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Thread: Is there a way back for Sasuke?

  1. #1

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    We're expecting the big fight Naruto x Sasuke, or whatever solution is found to bring him back to Konoha.
    We know that he won't die, at least right now, and since Naruto promissed it to Sakura, most likely he will bring Sasuke back.
    I can think, of two things:
    1. Naruto convinces him to be *good* again. He comes back to Konoha. Is he going to go back being the simple genin that he is and do D and C missions?
    2. They bring him back to Konoha still under the influence. There's going to be this whole sealing or whatever to *save* him from Orochimaru. Will it work? Still what is he going to do as a ninja?
    I think since he threw away his forehead protector, there's not much going back for him. And IMO he should deal with the consequences of what he did and try to get rid of Oro's influence by himself.
    Still, what could be other alternatives to save him???

  2. #2

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    As far as I understand Oro wants Sasuke so that he can make him stronger and transfer into his body after two years.....well Sasuke doesn't know I am thinking he'll find out the truth and obviously he is not gonna give up his body to Oro....and he'll realize who his true friends are....and he'll definately come back.....thats the only way around it....

    But on a side theory.....Is Sasuke going to Oro with Level 2 Seal part of a bigger plan ...maybe Sasuke is trying to get close to Oro so that he can avenge 3rd's death......well Konoha still doesn't know that Oro got himself a new body and he can use his jutsu they might have planned that since Oro is weak and he wants Sasuke who is the only person who can truly get close to him and kill him....oh well thats just a whole lot of bullshit...but hey who knows.....that could be the next big plot twist.

  3. #3

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    Interesting theory, Yondaime, one i hope they'll run with, but i doubt Sasuke is in it for anything but pwer to fullfill his revenge. I might have seen it as a viable theory if Sasuke hadn't bumped into Itachi. Before his run in, he had managed to form friendships, to openly (debatable) care for people. But when he underwent that Sharingan torture and saw how outclassed he was, whatever semblance of a life he had managed to scrape together, whatever loyalties he managed to form where instantly forgotten. Only thing that remains is his need for revenge. He just wants the bastards head on a platter, no matter the price. And the quickest way to get his revenge is by selling his soul to Oro.

    Neji-Anki-Sama goes with the assumption that Naruto will bring back Sasuke, either by dragging his unconcious body or by convinving him to come back.
    But i don't think that Naruto will be able to fullfill his promise to Sakura, at least not right away. I think that Sasuke either manages to lose Naruto, someone intervenes and stops Naruto from pursuing Sasuke,
    or most likely, Sasuke just plain beats the crap out of Naruto. This would be a severe blow to Naruto, because so far, he's managed to pretty much touch everyone with his ideals and optimism, from bad ass ninja Zabusa to neji to Gaara. It would be be an intersting side story to see how Naruto deals with "failing" his friend and team mate Sasuke. Either way, after that, we have several alternatives, if we operate on the assumption that he'll be saved.

    1. Sasuke kills Itachi, and then leaves Orochimaru because his task for vengance is done. Provided of course, that Sasuke trains his ass of with Oro, otherwise he won't be able to stand a chance against his brother.

    2. Naruto and co manage to beat some sense into his skull when (or IF) the leaf deals with Orochimaru.

    3. Sasuke realises how much his friends means to him (maybe after Sakura is injured, or Naruto abducted by Itachi), and leaves Oro.

    4. Sasuke finds out about oros plan to take over his body and leaves.

    5. Orochimaru is killed, thus realising the seal on Sasuke and Sasu goes home.

    Personally, i think (and hope) it'll be either option 2 or 3. And i'm quite sure that Naruto will have a hand in Sasukes return to Konoha, thus, ultimatly, fullfilling his promise to sakura. That is, IF Sasuke returns to Konoha, which we all hope he does.

  4. #4
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    I think it's pretty obvious that level 2 Sasuke has some evilness, due to the "kukukuku", I don't think he has any ulterior motives and he's actually "good".
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  5. #5

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    I honestly think that there is no way Naruto can bring back Sasuke for the sake of the story. What I want to see is Naruto unable to fufill his way of the ninja. I believe that Sasuke has the potential to be the final villian in the series, so perhaps Naruto will finally fufill his promise after he kills Sasuke in their final fight (which should take place after Sasuke kills Itachi and Naruto becomes Hokage.) Naruto then brings Sasuke's body to Sakura, finally fufilling his promise.

  6. #6

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    who knows what will happen...
    but i don't think that no one can take sasuke back, just for the facts that he doesn't want to go back.
    he took the pill by himself. nobody forced him, knowing that when the curse reach higher your body will become a mindless puppet.
    maybe its just that he wants revenge so much that he can't stand to be weak anymore and do everything he can (even sacrificing his friends and his body) to complete the vendetta, to gain supreem power.

    from my point the only thing that could happen is that itachi kicks oros ass, making sasuke realize that itachi is so much stronger then some simple curse.
    and with that info it would be pretty useless to sacrifice your body for a revenge that cant be fullfilled...

  7. #7

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
    I think it's pretty obvious that level 2 Sasuke has some evilness, due to the "kukukuku", I don't think he has any ulterior motives and he's actually "good".
    I am assuming that Naruto *fixes* his evilness, either or the spot or by taking him back to Konoha to recieve an anti-Oro treatment.
    Yeah, there is a great chance that he remains evil for the rest of the story, but would be the first time that Naruto would fail in a mission...
    I didn't assume that he's *good* right now, but trying to figure out if he has ways to come back to the good side, how it would be done and what will happen to him, if he comes back to the good side.
    *If* he returns to the good side, killing Itachi would be something that he will have to reconsider, since revenge is stupid. I didn't say that, Kakashi said so. So we have the premisse revenge is stupid already in the story.
    Of course, there's the possibility of Naruto failing in his mission, and we will still have to center, not only this arc, but the rest of story on saving Sasuke. If Oro manages to get what he want, Sasuke will be gone. Oro takes his body and it's nite, nite Sasuke-kun. Likely, Oro will take over Sasuke right away, because his physical condition seems to be deteriorating. He said that he'd wait for Sasuke to develop, but when he said that his arms were working A-Ok....
    So if Oro gets to take him, he will be gone in an instant, and there won't be any way to *save* him. I am assuming that a Sasuke with Oro inside is as good as dead, and the only choice would be kill this body with Oro inside.
    Also, it's very unlikely that Oro will use Sasuke's body to kill Itachi, at least right now, because it would be to put his new body at stake for a not so good reason. I don't think Itachi cares about Sasuke, he thinks he's weak, and he won't be wasting his time with him, either with the real Sasuke or with the Oro inside Sasuke's version.

    And yeah, Eternia, bringing back the dead body of Sasuke would be fullfiling the mission. At least not to allow Oro to get hold of it.

    Azure, Sasuke killing Itachi has been around since day one of the series, so it's one of those things that *must* be done, pretty much like Naruto becoming Hokage...

  8. #8
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    I can't see Sasuke coming back to the leaf now, for these three reasons.
    A. the leaf crumblence scenes, and all the foreshadowing parts.
    B. the dying (or half dying) of a few leaf members on his behalf.
    C. the compelete fan ramapage that will take place if we discover that the last five months were for nothing.

    On the other side, We have Sasuke as oro's new appreenteciece for the next three years (until oro is ready to switch bodies again), and i'm quite sure that Oro will train him for the best (since he won't want to waste time training once he gets the body) and he'll keep him out of danger. During those three years, the plot can finnally focus on someone else other than Sasuke... Some Akatsuki and some sakura and the girly co. and alot of Naruto. after about a year (real time) we'll be ready to see Sasuke again, losing his temper and going up against Itachi (with the secret encourgement of kabuto), and on the same time, Sakura and Lee are spying on Kisame to get information, and then they see him attack Kisame, and despertaly loses (since he's Sasuke, he can't win anything) and when Lee saves his petty ass, Sasuke gets angry and beats lee to dust, then Sakura tells Naruto that Sasuke is still alive (they'll all believe that Oro has already taken over the body, since Kimimaru doesn't know Oro used the back-up body plan), Naruto gets angry, waits until Sasuke kills Itachi and then goes to kick Sasuke's ass for being a jerk, then Oro appers to help Sasuke, and Naruto summons Gamabunta while escaping with Sasuke.

    {sarcasem on\}
    then, on nightime, Sasuke goes out and rapes some woman, therefore completing his second goal (restoration of the clan) and then rolls over and dies like the useless piece of shit he is, end of his pathetic life story.
    {sarcasem off\}

    back to being serious, Sasuke will eventually return to the leaf to rebuild his clan, If Sasuke were to be the main charecter, i'd even say that he'll realize he loves Sakura and go rebuild his clan with her, but since he isn't (and i hate him), i just think he'll get drunk, rape some woman, and get a sex desise which he'll die from.

    oh, and FYI, i know that dots and paragraph strcture >>> me, i just don't care

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  9. #9

    RE: Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    my beliefs of what will happen to sasuke.

    1.naruto will kill him draging his lifeless body back to sakura(she never said he had to be alive)
    2.naruto kicks the living crap out of him and drags him back to the village, only making sasuke hate him more, sasuke would go under constant survellince. and would constantly try to escape.
    3. sasuke gets a way but orochimaru in his new body is pissed that he couldn't have sasuke and throughs him into a cell.

    4.naruto can't convince him but he tells naruto he's not going to orochimaru but rather he's going to find his brother. naruto want's to go. they go together, sasuke gets killed naruto is kidnapped and the series ends there.

    2 months from now a new saga will be released. naruto is older and is still trying to escape from the atkatsuki

  10. #10
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    Yup. I don't think there's a way back for Sasuke. Unless he finally take Kakashi's word to heart. But that'll be the end of Sasuke already. That just wouldn't be him anymore.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  11. #11

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    I don't see Sasuke coming back until he kills Itachi.

    throwing away that forehead protector put him on a one way trip to fulfill his goal of killing Itachi, Naruto won't be able to convince Sasuke to come back they'll have some tussle and Sasuke will either be helped or he'll win and go to the Sound on his own power.

    He might leave Oro if he finds out about the body-snatching but he won't be coming back to the leaf he'll just keep searching for Itachi.

  12. #12

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    The only problem I see with everybody's theories is that I believe that if Oro gets ahold of him now, he will be gone. That to make sense, since Oro's needs a new body right away, and won't be waiting 3 years. Just something I thought it would be reasonable to think about.
    I mean, with those arms summoning Manda is totally risky to begin with, and Manda is one of his more powerful weapons.
    Kabuto, for what I have seen of him so far, is not exactly a reliable person, and for his own good, I hope that Oro is aware of that. If Kabuto is already a bastard on his own right, imagine him controlling Manda. It would be totally dangerous to Oro.
    And as much as I want to see Sasuke's dead body, maybe even more than Death Boo wants to see Kiba's dead body, and that's saying a lot, I don't think that will happen right away...
    The thing is some sort of resolution, good or evil, should come to this character. Hopefully sooner than later, otherwise he will remain being the nuisance he has always been. Unless, of course, he becomes a real evil guy, worse than all of them put together. A remarkable achievement in itself, considering who he is. That would finally make him an interesting character and not the simple annoyance that he's now.
    Anyway, back to assuming, for the sake of argument, that he's worth something and has a function in the story.

  13. #13

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    i didnt say he wont kill itachi,
    just that he cant be greater then him by just oros seal power...
    oro himself said that itachi is stronger then him...
    lots of theories that involves sasukes head on a plate...
    there's sure lots of anticipation for the next few weeks (since i dont think that the battle is going to end that fast)

  14. #14

    RE: Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    well oro already has a new body has to wait to transfer into a new one at least till he gets his streangth back, who the hell now how long that is a day 3 years.

    somewhere it is mentioned that it would take a long ass time.

  15. #15

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    The thing is that no matter how badly Orochimaru wants a new body, he'll still have to wait twp three years, since the body switching jutsu has a time limit. Apparently he can only use it once every few years, so there's no way he could take over sasukes body now.

  16. #16

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    There will be eventually a situation where Sasuke can choose to kill Itachi or save his teammates. At the end he will realise that he also has something important to protect and that's of more value than revenge. Killing Itachi, doesn't make him better than he is. Naruto and Sasuke will finally acknowledge each other. Cliche, oh well but that's the theme of the anime.

  17. #17

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    The only way back for Sasuke is to have a match with Itachi right now. Then he'll see how futile a level two 2 seal is and return to have Tsunade remove it. Of course this would mean that Naruto would have to be captured.

  18. #18

    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    Originally posted by: hiten mitsurugi
    The only way back for Sasuke is to have a match with Itachi right now. Then he'll see how futile a level two 2 seal is and return to have Tsunade remove it. Of course this would mean that Naruto would have to be captured.
    Well, as a matter of fact, I think if Itachi had some brains, he'd go for Naruto right now, while he is pretty much alone and vulnerable.
    Sheesh, even animals know how to locate their preys, I wonder why Itachi doesn't gather some Intelligence about Naruto. He should know where Naruto is *all* the time, if he were really up to kidnap him.
    Isn't there any less known members of the Akatsuki who can spy for the organization?
    The Akatsuki Intelligence Agency seems somewhat worse than that of some countries I know. Why send two totally suspicious guys, who fast enough got themselves into a brawl, to do a job that ultimately should be done unconspicuously?
    Back on topic, Itachi can't care less about his baby brother. Even on lvl2 Sasuke is no match for Itachi.
    We know that Itachi is stronger than Oro, so why would Sasuke, with whatever Oro seal would be able to face Itachi? That seal by no means make somebody as powerful as Oro himself, in the first place.
    Besides, even having a bit of hard time the Konoha *genins* are royally kicking the sound's four asses, lvl 2 notwithstanding. They now have the help of the Sand, but so far, to my knowledge, the Sand's three are still genins.

  19. #19
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    get it through your heads people, sasuke ain't coming back. at least not during this arc. if sasuke were to come back, then that would make like 50% of naruto story line absolutely pointless. all of that crap where sasuke is beaten and out-done by others, all those times when sasuke is tempted to gain more power, and many months of story building will go down the drain. you might as well have had sasuke not be introduced in such way in the first place. besides, it's time that naruto gets his shit rejected. i'm tired of seeing the good guy win so much. it's too one-sided.

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  20. #20
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    Is there a way back for Sasuke?

    Originally posted by: Yondaime
    But on a side theory.....Is Sasuke going to Oro with Level 2 Seal part of a bigger plan ...maybe Sasuke is trying to get close to Oro so that he can avenge 3rd's death......well Konoha still doesn't know that Oro got himself a new body and he can use his jutsu they might have planned that since Oro is weak and he wants Sasuke who is the only person who can truly get close to him and kill him....oh well thats just a whole lot of bullshit...but hey who knows.....that could be the next big plot twist.
    We dont know if Oro can use jutsu again, and I thought that when he changed bodies he put his soul in that new body, and Oro's soul had its arms cut off so he couldnt use them right

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