hoping it avp

  4. #4

    RE: alien vs. predator movie

    Sounds like another freddie vs jason =P

    hey i liked that movie...

  5. #5

    RE: alien vs. predator movie

    seems promising, watched all of the predador and alien movie and enjyed all of them, i have high hopes for this one

  6. #6

    RE: alien vs. predator movie

    im going to base it on starcraft and break it down

    Aliens - A lot like the zerg, they swarm, have vast numbers and have one thing on their mind....kill

    Predators - like the protoss, more or less the zealot....they got like shields and cloacking and that freaking awesome triangle sight that can blow a hole through the human sternum.....

    all i can say,....there better be fighting!!

  7. #7

    RE: alien vs. predator movie

    i am going to think of it like the avp games...aliens can climb on walls and i am pretty sure they can see through cloaks, humans have the big guns, and predators have cloaking from the humans and the self destruct device. It looks like it will be a pretty good battle, but i expect that some of the predators will use their self destruct device to destroy many of the aliens and that the predators will win. All I know for sure is:
    Whoever wins...We lose (unless of course we win, but i am not going to go into that right now)

  8. #8

    RE: alien vs. predator movie

    Sheesh just when I thought movies were not going to get worse!
    Don't get me wrong I love the game, but with Hollywood you know it's
    gonna suck, just like all the other comic to movie projects (except for the first batman and superman).
    I liked Alien, Aliens and Predator, but I doubt this will live up to those.

  9. #9
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: alien vs. predator movie

    It might be good (and i emphasize might)

    R.I.P Captain America.

  10. #10

    RE: alien vs. predator movie

    The movie looks like absolute crap right now

  11. #11
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: alien vs. predator movie

    aliens are gonna win, you fruit flies.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  12. #12

    RE: alien vs. predator movie

    i am just excited because i heard about it a long time ago and it is finally coming out.
    i am trying not to get my expectations too high because then it will turn out to be crap.

  13. #13

    RE: alien vs. predator movie

    We'll see how it turns out, hopefully it is better than what I'm assuming

  14. #14

    RE: alien vs. predator movie

    have you guys watched the featurettes.

    they can be found at in there trailer section'.

    there is i two of them.

    also in the second one they have added about 5 secs of additional scenese.

    this is a movie i can't wait for

    predator better win.

    but like all vs movies they will end up killing each other or humans will maybe fine a way to win. i hope predator wins.

  15. #15

    RE: alien vs. predator movie

    The idea for pitting the Aliens against the Predators finds its origins in Dark Horse comics years and years ago (after Aliens and Predator were released, before Alien 3 and Predator 2). Though it doesn't look like they're following that plot. Too bad, that was one of the best franchise crossover graphic novels (so don't blame Hollywood, it wasn't their idea). In a way, it's a comic book movie, in another way, it's a Hollywood franchise crossover movie. Either way, I don't expect a plot, I expect to see Aliens killing Predators, Predators killing Aliens, both killing humans, humans killing Aliens, and maybe an Alien that burst out of a Predator (happened in one of the AVP comics a few years back). I was disappointed to see that Stan Winston was not doing the Alien and Predator effects (he designed the Alien Queen and the Predator), but I think the guys they got had worked on some of the other Alien movies. From what I've seen of the featurettes, the effects should be pretty good. If they turn it into some creature slasher movie in which they give the film a more stupid suspense feel, I'll be pissed. We know what the Aliens look like, we know what the Predators look like, so let us see them kick some @#$%ing ass.

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