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  1. #1

    bit torrent help

    hi, i downloaded the experimental bt version for quite some time (4 months). it always has crappy dl speeds but very good upload speeds....not fair [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]......i did everything i could to speed it up, i took off my firewall, opened up my ports, downloaded only 1 file at a time, and still is hella slow....also, on the experimental version, there is a settings panel on the bottom of the bittorrent downloader. it has settings for unlimited, dial-up, dsl slow, dsl fast, t1, and t3+...which one should i choose?....i know i have dsl, but i dunno if it is the "fast" one or the "slow" can i tell?...also, wut should i put my upload rate and max upload settings to?...thx for all the help!

  2. #2
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    RE: bit torrent help

    Your not supposed to take off your firewall. You just have to route the ports it uses through your firewall. Then when you download it, IT WILL SPEED UP AFTER A FEW MINUTES. At the beginning, it will probably show you some bogus time but leave it alone and it will speed up. The settings panel at the bottom allows you to set how many people can upload from you. I also have dsl and if I leave it on the dsl/isdn option and set my upload to 3, my downloads go fast.
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  3. #3

    bit torrent help

    thank you very much, but wut about the upload speed?...wut do u set that at?...also, how fast exactly do your downloads go when you put it at these settings?

    o yea...also in your reply u stated that the dl speeds are crappy only at the beginging, but for me, they are crappy the whole time and take a long time just to dl 1 episode.

  4. #4

    bit torrent help

    If you are using DSL, the upload speed will affect the download speed. If you got a 256 ot 512K modem, put your upload speed to around 5 KB/s, and you should be fine [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    bit torrent help

    err....i am using does that mean my upload speed should be very high for my dl speed to be high? or does it mean that i have to put a low upload speed to make my dl speed high?....and also, wut upload speed exactly? the experimental settings thingie.......thx for all the help!

  6. #6

    bit torrent help

    Originally posted by: jamoogabooga
    err....i am using does that mean my upload speed should be very high for my dl speed to be high? or does it mean that i have to put a low upload speed to make my dl speed high?....and also, wut upload speed exactly? the experimental settings thingie.......thx for all the help!
    Sorry i should have been abit clearer [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    If the upload speed is too high, it will make the download speed SLOWER!!!
    So LIMIT your upload speed, and then it will download FASTER!

    now go and c if it works [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    RE: bit torrent help

    if you did everything correctly... then another problem could be how many seeds and leechers are there? what file are you downloading and from where... maybe with this info I could help you better...

    you can try using torrentspy to get info on the torrent you are downloading

  8. #8

    bit torrent help

    DON'T set it to zero!!!! Zero will make it unlimited!!!
    set it to around 3KBto 5KB or something

    EDIT: Wait, if you are using a router, are you sure you opened up the correct ports????
    they are 6881 to 6889 i think

  9. #9

    bit torrent help

    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    if you did everything correctly... then another problem could be how many seeds and leechers are there? what file are you downloading and from where... maybe with this info I could help you better...

    you can try using torrentspy to get info on the torrent you are downloading
    ummm im downloading "sister princess" from boxtorrents and it is a huge 4 gig file with currently 5 peers and 1 seed.....but also, everynow an then and error message pops up and says: bad data from tracker, and then my dl speed goes down to 0.....

    and yes, kage_bunshin, i did set my ports correctly...but dl speed is stil slow

  10. #10

    bit torrent help

    hmm... then that means you are probably downloading files with very few seeds. Or maybe if you wait for 20~30 mins, then the speeds will go up.

    Have you tried downloading the latest Naruto and full metal alchemist episodes? THey have a lot of seeds so your speeds should be fine.

    Or maybe try using another bittorrent client [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
    i'm trying my best to help here [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  11. #11

    bit torrent help

    haha....ya i know...i really appreciate it!....thx a lot!

  12. #12

    bit torrent help

    This is the last thing i know

    Go to My Network Places -> View Network Connections

    Double click on Local Area Connection, click on Support, and look at your IP address.

    Make sure the ports you have forwarded are forwarded to THIS IP address.

    Also in the port forwarding section, make sure its set to TCP.

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