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Thread: Is there a way back for Sasuke?

  1. #41
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
    I think the fight will get interrupted by (insert possibility here .. Itachi/Oro/Kabuto/etc) .. and then Naruto is left empty-handed .. I just don't see CS2 Sasuke being much more effective than CS1 Sasuke, who was already totally outclassed by Naruto. Not only that, but Naruto *promised* to bring Sasuke back, which means that he will fight until he is absolutely destroyed if necessary .. unless someone MUCH more powerful (Oro/Itachi) .. just pops along and knocks him out like a sack of potatoes.

    I'd bet ca$h money that the fight will be interrupted by SOMEbody .. it's just Kishimoto's style to have people constantly popping in .. very few times has a fight just been a 1v1 from start to finish in this series.
    i agree... but i think sasuek at lvl 2 can whoop naruto.

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  2. #42

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama

    As for the basics. Saska has only two commas in his eyes. One can guess that, eventually, he will grow another one, like Kakashi and Itachi. It's also very likely, that a third comma will make him stronger. So,
    the first basic IMO, is to learn how to wait.
    Another thing would be how to use the Chidori more than twice a day. It's not said what's Kakashi's limit, but I also would guess that it's possible to fire more than two chidoris a day, and therefore, that would make him stronger. And that would require training. So another thing that he'd need to learn is to value training and do it.
    It's said that Kakashi is able to fire his Chidori Four times a day, and even after that he needs rest.

    Just a Random Fact. All I know is that I'm ready for the story-arc to end. Hopefully in some cool way.

  3. #43

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    i just want this ark to end; kimimaro i want to see pushin daisy's, sasuke to get his ass out of konoha, and just Naruto to whup sasuke's ass before he leaves heheh (although its probably gonna go the other way for storyline purposes), but we shall c

  4. #44

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    Well, in the end the most logical thing to happen would be:
    Sasuke will run away...again.
    I'd be happy with that and with the story moving on to other more intersting places. I mean, bring back Nii-chan, even. At least we'd have that hunk of a fish again...
    After Kobain shot himself, teenager angst is kinda out...

  5. #45

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama

    As for the basics. Saska has only two commas in his eyes. One can guess that, eventually, he will grow another one, like Kakashi and Itachi. It's also very likely, that a third comma will make him stronger. So,
    the first basic IMO, is to learn how to wait.
    Another thing would be how to use the Chidori more than twice a day. It's not said what's Kakashi's limit, but I also would guess that it's possible to fire more than two chidoris a day, and therefore, that would make him stronger. And that would require training. So another thing that he'd need to learn is to value training and do it.
    Yes, I do believe somebody can kill Itachi in his sleep. Here's why. Even though the Kazekage wasn't exactly as strong as Itachi, he was a Kaze. Somebody you supposedly don't want to mess with. Nonetheless, Oro was able to kill him. The 3rd was *the* strongest Kage aroung, and met the same fate.
    My theory is that such deeds demand lots of strategy. And the only way to elaborate a good strategy is to gather enough intelligence in which to base your strategy. Roman Emperors, in their time, were said to be the strongest men in the world. Yet, killing one of them never appeared to me as an incredible difficult task to accomplish. Still would be worth to kill Itachi and end up crippled as Oro? Now, that's a good question
    I'd give the same advice to Itachi in relation to Naruto. One has to know where one's targeted victim is 24/7. And since Saska is obsessed with his brother, I don't think it would be such an unpleasant task. A predator that wants to survive, knows with extreme detail the habits of its prey. Where it goes to rest, where it eats, what kind of food it eats what are its watering holes. In short, it's impossible that Itachi doesn't have a weak spot. All Sassy-kun has to do is to find it out. And it's my opinion, that it would be a better investment of time for Sasuke to gather such information, than stay at home sulken or go after somebody like Oro.
    I am also assuming that, after the invasion of Konoha, Saska knows that Oro is a worthless bastard. But, on the other hand, as a spoiled child, he probably doesn't know that there's no free lunch, I mean, like a scumbag like Oro will give him power for free. If he thinks that way, he is just stupid.
    He could figure out what are Itachi's psychological weaknesses, which should be many, considering. And use a tatic similar to that one Neji was trying to pull on Hinata. Since Itachi, unlike Hinata, has no character, the appropriate use of emotional blackmail could have interesting results. There must be some Uchiha family history records. Why Saska doesn't study it to try to figure Itachi better?
    Have you heard of a guy called Simon Wiesental? Saska could learn a lot with him.
    As for the need to kill Itachi with his own hands, I have again to say, and I hope you forgive me, that I consider it just plain stupid. First, to use your example, would my gf be less raped if I killed the bastard who raped her? I consider a better investment of time being at her side and be of emotional support to her. For starters, if I don't know where the son of a bitch is, I won't be able to kill him no matter how much effort I put into it. And laws being as they are, *I* would spend years in jail on account of a jackass. Remember that mother who shot the guy who molested her kid? Life is not freaking fair.
    But, if you *really* need to take revenge, that shouldn't by any means, be done based on hastly decisions and much less in unthought actions.
    There's a play, I think by Ibsen, where this woman comes back to her old town, after many years. People don't even recognize her. She is rich now, and starts being nice to everyone, giving them money and such, up to the point where she is able to screw all of them, which she does, as revenge for whatever bad thing they've done to her in the past. All that to say, she took her freaking time and managed to accomplish her revenge in an extremelly effective way.
    Personally, I think though:
    a. revenge is stupid, as much as I personally would seek revenge against a few people, it doesn't make it less stupid.
    b. revenge plus male pride is even more stupid
    c. they shouldn't have let Saska become a ninja in the first place, knowing that he'd use what power he would get to kill his brother, and that has nothing to do with the ninja goals as stated by Enma, for one. Naruto was starting to change him. But obviously, Sasuke is not interested in being a better person.
    d. again, he really should be trying to rebuild his clan. All in all, dozens of Uchihas have more chance than one against Itachi. Considering that the new ones, unlike the originals , would know how dangerous the bastard actually is.
    f. if he knew how to wait, he'd eventually kill Itachi after getting strong by his own means and planning his revenge in a cold and calculated fashion.
    g. People think Itachi is strong. But what comes to my mind is that scene on Indiana Jones, where that guy, who is so good with a sword, gets killed with a shot. Haku was great with his ice rink tricks, until he met Naruto. It's again a matter of figuring out first what will kill Itachi, *before* actually trying to kill him.
    h. Kakashi is a decent person. And that's what makes a person strong. That, as a matter of fact should be the only argument in this debate. No matter how people can screw you, if you keep your decency, you will always be stronger than them. Sounds preachy and crap, but it's true. It's called integrity. You are what you are, and if you stand by what you are, nobody will ever destroy you.
    But if I said just that, you again would call my opinion simplistic. Well, not that I actually care. I just like to write [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    I dont think kakashi grew that third dot, i think he got the sharingan fully upgraded from the get go. Now, this is pure speculation, but we know that he had a friend in his Anbu days that got killed. A sentence in the anime makes me think that his friend was a sharingan user, and that Kakashi got the eye from him when his pal died. So, that would limit Kakashis knowledge about the sharingan. We don't know what makes the eye evolve, and i wouldn't be surprised if Kakashi didn't know either. If we can assume that it does come with strength or age or both, then Sasuke is going to get it either way, so why hang around Kakashi?

    Second, the number of times Sasuke can actually use the Chidori is tied directly to the amount of chakra he has. Now, correct me if i'm wrong, but a persons chakra stamina is pretty much inherited, isn't it? It's something you're born with. If you are born with a small chakra stamina then there's nothing you can do about it, right? Now, maybe there are excercises that can increase your stamina a little and to control how you use it , which helps to get as much as possible out of the chakra that you have, but basicly, the amount of chakra isn't something you can just train up. Know seeing as how Sasuke is still just a kid, we can safely assume his chakra stamina will increase with age until he is fully grown, but once again, that will happen either way, so why stick around with kakashi?

    Third, Oro prepared for his fight against the third, but he still had to pay a heavy price for it. Which goes to show that perparation doesn't always help, particularly not against competent opponents. Same thing happened with Zabusa. He came prepared and still got his butt kicked. And also worhty of note is that both he and orochimaru chose the direct approach instead of just stabbing Sarutobi/kakashi in their sleep or something. Hell, Zabusa could have just killed the bridge engineer in his sleep and be done with the whole thing, but he still prefered the direct approach. It would seem that alot of people prefer the direct confrontation instead of stealth, not just Sasuke. Are you implying that they are morons as well?

    And tracking Itachi isn't the easiest thing in the world, As previoulsy mentioned, the man made it to anbu at the age of 13, and has been hunted as an S-class for 4 years, the man doesn't make many misstakes. He knows how to cover his tracks and not give any opponents any openings. Not forgetting his Sharingan which he never seems to turn of, which makes it nigh impossable to stalk him.
    Itachi probably does have a chink in his armor, but i don't think Sasuke is good enough to exploit it. Hell, i sincerly doubt Kakashi is good enough to exploit it, or any of the jounins for that matter. I simply think that he's that good. Otherwise i don't think they would have let him into their top secret organistion. And as for blackmail...well, i'll just say that Itachi doesn't seem to be the type to be easlily manipulated or concerned with such stuff. I mean, he killed of his entire clan to use them as a mesuaring stick, i don't see how it could possibly get any worse than that. And what could the Uchiha records possibly say that would make Itachi take notice? I don't see how studing records (if there are any) would help him figure out his brother, and that's provided that he hasn't read them already. I could bet my right eye that if there where any records that Sasuke has already read them several times.

    Ánd as for him starting to spreading his seeds around...The kid is till 13....A little young to be a father, don't ya think? And further more, who'se to say that Itachi woulnd't just come back and kill the little ones? No, this one is definatly out of the question for at least another decade (Anime time)
    The way i see it, to be able to properly exploit any weakneses that Itachi may have, you have to be really strong yourself. Apperently, Taijutsu is a weakness, but you'd have to be higher than Gai's level to be able to beat him there.
    Kakashi being strong because he is decent, well that depends upon your definition of strong i suppose.
    And to quote the poster Hunter from another forum

    "Sasuke's progress are gigantic since the beginning of the series.
    But that's not what he sees, he only sees that Naruto who was the worst kid at the academy is now stronger than him, far stronger than him for what he saw during the fight with Gaara.

    And he doesn't know for the Kyubi so the only thing that he wonders is : What the hell did I do until now?
    And what did Itachi, the stronger man he knows, his absolute goal, the reason of his life said about that?
    Not enough hateful-ness.
    What did Gaara, the man that Sasuke couldn't beat said?
    You're too weak because your hatred is weaker than mine.
    What did the four Sounds that beat him said?
    Once again the same thing, that he was weak because he lives softly, playing family in this nice village."

    A very interesting point, wouldn't you agree? So far, the only people to beat him (besides Haku and Zabusa) all say the same thing. You're to soft. I hardly blame him for believing them. And let's not forget that Sasuke just woke up from a Itachi induced coma, no wonder his judgement is a bit clouded.

    Points a-c are, if you don't mind me saying so, pretty much your own opinions, and really don't have any bearing on the argument. Not that i'm demoting your opinions , just saying that they are not related to the argument at hand. point d and g i already tackled, point F however, is a very valid one, but just doesn't seem to be too common in the Naruto world. Probably because it would make for a very boring world if everyone just killed people in their sleep, but anyway.
    As for point H, your definition, although admirable, still didn't help either Haku, Sarutobi or Kakashi when they needid it, now did it? One could make the argument that Sarutobis spirit and will remains, but the fact is that Oro was stronger than him, and thus won. Ipso facto. Hardly calling your opinion simplistic. Admiriable, maybe, simplistic no. But i still believe that you are making the situation seem more easily managable than it is, however. Or maybe it's just me whose overcomplicating things.

    Anyway, the way i see it,going to Oro would just give Sasuke everything he could have gotten with Kakashi and then some. The only drawback would be that he would be abondoning his friends, which just seemed to be holding him back anyway.

  6. #46

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    Editet due to double post

  7. #47
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    mcdougal rules. you're the winner here!

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  8. #48
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    almost couldnt read it all, but good points

    R.I.P Captain America.

  9. #49

    RE: Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    Thanks. Sorry for the double post, the internet was acting up. I'd delete it, if i only knew how.

  10. #50

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    mcdougal rules. you're the winner here!
    but he only has 11 posts... how could he be right?!


  11. #51

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    Mcdougal, you can just edit one of the posts out so you don't have a double post of that incredibly long message. Shin_Naruto, stop acting like an idiot.

  12. #52
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    i wouldn't be surprised if shin_naruto was still in middle school... and according to his logic, he'd never be correct about anything with his 27 posts. since it's pointless, from now on, he should just stop posting any of his ideas, thoughts, arguments, or any other types of responses. period.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  13. #53

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    Sorry thats your logic.
    My logic is that with his 11 posts he can still make great points, whereas you with your 1715 you come up with great one liners... like 'i agree... but i think sasuek at lvl 2 can whoop naruto.'

    I'm out of school... but glad to see the 'middle school' cutdown is still in style for you. I take it your in highschool?

    KonohamaruCorps: I try to drop things... but sometimes opportunities just present themselves.

  14. #54
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    Originally posted by: Shin_Naruto
    Sorry thats your logic.
    My logic is that with his 11 posts he can still make great points, whereas you with your 1715 you come up with great one liners... like 'i agree... but i think sasuek at lvl 2 can whoop naruto.'

    I'm out of school... but glad to see the 'middle school' cutdown is still in style for you. I take it your in highschool?

    KonohamaruCorps: I try to drop things... but sometimes opportunities just present themselves.
    omg...!!! no matter what i do, i always have newbs chasing after me trying to prove me wrong or make me look stupid in one way or another. WHY??? look, ass, i never said my post count has anything to do with being correct. so just drop that and stop making yourself look like an idiot. all i said was that what we (people who have been here since the begining and with more posts (which obviously means that they've been in more discussions)) have more knowledge about certain areas because we've been in more discussions than you have. therefor, making our responses more credible. how the hell do you think we came up with such thoughts about itachi? you think we pull them out of our ass and the 600+ posts don't mean anything in that thread? you're just a dumbass who can't understand what the hell i am talking about because you purposely not try to see the significance of my posts because you can't even fathom the idea that people who have been here longer know more than you do.

    and i'm out of hs if you really want to know.

    EDIT: i know what you're saying. yeah i'm a bit brash sometimes but it's just annoying when all these newbs try to take away the credibility of our thoughts and ideas after we've been discussing them for so long.

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  15. #55
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    I think it's also to do with your brash english that people take you on (I'm not relating to the Shin_Naruto reply, you are somtimes.. a meanie Dazz *Sniff*). But, everything else, your right.

    But you do make a point that people with more posts are more credible. People who makes unitelligeble remarks usually gets flamed, and soon leave the forum. Heheh. Unless their that thickheaded.

    However low amount of posts doesn't mean his necesserily a dumbie either.

    But.. Free Speech! Free Speech!

    Sitting on the fence . Tum de tum.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  16. #56

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    [omg...!!! no matter what i do, i always have newbs chasing after me trying to prove me wrong or make me look stupid in one way or another. .
    You're right, you're always right. But, do you mind go prove yourself right somewhere else?
    There are plenty of threads where you can talk about how right and smart you are. In this thread, we're trying to understand a character Uchiha Sasuke and discuss his actions.
    Yeah, I know we're a bunch of wrong and stupid people, so why not go to a place with people at your level?
    Again, I will ask you to talk about Uchiha Sasuke. If you really feel that you haven't talked enough about yourself in the thousand and something posts you have and feel that you need to talk yet more about yourself, don't do it on a thread about Sasuke. Thanks.

  17. #57
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    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    UGH. n-a-s... seriously... shut. the. hell. up. i don't know what your problem is with me. but don't jump on this occasion as an opportunity to turn me into the bad guy cuz i broke a rule. never have i EVER said that others were always wrong, so i don't know what the hell you are talking about. look at the page. everything was going perfectly fine until shin_naruto decided to act like a smartass and all i did was defend myself. if you're gonna try to be the peace maker here, don't tell me shit. tell it to ass clown who thought he was being funny by making an irrelevant post in the first place. got it? THANKS.

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  18. #58
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    first i have to say that i didnt bother to read through all of this since im lazy but i dont think sasuke will come back to konoha its certainly not interesting if he does. i would like him and naruto to have an awesome battle of course after learning some more jutsus since their jutsu "library" is very small, sasuke only got fire jutsus and chidori and naruto knows summoning, kage bunshin and rasengan. would be a boring fight actually. the ultimate twist would be if itachi turns out to be a good guy and orochimaru was the one that killed the uchihas and itachi only found them. which shows that sasuke chased the wrong guy and went right in the arms of the guy that killed his family. i would love to see that.

  19. #59
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    first i have to say that i didnt bother to read through all of this since im lazy but i dont think sasuke will come back to konoha its certainly not interesting if he does. i would like him and naruto to have an awesome battle of course after learning some more jutsus since their jutsu "library" is very small, sasuke only got fire jutsus and chidori and naruto knows summoning, kage bunshin and rasengan. would be a boring fight actually. the ultimate twist would be if itachi turns out to be a good guy and orochimaru was the one that killed the uchihas and itachi only found them. which shows that sasuke chased the wrong guy and went right in the arms of the guy that killed his family. i would love to see that.
    but like... if itachi was a good guy, wouldn't he be after orochimaru then? i mean, that's what good guys do... if that were the case, i'd figure that itachi and sasuke would team up to chase after orochimaru.

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  20. #60
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    Pervet - i wrote a similiar theory (Itachi's good, Sasuke's an ass) in the Itachi thread, page 4, check it out.

    perhaps it's really Kabuto who's pulling the threads behined the stage in this case, maybe he has some sort of 'I hate the world' complex, and he likes seeing people getting emotinally crushed, so he went and did something like this:

    A. hire some elite ninjas to kill the Uchiha clan, and then tells Itachi that they are attacking the clan under the order of Orochimaru.
    B. itachi rushes home, kills the ninjas, and then uses the Mengekyou sharingan on Sasuke to get him to believe that he should go after him (and not Orochimaru, see the thoery).
    C. Itachi leaves to find Orochimaru, he joins akatsuki to kill him, but when they "sparring" the Kimimaru walks in and sees them, Itachi realizes that he won't be able to defeat both Oro and Kimi, so he stops the fight (and says that it for training for the day), Orochimaru realizes that Itachi is stronger than him, and decides to go after the sharingan, to be able to fight back (Orochimaru doesn't know that Itachi isn't the one to kill the clan).

    D. Kabuto is a sick bastered, Itachi & Sasuke are both after the wrong person (orochiaru & Itachi), and Orochimaru is just being clueless...

    wow, this is startting to seem like Monster...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

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