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Thread: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

  1. #1

    THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    I'm not a super anime obsessed like some people are, but I enjoy shows like Naruto, Initial-D, etc from time to time...

    A friend let me borrow some anime movie called "Akira" one day. I've heard from people who are crazy about anime how "Akira" was the bomb.

    So i thought, ill give it a try.

    Little did i know that i was going to waste 2 hours of my precious time.

    By the time the movie was over i was on the verge of breaking my friends cd in retaliation for wasting my time....

    Let me tell you, this is one of the most STUPIDEST, TIME CONSUMING, anime ever.. (in my opinion)...
    ARGHAGRHg,.. just by thinking about it pisses me off....

    I didnt get 100% of the storyline, but what i got from it (like 85%) , the entire storyline sucks....

    The story really tends to wander off..... REALLY wander off..... From a life of a biker, to the life of the crazy powerfull boy, to those 3 ugly wierdos, to that powerfull boy blowing up, to the destruction of the world......

    I mean.. the entire story is just friggin RANDOM....

    Anyways... i wanna hear what other peeps thought about this stupid movie...

  2. #2
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    Well the movie was made a really long time ago, maybe that's why it isn't as good as the ones these days.

  3. #3
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    How old was Akira?? 1980's issit? Somewhere therelah.

    People talked so greatly about Akira becasue it was 'Groundbreaking' for it's moment. The hugh explosions and all.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  4. #4

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    yea, akira was one of those animes that pissed me off, i mean ur right about the whole story line shit, it just keeps changing and changing and changing, but an anime that pissed me off more was neon genesis evangaleon, some ppl seem to like it but to me, it was the most anoying shit ive ever seen and ive never been so confused before when it came to watching anime

  5. #5

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    If you want a stupid anime, neeeeeeeever, and i mean eeeeeeeeeever watch MD geist. When i first got into anime i was curious, thought "Ooo big skeleton guy!" and watched it.

    I don't think ive seen anything that shitty in my life.

    Heres a review of it:

  6. #6

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    I don't like old school anime, they suck. Not all but it's very rare to find some good anime.

    Question: Why are the quality better now? They really suck drawing anime in the 80's.
    Maybe they were a bit high?

  7. #7

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    No matter how good or bad you think Akira is, im not a big fan myself but i do like the manga, it was exrtremly important because it inrtoduced millions of people to anime and lead to the curent anime scene being what it is today if it didnt have the sucess it had alot of the members of this board wouldnt have seen any anime


  8. #8

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    I would say the movie version of Akira might seem confusing because the story keeps changing and changing. However, if you read the manga, which are very large, and there are six of them, you will probably like Akira better. Since it was only two hours to fit maybe 3000 pages of story into?

    What you need to understand is that even in the '80s, no one wanted to stay in the theater for more than 2 hours. So Otomo had to cut some parts of the manga out and make the main threads of the story visible in the movie.

    I liked the movie alright, but I loved the manga even more.

    mainva | aptigo | JTD out

  9. #9
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    Akira rules, you guys just don't understand the point of it.
    If you're looking for DBZ/Naruto type of anime then you've come really wrong.
    It's for more mature audiences who are looking for something beyond the normal, while exploring the hearts of distorted minds.

  10. #10

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Akira rules, you guys just don't understand the point of it.
    If you're looking for DBZ/Naruto type of anime then you've come really wrong.
    It's for more mature audiences who are looking for something beyond the normal, while exploring the hearts of distorted minds.
    Hey, I never said I didn't like it. I just said that I like the manga more, as it has the whole story Otomo wanted to flesh out. I think he should've made Akira an OVA, instead of a movie but...

    mainva | aptigo | JTD out

  11. #11

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    The ending seemed a bit clustered, because there was so much manga that need to be covered. Despite some confusion that came from this, Akira is still a classic.

  12. #12

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    Whether you think it is stupid or not, Akira is one of the biggest reasons for anime and manga gaining an initial following in the gave anime any respect (and thats just those who had actually heard of it) because people just assumed they were cartoons for kids (as pretty much all animation in the west was at that time)...when people saw this at the cannes film festival (or at one of these film festivals) it changed the way people considered this film was clearly not for kids and had a complex plot and adult themes...

    If you were looking for something of the ilk of Naruto then yes you were definitely watching the wrong film (I'm one of the few people on this forum who actually didn't like Naruto - I generally like stuff that is more sci fi and dark like akira)...but it is still considered by many (including me) to be the most important anime movie ever...anime is a very broad medium so it isn't all going to be like the series you have seen...but akira is definitely for an older audience who like something a little complex and dark...

    I thought the movie was very good...if a little confusing first time around, and I felt there wasn't enough characterisation...but I still really liked it, and I'm probably about half way through the manga and that is just brilliant so far...I still think the movie is one of the best ever in terms of sci fi, even better than ghost in the shell and I really like the artwork in it as well...especially the parts where reality becomes distorted (in the room of the psychic kids)

    As for the story wandering off...I find that to be one of the big pull factors of anime in general...a lot of stuff in the west follows a pattern and involves no thought, its intriguing for me that the story just keeps on going further rather than just being predictable...when a western film is like that its made out to be a huge break in tradition as if it is breaking new grounds...but there is quite a lot of anime and japanese cinema that does that (Akira, Perfect Blue etc)

    The manga makes much more sense as it has time to go into stuff further and you really get to understand the personalities of the characters...and I'm still amazed I got the entire manga for £7 (about $15)! Its more than £100 to get all of the full volumes at my local comic shop...but then manga is more expensive here than in the US...

  13. #13

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    Originally posted by: Swallow Your Soul
    The manga makes much more sense as it has time to go into stuff further and you really get to understand the personalities of the characters...and I'm still amazed I got the entire manga for £7 (about $15)! Its more than £100 to get all of the full volumes at my local comic shop...but then manga is more expensive here than in the US...
    Wait, you got all six $15 volumes for only $15 in total? How the hell?

    mainva | aptigo | JTD out

  14. #14

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    You can't say you didn't like it if you're not willing to try to understand the plot. In most great animes, you need to make an effort while watching to truly enjoy it. Not that I'm bashing Naruto (I seem to be saying this a lot lately) but there's not a whole lot to it except the very formulaic plot.

    As other people had mentioned, Akira is also of historical significance as a work that popularized anime worldwide. Without Akira, you would never have heard of Naruto, because fansubs and the like might be virtually nonexistant.

  15. #15
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    If we're talking about Trash.... then listen to this one

    Kidou Shinsengumi moubo ken OVA

    first look, it has shinsengumi in it, so it has to be good, right?


    I don't even need to go into the plot, by merely statin a few facts about the anime i could probably make you understand what i feel about it.

    - it takes place after the revoulotion, while the meiji goverment is in charge.
    - the main charecters are the daughter of Kondu, Hijikata and Okita, all of them are females without a hint of charecter in them. (note; as a kenshinest, i think that shinsengumi = Saitou, the lack of his counterpart was annoying).
    - they have super vechiles, wooden computers and magic armor...
    - the anime had less than 30 seconds each episode that i enjoyed, even Lain and Hack sign had more than that...
    - there's only one person who wears the shinsenumi uniform, the others wear normal cloths or girlish versions of the uniform.
    - they fight demons with thier own magic powers and sword ki...

    on the brighter side, i finished it, and all four episodes fit nicely on one cd...

    note: man, i started writing this reply ages ago... i stopped to let my brother on the computer, we watched the news and even ate dinner, and only now i'm finishing this! i'm fully aware that it has no connection to the thread, but other people replied about shitty animes, so i'll too.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  16. #16

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    Ive seen the movie and it didnt blew me away or anything but the kind of criticism whereami is throwing around him is totally unmotivated if you ask me.

  17. #17

    THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    Originally posted by: JTD121
    Wait, you got all six $15 volumes for only $15 in total? How the hell?

    mainva | aptigo | JTD out
    Off ebay...

    Technically it isn't the 6 volumes, but a monthly magazine that came out in the early-mid 90's over here in the UK which had part of akira each month...the guy I bought the magazines from had just over 40 of these magazines which was enough to complete the whole series and when I saw them I bidded - no-one else even competed with me...I couldn't believe my luck when I won!

    The final price was around £7 plus £2 P&P so at the absolute most it'd work out at around $20. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]


    I'm up to issue 13 (of this manga magazine) and it is around the point where Kaneda, Kay and that really tough woman are on a boat and a guy tries to poison Kaneda's food...

    // end spoiler

    It still amazes me how cheap I got it...I guess most people would rather go for the official volumes...but I'm happy just to be able to read it and save like 95% of the money off...

    The magazine is called Manga Mania, it also includes the entire Godzilla manga (which isn't great but its not exactly terrible), the first volume of the Appleseed manga, The Dirty Pair (which sucks so I don't read it), Dominion (which has started in the last couple of issues I've been reading), Demon (which is quite strange) and in later issues it has other manga in it as I've been pretty lucky [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  18. #18
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    akira sucked. straight up.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  19. #19
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    you couldnt really follow the movie, and it had a lack in overall plot, even though it did what you said soul it wasnt that great. on a scale of 1-10 10 being the highest/best its a 4. and i couldnt follow the end at all, i had no idea what they were talking about.


    R.I.P Captain America.

  20. #20

    RE: THE stupidest anime I have ever seen.

    meh thats your opinion. Personally i had no trouble following the story. You guys must not be paying attention or something.
    The story is great...
    The music is great...
    The animation is great...
    What else can you ask for?

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