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Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
yeah, that was a great chapter. And the colourin job was excellent with the chapter 212 pic
AWesome. thanks guys.
Damn, any bad guy that turns good is awesome.
yeah the color pic was good, although one thing that i think makes anbupawn's stand out more is that she goes in and smooths out and colors the outlines....if you can undefine the jaggety and boldness of the lines then it should have a much more complete look
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
nice translation good quality yay Sand trio
bakafish did a good job.
the coloring of 212 page was great it had a very ink feel to it. instead of how inane colors it. i both coloring jobs they look great.
now im wandering what page inane will color.can't wait for inane.
so from the looks of it kimimaro knew of gaara.
Its crazy too that now Sakon is dead. I guess this on isn't "for sure" yet but thats a lot of blood and parts flyin around.
well i'll just be happy if someone dies preferably the sound nins. it's time for this arc to move on.
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
Ummm Bakafish didn't do the coloring job. It was probably done by Kishimoto with markers.
i don't think sakon is dead. probably just badly hurt (with arm crushed). but then, you really don't see anything, and almost anything is possible in these mangas.
i think he's dead based on the blood splash being alot. maybe a crushed arm wouldn't produce that much blood but as you said anything's possible in mangaOriginally posted by: chaos4ever
i don't think sakon is dead. probably just badly hurt (with arm crushed). but then, you really don't see anything, and almost anything is possible in these mangas.
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
Yeah since these fights have been going on for AGES .. I think the Sand are here to mop up what left of the Sound so we can move on I *hope* ..
Btw, the Sand are fresh, while the Sound are all beat up and Chakra-drained from running, fighting, and going in Curse seal mode [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
thanks for the link, and yeah I think we should get over with this ark soon and see Naruto owning Sasuke (kukuku)
Yeah, it was a good chapter. I'm definitely thinking that the Sound fights (except for Kimimaro) will end soon. Kimimaro won't, though, cause he's not even in level 2 curse yet. At least, I don't remember him going to it. And, yeah, I wonder if Kimimaro heard of Gaara from Oro or if there are some spys in Konoha.
Good chapter, Even though it disdains me seeing Gaara all good since Kishimoto set it up that he could never be, but continue....
kimimaro is still in level 1. gaara will force him to go to level 2
remember that kimimaro was injured or whatever during the konoha invasion but he is like oro's favorite kiddie. And gaara was an intrinsic part of the plan of the invasion so of course they either know each other or at least know of one another. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
huh??? when was that? I thought Kimi showed up *way* after the Konoha invasion??????????Originally posted by: AlbinoFury
remember that kimimaro was injured or whatever during the konoha invasion " border="0[/IMG]
And, oh, Lord please make Gaara kill Kimi on the next chapter! And make Naruto kill/beat senseless Sasuke in the same chapter, too.
I am kinda like Kankuro during the Kiba x Naruto match: I don't care who wins, just be done with this fighting already!!!