Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
Originally posted by: Mcdougal
You are grossly simplifying the situation.
First of all, im not quite sure on what you mean with Sasu not knowing the basics, mind elaborating?
<*snipped to save some space*>
Secoknow for a fact is weaker than Itachi, or B), go with the man who defeated the strongest Ninja in Konoha.
Unless there's something i've overlooked?
As for the basics. Saska has only two commas in his eyes. One can guess that, eventually, he will grow another one, like Kakashi and Itachi. It's also very likely, that a third comma will make him stronger. So,
the first basic IMO, is to learn how to wait.
Another thing would be how to use the Chidori more than twice a day. It's not said what's Kakashi's limit, but I also would guess that it's possible to fire more than two chidoris a day, and therefore, that would make him stronger. And that would require training. So another thing that he'd need to learn is to value training and do it.
Yes, I do believe somebody can kill Itachi in his sleep. Here's why. Even though the Kazekage wasn't exactly as strong as Itachi, he was a Kaze. Somebody you supposedly don't want to mess with. Nonetheless, Oro was able to kill him. The 3rd was *the* strongest Kage aroung, and met the same fate.
My theory is that such deeds demand lots of strategy. And the only way to elaborate a good strategy is to gather enough intelligence in which to base your strategy. Roman Emperors, in their time, were said to be the strongest men in the world. Yet, killing one of them never appeared to me as an incredible difficult task to accomplish. Still would be worth to kill Itachi and end up crippled as Oro? Now, that's a good question
I'd give the same advice to Itachi in relation to Naruto. One has to know where one's targeted victim is 24/7. And since Saska is obsessed with his brother, I don't think it would be such an unpleasant task. A predator that wants to survive, knows with extreme detail the habits of its prey. Where it goes to rest, where it eats, what kind of food it eats what are its watering holes. In short, it's impossible that Itachi doesn't have a weak spot. All Sassy-kun has to do is to find it out. And it's my opinion, that it would be a better investment of time for Sasuke to gather such information, than stay at home sulken or go after somebody like Oro.
I am also assuming that, after the invasion of Konoha, Saska knows that Oro is a worthless bastard. But, on the other hand, as a spoiled child, he probably doesn't know that there's no free lunch, I mean, like a scumbag like Oro will give him power for free. If he thinks that way, he is just stupid.
He could figure out what are Itachi's psychological weaknesses, which should be many, considering. And use a tatic similar to that one Neji was trying to pull on Hinata. Since Itachi, unlike Hinata, has no character, the appropriate use of emotional blackmail could have interesting results. There must be some Uchiha family history records. Why Saska doesn't study it to try to figure Itachi better?
Have you heard of a guy called Simon Wiesental? Saska could learn a lot with him.
As for the need to kill Itachi with his own hands, I have again to say, and I hope you forgive me, that I consider it just plain stupid. First, to use your example, would my gf be less raped if I killed the bastard who raped her? I consider a better investment of time being at her side and be of emotional support to her. For starters, if I don't know where the son of a bitch is, I won't be able to kill him no matter how much effort I put into it. And laws being as they are, *I* would spend years in jail on account of a jackass. Remember that mother who shot the guy who molested her kid? Life is not freaking fair.
But, if you *really* need to take revenge, that shouldn't by any means, be done based on hastly decisions and much less in unthought actions.
There's a play, I think by Ibsen, where this woman comes back to her old town, after many years. People don't even recognize her. She is rich now, and starts being nice to everyone, giving them money and such, up to the point where she is able to screw all of them, which she does, as revenge for whatever bad thing they've done to her in the past. All that to say, she took her freaking time and managed to accomplish her revenge in an extremelly effective way.
Personally, I think though:
a. revenge is stupid, as much as I personally would seek revenge against a few people, it doesn't make it less stupid.
b. revenge plus male pride is even more stupid
c. they shouldn't have let Saska become a ninja in the first place, knowing that he'd use what power he would get to kill his brother, and that has nothing to do with the ninja goals as stated by Enma, for one. Naruto was starting to change him. But obviously, Sasuke is not interested in being a better person.
d. again, he really should be trying to rebuild his clan. All in all, dozens of Uchihas have more chance than one against Itachi. Considering that the new ones, unlike the originals , would know how dangerous the bastard actually is.
f. if he knew how to wait, he'd eventually kill Itachi after getting strong by his own means and planning his revenge in a cold and calculated fashion.
g. People think Itachi is strong. But what comes to my mind is that scene on Indiana Jones, where that guy, who is so good with a sword, gets killed with a shot. Haku was great with his ice rink tricks, until he met Naruto. It's again a matter of figuring out first what will kill Itachi, *before* actually trying to kill him. It's kinda like what you can say about a computer. Until it stopped it was working perfectly.
. Kakashi is a decent person. And that's what makes a person strong. That, as a matter of fact should be the only argument in this debate. No matter how people can screw you, if you keep your decency, you will always be stronger than them. Sounds preachy and crap, but it's true. It's called integrity. You are what you are, and if you stand by what you are, nobody will ever destroy you.
But if I said just that, you again would call my opinion simplistic. Well, not that I actually care. I just like to write [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]