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Thread: the ol' switcharo?

  1. #1

    the ol' switcharo?

    now that gaara gone all soft and muschi.
    and the possibillity that naruto will fail in converting sasuke back from the dark side.
    perhaps gaara will take sasukes place on narutos side. comparing skills etc.
    maybe he will just go away again after he finished helping those guys.
    speculations speculations [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    the both contries (sand, konoha)
    are really weak the alliance might bloom up for real and we might bee seeing some sand leaf teamups instead of just pure leaf teams.
    but then again. that would be to powerfull [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    and for a final thought.
    perhaps we will see more of the other villages now that the plot has already played out sand and sound (well not entirely sound but i figure it might take some time for them to regroup)
    perhaps the countrie of fire or something will start showing up.

  2. #2

    RE: the ol' switcharo?

    Konoha village is in the country of fire as far as I know.

  3. #3

    the ol' switcharo?

    Originally posted by: Azure

    and the possibillity that naruto will fail in converting sasuke back from the dark side.
    Sorry, you said... converting *back* from the dark side. Huh, when exactly was Sasuke on the bright side?? other than a brief moment during the Wave country arc, where he missed the only good chance of dying an honorable death, and another brief one where he had no choice but pretend that he wasn't a coward during the second Chunnin exam, I fail to see any indication that he was ever in other side than the dark one. Did I miss something? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
    Naruto, should just beat him senseless, pack him back to Konoha, there's still use for the sound four's barrel, and send him straight to Tsunade.
    Shika, as the chief of the team, would report: We did what we were asked. Brought him back alive. Unconscious but alive. He's all yours Hokage-sama. Not our prob no more.

  4. #4

    the ol' switcharo?

    you sure have to mark your words well here.
    i guess i missread somewhere, my fault for the countrie of fire thing.
    an anti sasuke fan eh? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
    well i'v never been to keen on sasuke either.
    what i meant from back.. is to a state where he doesn't want to kill everyone in the leaf (i see some indications that he is going to walk in his brother foosteps and kill everyone from his own village).
    by becoming oros litle tool he will most likely try to kill all of his "friends" or what ever he thinks of them.

    and another thought.
    if sasuke leaves.
    what will become of the infomus trio(Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura)?
    a new lineup is starting to form perhaps?

  5. #5

    the ol' switcharo?

    Originally posted by: Azure
    you sure have to mark your words well here.
    i guess i missread somewhere, my fault for the countrie of fire thing.
    an anti sasuke fan eh? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
    well i'v never been to keen on sasuke either.
    what i meant from back.. is to a state where he doesn't want to kill everyone in the leaf (i see some indications that he is going to walk in his brother foosteps and kill everyone from his own village).
    by becoming oros litle tool he will most likely try to kill all of his "friends" or what ever he thinks of them.

    and another thought.
    if sasuke leaves.
    what will become of the infomus trio(Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura)?
    a new lineup is starting to form perhaps?
    Who cares about those two? If Sakura died, the story wouldn't change a bit. Well, one less to rescue.
    If Sasuke dies, one nuisance less in the hands of Tsunade...

  6. #6

    the ol' switcharo?

    Sasuke's always been more of a "gray" character then a good one.

    Always trying to fulfill his ambition whether he does it through good or bad means not truly good but not truly evil either.

    I don't really see Gaara as becoming Naruto's rival most likely he's there to help and then go back to the Sand village.

    I don't really see him sticking around more like showing up when needed.

  7. #7

    the ol' switcharo?

    Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama

    If Sasuke dies, one nuisance less in the hands of Tsunade...
    and yet you have a "sasuke-kun, how a man should be" sign... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    but yea hyoga you'r right.
    gaara will prolly be more of a joker who pops up now and then.
    it also seems like naruto can turn ppl around pretty easily...(neji, gaara, hinata)
    wonder if its going to be that easy with sasuke.

    but if what hope for will happen.. that both sakura and sasuke dies.
    will naruto only become a loner then?
    maybe he will go crazy like gaara did, no one to turn to.
    time for gaara to return the favor?
    hehe, i'm only wildly speculating. not really meaning anything with it.

  8. #8

    the ol' switcharo?

    Originally posted by: Azure
    Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama

    If Sasuke dies, one nuisance less in the hands of Tsunade...
    and yet you have a "sasuke-kun, how a man should be" sign... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    I guess you just read the text and didn't look at the images... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Do you like the other one better, Sakura's power???

  9. #9

    the ol' switcharo?

    Sasuke's always been more of a "gray" character then a good one.
    Oh... i see you've got a typo

  10. #10

    the ol' switcharo?

    I don't think we can say that anymore about Sasky-chan...

  11. #11
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    the ol' switcharo?

    Gaara can't become Naruto's rival...
    Naruto is merely starting to gain strentgh and power, Gaara is already at the end of his line (he didn't develop much since age six), While Naruto would have more and more raw strentgh and chackra, all gaara can improve is his self control and taijutsu skills.

    it's like how Tien couldn't touch Goku after the second tournament...

    anyway, Sasuke will stay the eternal rival in this story, Maybe he'll go X and kill Sakura... that seems like a good ending for her!

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  12. #12

    the ol' switcharo?

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z

    anyway, Sasuke will stay the eternal rival in this story, Maybe he'll go X and kill Sakura... that seems like a good ending for her!
    Can't agree with you more on that. Or maybe she kills him and then herself. Then, we won't be able to say that she didn't do anything in the story, anymore.

  13. #13

    the ol' switcharo?

    Honestly, I can't see Sasuke becoming anything less than the final villian in Naruto. The only other option for that spot is Kyuubi.

    Simply, Sasuke has all the makings for a great villian. He's got a great deal of development behind him, we've watched him grow almost as much as we've watched Naruto grow, and his personality and perspective are all twisted.

    Also, there's potential strength. Sasuke parallels nicely to Naruto in that neither can die until their dreams are fufilled. Just as Naruto WILL become Hokage, Sasuke WILL kill Itachi. Itachi is the strongest character we've seen thus far, meaning that Sasuke will eventually become stronger than Itachi, making him the strongest in the series. And what good's a villian if he's easily weaker than the hero?

    Also, there's the fact that Sasuke is Naruto's polar opposite, similar to the way Gaara was in the Chuunin Exam arc. Therefore, while Sasuke fights and is strong due to his hatred to Itachi, Naruto is truly stong when he protects those he cares about. If the final villian's ideology doesn't contrast with the hero, then the villian will simply be poorly done.

    I predict the final battle in the series will be a huge battle between Naruto and Sasuke... AFTER Sasuke kills Itachi and Naruto becomes Hokage.

  14. #14

    the ol' switcharo?

    Originally posted by: HimizujinEternia
    Honestly, I can't see Sasuke becoming anything less than the final villian in Naruto. The only other option for that spot is Kyuubi.

    I predict the final battle in the series will be a huge battle between Naruto and Sasuke... AFTER Sasuke kills Itachi and Naruto becomes Hokage.
    Meaning that we will have Sasuke until the very last episode?
    Huh, do I still want to keep watching Naruto?
    I am not exactly an Itachi fan, but given the choice, I'd rather have Itachi killing Sasuke any day.
    Hard to tell which brother is more annoying. Thank gods that there are not many Sasky fans...this forum would be completely unbearable.
    And Sasuke is not smart enough to be a good villain. He is too obsessed with killing his brother to think clearly. Besides he is arrogant *and* whinny... I mean, he has to choose. Somebody who's arrogant cannot be whinny...that insults my intelligence.
    Oro bitched and whinned when he lost his arms, but that's understandable.
    My vote for best villain now goes to Kabuto, since evil Gaara is no more and Oro is a casuality of war [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
    Kabuto is way inferior to Gaara, though, if I may add.
    He is completely unbearable as a character. But one has to admit that he's been growing as a villain way better than lots of good guys.
    When Kakashi asked, are you going to run away from me again and he said: Yes, for the moment
    I wanted to beat the crap out of him so badly I wished I could jump in that arena. Gods he does irritate me. I mean, he is a coward, admits it and goes on to insult Kakashi... insinuating that's he's, take that for insuferable. He is blatantly running away and saying that his opponent is weak??!!! He deserves to die a horrible death.
    Kakashi is not exactly my fav character. But I really don't like when people insult him...

  15. #15

    the ol' switcharo?

    it could be that sasuke will kill itachi.
    and then the motive for killing naruto will prolly just becuase he's the strongest left.
    testing his own skillz against narutos.
    and for naruto, Heh! if im right then there is a really good plot twist opertunity right now.
    how about this.

    sakura have followed them now, and in the battle between naruto and sasuke is comming soon.
    naruto has sasuke on his knees( since the new curse thing has rendered him still pretty weak and needs to recover) and just as naruto is about to make the final blow sakura stands in the way.
    protecting her loved one.
    so sakura dies by either narutos or sasukes hand. thus shaking narutos world.
    and sasuke should be all like "well it was for the best, she was to weak to prove her existance anyway"

    well it would be the best way for sakura to die.
    and thus making naruto doubt his own reason.
    perhaps a litle help from hinatas side, neji and gaara aswell?
    since he helped them before.
    and naruto now has the extream fire to fight sasuke with.
    sakura saved his life, and sasuke spit at her direction for thanx, thus making her efforts meaningless, and her death.
    its aaaal good [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  16. #16

    the ol' switcharo?

    Originally posted by: Azure

    sakura have followed them now, and in the battle between naruto and sasuke is comming soon.
    naruto has sasuke on his knees( since the new curse thing has rendered him still pretty weak and needs d [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
    Nobody asked that... but will we see Sasuke on lvl 2... Demon-Sasuke??? Too bad it's in the manga.
    I'd love to make a demon-Sasuke sig.
    As for Sakura's death. I believe it was Albino Fury or someone like that that she should come to the forest now to help them. be hit by a squirrel and die. I think that's the perfect honorable death for her...

  17. #17

    the ol' switcharo?

    Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
    Nobody asked that... but will we see Sasuke on lvl 2... Demon-Sasuke??? Too bad it's in the manga.
    I'd love to make a demon-Sasuke sig.
    As for Sakura's death. I believe it was Albino Fury or someone like that that she should come to the forest now to help them. be hit by a squirrel and die. I think that's the perfect honorable death for her...
    It'd be funny to take a poll of all the people that watch / read Naruto, and see how many of them hate Sakura more than... well, anyone.

    And... sigs... you have hated on Sasuke (which, I might add, is laudable ;P) this whole topic, yet have a sig that says "Sasuke-kun, how a man should be." There's some weird irony not only in the juxtaposition of those two facts, but also in that in your sig, you address Sasuke by a kid's designation, and then say "how a man should be." Every time I see your sig, it really cracks me up. Was this intentional?

    As far as Sasuke level 2, we've already seen him. When he originally burst out of the barrel and was facing away, he was level 2, and he didn't look that different from Ukon or any of the others in their demon form. I think Kimimaro's level 2 will be interesting.

    In all likelihood, here's the story: Naruto and Sasuke = enemies, Akatsuki comes into the fray, Sasuke kills Itachi, Akatsuki threatens everyone, Sasuke and Naruto and Gaara are all friends and whoop ass, (thus spawning several yaoi Naruto comics).


  18. #18

    the ol' switcharo?

    Originally posted by: xtort
    Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
    And... sigs... you have hated on Sasuke (which, I might add, is laudable ;P) this whole topic, yet have a sig that says "Sasuke-kun, how a man should be." There's some weird irony not only in the juxtaposition of those two facts, but also in that in your sig, you address Sasuke by a kid's designation, and then say "how a man should be." Every time I see your sig, it really cracks me up. Was this intentional?

    Yep [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] But, it's supposed to have not only a juxtaposition my posts/text on the sig but mainly one in
    the images/text in the sig. I mean that seemed to be the more scared face of Sasuke that I could find
    the other show him doing absolute nothing while Naruto is falling down and finally, the background face is when, after the fight with the kyuubi he is has this totally jealous look towards Naruto. Did I fail miserably in making an explosive sig in itself? Does it still need more of my words of loathing to make it work?
    The other other was Sakura no chikara (Sakura's power), but this one is getting closer to what I want, I think.
    Anyhow... kun is not a term used only for boys. Young men and maybe even adults call their friends kun. It shows that they're friends, basically independent of age.
    Women use kun towards men to soften the treatment of saying just their names, if they're friends to them. You cannot be affective towards a guy calling him chan...That would be insulting. chan is for little boys and women.
    Sakura calls Naruto, just that, because she can't care less about him. She will call Sasky, kun because she wants to be close to him. It indicates that she likes him. Hinata calls Naruto, kun for the very same reason.
    If Naruto liked Sasky he could also use kun with no prob. I thought Naruto called Kabuto that, but not true.
    Anyhow, Oro calls Kakashi, kun.
    As in Osashiburi da, ne? Kakashi-kun. (Long time no see, isn't it, Kakashi?)
    He was being just an ass, Pretending to be a close friend of Kakashi...

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