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Thread: Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

  1. #41

    Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    Wow, try scrolling up and down this page really fast. It's trippy.

  2. #42

    Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    If the "Kyuubi is Naruto's mom" is true. Then I think she has two personailities: The demon fox one, and the caring mother one. The caring mother one always helps Naruto out when he needs it, and the demon fox one wants to kill him.

  3. #43

    Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    I suppose that could be, but it would still be reall weird to think about.

  4. #44
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    Actually, the 'kyubi is mother' theory is one of my favorites, even more than my 'Itachi is a nice guy and sasuke is a jerk' one.

    the theory has alot of strong points, and it could explain why was the kyubi sealed inside him, maybe it's really like the pilot chapter, where naruto is a real demon fox and the seal keeps him in a human form...

    and it also makes sense if you compare it to gaara, he also has his mother inside him... i think Kishimoto has serious mother issues, maybe he didn't get enough attention from his mom when he was young so he writes every charecter to have a special mom-figure in thier lives.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  5. #45

    Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    The nine-tails is naruto's mother is not a crazy idea at all if naruto follows the eastern mythes. There are countless mythes about demons turn into women. They meet the man somewhere and fall in love. They turn into a woman in order to live with the man happily ever after. However the man they love always failed to keep some kind of promise, thus breaking the spell that binds the demon in the human form. In the end both parent perish and the ofspring is left alone in the world, redeeming the parents sins.

  6. #46

    Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    and it also makes sense if you compare it to gaara, he also has his mother inside him... i think Kishimoto has serious mother issues, maybe he didn't get enough attention from his mom when he was young so he writes every charecter to have a special mom-figure in thier lives.
    Yeah, I think you're right, but don't go all Freudian on me. Freud is crazy.

  7. #47

    RE: Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    Originally posted by: SpankyDaM
    Thank you for the kind welcomes, it's kinda interesting in looking in to some of the japanese mythology - something to do while waiting patiently for the next ANBU-Aone release to come out) [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] . In this case it was just a case of fiinally realising the connection.

    It's surprising how much japanese mythology is slipped in to the anime series - I've also seen the monkey god pop up in all sorts of places (or references to him) and it always makes me smile to see him. Mainly because I have fond memories of the Live-Action TV Series 'Monkey' which deals with the legend of him escorting a holy man across from japan to india.

    Anyhow - as I thought it was interesting I thought I'd share, and I wanted to say thanks to ANBU Aone for subbing so many great shows (especially Naruto).

    BTW - my money is the Naruto is in fact the 4th - as nine-tails is still inside of Naruto it's soul was not eaten, and in the last few episodes we find out that both souls are taken together and spend all eternity in conflict. Assuming that both have to be taken at once then if the fox is still around then the 4th must still be around somehow. So my belief is that the fourth trapped the fox inside his own body, but the of the jutsu not being able to complete was to take all the fourths knowledge and skill - which would explain why he was turned back to a baby.
    hey i remember that show, use to watch it all the time, it was him, the holy man, some pig-man like thing, that one dude, forgot wut he looked like, well atleast i think that this is the right show that u are talking about

  8. #48
    Jounin Cal_kashi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Silicon Valley

    Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: AkimichiChouji
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: r3n
    Originally posted by: The Next Hokage
    Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
    Originally posted by: Himura_san
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: JusDaMan
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
    Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
    Originally posted by: animemaster
    Originally posted by: ComeComeParadise
    Originally posted by: frexeze
    Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
    That's pretty cool .. heh 'that's one foxy looking babe' LOL!
    that was terrible. :\
    Oh come on, it wasn't that bad.
    true, it could be alot worse ie. naruto's dad being the 4th and he had a thing for screwing animals...that woulda been bad.
    All this stuff about the 4th and the fox screwing each other...This cant go any further can it?
    It can get worse... much worse... why do ANBU dress as cats? Why does Sarutobi summon a monkey... that is really a giant shaft? Where exactly do shino's bugs go? All this and more on the saturday night sex show, konoha style
    this is about to reach the most quotes ever in a reply... doode that would be sick if shino did some sexual shit with his bugs... All the other nins could have sex with whoever they please.. just make a kage bunshin and then have that bunshin henge. Lol thats sick...
    ahhh my mind is plauge with horrible images That is Sick and Wrong on so many freaking level.
    Actucally... it would b.... Nah =) lol btw THIS IS THE LONGEST DAM QUOTE I EVER SEEN
    yeah keep it coming we'll make a record or something eventually
    Keep what coming?? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
    Okay, if Shino did weird stuff with his bugs, I don't even want to think about what sort of messed up stuff Kiba does with poor little Akamaru.
    By the way, what are some good resources for Japanese Mythology?
    at least the kagebunshin would eliminate the need to use your right hand
    DUDE think what zaku cud do with his hands!!!! cant believe i nvr thought of that, honestly naruto is jst a big sex show.
    Stop with the kagebushin and sex thing it getting really creepy now and beside that is just sick and wrong ewww.
    o man that akamaru shit is digusting!!!!!! LOl.. can akamaru henge while in that beast form? cuz that would be the wildest night of kiba's life...

    My this all we think of at nite? Lol...what about Ino using her mind control and having sex with other people? or shikamaru's shadow holding girls together in bondage? Lol how about that? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    well if Ino used her mind control... her body would be lifeless and she would be raping her own "dead" self. and if shikamaru used shadows,
    they would be moving the same exact as him. so if he like rapes them while in bondage it would be like him getting repetetively stabbed with
    a stick in the groinal area... this is getting seriously out of hand lol
    Hey everybody, i've read the forums for a long time and decided i couldn't pass up this oppurtunity to finally create an account; I simply had to post to keep this going =P.
    When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in theHills

  9. #49

    Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: AkimichiChouji
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: r3n
    Originally posted by: The Next Hokage
    Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
    Originally posted by: Himura_san
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: JusDaMan
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
    Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
    Originally posted by: animemaster
    Originally posted by: ComeComeParadise
    Originally posted by: frexeze
    Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
    That's pretty cool .. heh 'that's one foxy looking babe' LOL!
    that was terrible. :\
    Oh come on, it wasn't that bad.
    true, it could be alot worse ie. naruto's dad being the 4th and he had a thing for screwing animals...that woulda been bad.
    All this stuff about the 4th and the fox screwing each other...This cant go any further can it?
    It can get worse... much worse... why do ANBU dress as cats? Why does Sarutobi summon a monkey... that is really a giant shaft? Where exactly do shino's bugs go? All this and more on the saturday night sex show, konoha style
    this is about to reach the most quotes ever in a reply... doode that would be sick if shino did some sexual shit with his bugs... All the other nins could have sex with whoever they please.. just make a kage bunshin and then have that bunshin henge. Lol thats sick...
    ahhh my mind is plauge with horrible images That is Sick and Wrong on so many freaking level.
    Actucally... it would b.... Nah =) lol btw THIS IS THE LONGEST DAM QUOTE I EVER SEEN
    yeah keep it coming we'll make a record or something eventually
    Keep what coming?? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
    Okay, if Shino did weird stuff with his bugs, I don't even want to think about what sort of messed up stuff Kiba does with poor little Akamaru.
    By the way, what are some good resources for Japanese Mythology?
    at least the kagebunshin would eliminate the need to use your right hand
    DUDE think what zaku cud do with his hands!!!! cant believe i nvr thought of that, honestly naruto is jst a big sex show.
    Stop with the kagebushin and sex thing it getting really creepy now and beside that is just sick and wrong ewww.
    o man that akamaru shit is digusting!!!!!! LOl.. can akamaru henge while in that beast form? cuz that would be the wildest night of kiba's life...

    My this all we think of at nite? Lol...what about Ino using her mind control and having sex with other people? or shikamaru's shadow holding girls together in bondage? Lol how about that? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    well if Ino used her mind control... her body would be lifeless and she would be raping her own "dead" self. and if shikamaru used shadows,
    they would be moving the same exact as him. so if he like rapes them while in bondage it would be like him getting repetetively stabbed with
    a stick in the groinal area... this is getting seriously out of hand lol
    Hey everybody, i've read the forums for a long time and decided i couldn't pass up this oppurtunity to finally create an account; I simply had to post to keep this going =P.
    Oh man, this thing is getting really long.

  10. #50
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
    Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: AkimichiChouji
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: r3n
    Originally posted by: The Next Hokage
    Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
    Originally posted by: Himura_san
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: JusDaMan
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
    Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
    Originally posted by: animemaster
    Originally posted by: ComeComeParadise
    Originally posted by: frexeze
    Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
    That's pretty cool .. heh 'that's one foxy looking babe' LOL!
    that was terrible. :\
    Oh come on, it wasn't that bad.
    true, it could be alot worse ie. naruto's dad being the 4th and he had a thing for screwing animals...that woulda been bad.
    All this stuff about the 4th and the fox screwing each other...This cant go any further can it?
    It can get worse... much worse... why do ANBU dress as cats? Why does Sarutobi summon a monkey... that is really a giant shaft? Where exactly do shino's bugs go? All this and more on the saturday night sex show, konoha style
    this is about to reach the most quotes ever in a reply... doode that would be sick if shino did some sexual shit with his bugs... All the other nins could have sex with whoever they please.. just make a kage bunshin and then have that bunshin henge. Lol thats sick...
    ahhh my mind is plauge with horrible images That is Sick and Wrong on so many freaking level.
    Actucally... it would b.... Nah =) lol btw THIS IS THE LONGEST DAM QUOTE I EVER SEEN
    yeah keep it coming we'll make a record or something eventually
    Keep what coming?? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
    Okay, if Shino did weird stuff with his bugs, I don't even want to think about what sort of messed up stuff Kiba does with poor little Akamaru.
    By the way, what are some good resources for Japanese Mythology?
    at least the kagebunshin would eliminate the need to use your right hand
    DUDE think what zaku cud do with his hands!!!! cant believe i nvr thought of that, honestly naruto is jst a big sex show.
    Stop with the kagebushin and sex thing it getting really creepy now and beside that is just sick and wrong ewww.
    o man that akamaru shit is digusting!!!!!! LOl.. can akamaru henge while in that beast form? cuz that would be the wildest night of kiba's life...

    My this all we think of at nite? Lol...what about Ino using her mind control and having sex with other people? or shikamaru's shadow holding girls together in bondage? Lol how about that? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    well if Ino used her mind control... her body would be lifeless and she would be raping her own "dead" self. and if shikamaru used shadows,
    they would be moving the same exact as him. so if he like rapes them while in bondage it would be like him getting repetetively stabbed with
    a stick in the groinal area... this is getting seriously out of hand lol
    Hey everybody, i've read the forums for a long time and decided i couldn't pass up this oppurtunity to finally create an account; I simply had to post to keep this going =P.
    Oh man, this thing is getting really long.
    You guys have really outdone yourselves this time. Anyhow that ino mind control sex thing is on the wierd side. Same goes for shika using his shadow bind for the purpose of getting some.
    What's next a kage bunshin no gangbang?!?

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  11. #51
    Jounin Cal_kashi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Silicon Valley

    Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    Originally posted by: animemaster
    Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
    Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: AkimichiChouji
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: r3n
    Originally posted by: The Next Hokage
    Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
    Originally posted by: Himura_san
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: JusDaMan
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
    Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
    Originally posted by: animemaster
    Originally posted by: ComeComeParadise
    Originally posted by: frexeze
    Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
    That's pretty cool .. heh 'that's one foxy looking babe' LOL!
    that was terrible. :\
    Oh come on, it wasn't that bad.
    true, it could be alot worse ie. naruto's dad being the 4th and he had a thing for screwing animals...that woulda been bad.
    All this stuff about the 4th and the fox screwing each other...This cant go any further can it?
    It can get worse... much worse... why do ANBU dress as cats? Why does Sarutobi summon a monkey... that is really a giant shaft? Where exactly do shino's bugs go? All this and more on the saturday night sex show, konoha style
    this is about to reach the most quotes ever in a reply... doode that would be sick if shino did some sexual shit with his bugs... All the other nins could have sex with whoever they please.. just make a kage bunshin and then have that bunshin henge. Lol thats sick...
    ahhh my mind is plauge with horrible images That is Sick and Wrong on so many freaking level.
    Actucally... it would b.... Nah =) lol btw THIS IS THE LONGEST DAM QUOTE I EVER SEEN
    yeah keep it coming we'll make a record or something eventually
    Keep what coming?? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
    Okay, if Shino did weird stuff with his bugs, I don't even want to think about what sort of messed up stuff Kiba does with poor little Akamaru.
    By the way, what are some good resources for Japanese Mythology?
    at least the kagebunshin would eliminate the need to use your right hand
    DUDE think what zaku cud do with his hands!!!! cant believe i nvr thought of that, honestly naruto is jst a big sex show.
    Stop with the kagebushin and sex thing it getting really creepy now and beside that is just sick and wrong ewww.
    o man that akamaru shit is digusting!!!!!! LOl.. can akamaru henge while in that beast form? cuz that would be the wildest night of kiba's life...

    My this all we think of at nite? Lol...what about Ino using her mind control and having sex with other people? or shikamaru's shadow holding girls together in bondage? Lol how about that? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    well if Ino used her mind control... her body would be lifeless and she would be raping her own "dead" self. and if shikamaru used shadows,
    they would be moving the same exact as him. so if he like rapes them while in bondage it would be like him getting repetetively stabbed with
    a stick in the groinal area... this is getting seriously out of hand lol
    Hey everybody, i've read the forums for a long time and decided i couldn't pass up this oppurtunity to finally create an account; I simply had to post to keep this going =P.
    Oh man, this thing is getting really long.
    You guys have really outdone yourselves this time. Anyhow that ino mind control sex thing is on the wierd side. Same goes for shika using his shadow bind for the purpose of getting some.
    What's next a kage bunshin no gangbang?!?
    I didn't think it could get worse, but u managed to do it... congrats =D but wouldn't it be kage bushin muy gangbang?
    When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in theHills

  12. #52

    Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
    Originally posted by: animemaster
    Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
    Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: AkimichiChouji
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: r3n
    Originally posted by: The Next Hokage
    Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
    Originally posted by: Himura_san
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: JusDaMan
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
    Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
    Originally posted by: animemaster
    Originally posted by: ComeComeParadise
    Originally posted by: frexeze
    Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
    That's pretty cool .. heh 'that's one foxy looking babe' LOL!
    that was terrible. :\
    Oh come on, it wasn't that bad.
    true, it could be alot worse ie. naruto's dad being the 4th and he had a thing for screwing animals...that woulda been bad.
    All this stuff about the 4th and the fox screwing each other...This cant go any further can it?
    It can get worse... much worse... why do ANBU dress as cats? Why does Sarutobi summon a monkey... that is really a giant shaft? Where exactly do shino's bugs go? All this and more on the saturday night sex show, konoha style
    this is about to reach the most quotes ever in a reply... doode that would be sick if shino did some sexual shit with his bugs... All the other nins could have sex with whoever they please.. just make a kage bunshin and then have that bunshin henge. Lol thats sick...
    ahhh my mind is plauge with horrible images That is Sick and Wrong on so many freaking level.
    Actucally... it would b.... Nah =) lol btw THIS IS THE LONGEST DAM QUOTE I EVER SEEN
    yeah keep it coming we'll make a record or something eventually
    Keep what coming?? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
    Okay, if Shino did weird stuff with his bugs, I don't even want to think about what sort of messed up stuff Kiba does with poor little Akamaru.
    By the way, what are some good resources for Japanese Mythology?
    at least the kagebunshin would eliminate the need to use your right hand
    DUDE think what zaku cud do with his hands!!!! cant believe i nvr thought of that, honestly naruto is jst a big sex show.
    Stop with the kagebushin and sex thing it getting really creepy now and beside that is just sick and wrong ewww.
    o man that akamaru shit is digusting!!!!!! LOl.. can akamaru henge while in that beast form? cuz that would be the wildest night of kiba's life...

    My this all we think of at nite? Lol...what about Ino using her mind control and having sex with other people? or shikamaru's shadow holding girls together in bondage? Lol how about that? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    well if Ino used her mind control... her body would be lifeless and she would be raping her own "dead" self. and if shikamaru used shadows,
    they would be moving the same exact as him. so if he like rapes them while in bondage it would be like him getting repetetively stabbed with
    a stick in the groinal area... this is getting seriously out of hand lol
    Hey everybody, i've read the forums for a long time and decided i couldn't pass up this oppurtunity to finally create an account; I simply had to post to keep this going =P.
    Oh man, this thing is getting really long.
    You guys have really outdone yourselves this time. Anyhow that ino mind control sex thing is on the wierd side. Same goes for shika using his shadow bind for the purpose of getting some.
    What's next a kage bunshin no gangbang?!?
    I didn't think it could get worse, but u managed to do it... congrats =D but wouldn't it be kage bushin muy gangbang?
    what about the pupet dude( cant think of his name) he has a ready made sex doll on hand 24/7

  13. #53

    Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    Originally posted by: tommy salami
    Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
    Originally posted by: animemaster
    Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
    Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: AkimichiChouji
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: r3n
    Originally posted by: The Next Hokage
    Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
    Originally posted by: Himura_san
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: JusDaMan
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
    Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
    Originally posted by: animemaster
    Originally posted by: ComeComeParadise
    Originally posted by: frexeze
    Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
    That's pretty cool .. heh 'that's one foxy looking babe' LOL!
    that was terrible. :\
    Oh come on, it wasn't that bad.
    true, it could be alot worse ie. naruto's dad being the 4th and he had a thing for screwing animals...that woulda been bad.
    All this stuff about the 4th and the fox screwing each other...This cant go any further can it?
    It can get worse... much worse... why do ANBU dress as cats? Why does Sarutobi summon a monkey... that is really a giant shaft? Where exactly do shino's bugs go? All this and more on the saturday night sex show, konoha style
    this is about to reach the most quotes ever in a reply... doode that would be sick if shino did some sexual shit with his bugs... All the other nins could have sex with whoever they please.. just make a kage bunshin and then have that bunshin henge. Lol thats sick...
    ahhh my mind is plauge with horrible images That is Sick and Wrong on so many freaking level.
    Actucally... it would b.... Nah =) lol btw THIS IS THE LONGEST DAM QUOTE I EVER SEEN
    yeah keep it coming we'll make a record or something eventually
    Keep what coming?? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
    Okay, if Shino did weird stuff with his bugs, I don't even want to think about what sort of messed up stuff Kiba does with poor little Akamaru.
    By the way, what are some good resources for Japanese Mythology?
    at least the kagebunshin would eliminate the need to use your right hand
    DUDE think what zaku cud do with his hands!!!! cant believe i nvr thought of that, honestly naruto is jst a big sex show.
    Stop with the kagebushin and sex thing it getting really creepy now and beside that is just sick and wrong ewww.
    o man that akamaru shit is digusting!!!!!! LOl.. can akamaru henge while in that beast form? cuz that would be the wildest night of kiba's life...

    My this all we think of at nite? Lol...what about Ino using her mind control and having sex with other people? or shikamaru's shadow holding girls together in bondage? Lol how about that? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    well if Ino used her mind control... her body would be lifeless and she would be raping her own "dead" self. and if shikamaru used shadows,
    they would be moving the same exact as him. so if he like rapes them while in bondage it would be like him getting repetetively stabbed with
    a stick in the groinal area... this is getting seriously out of hand lol
    Hey everybody, i've read the forums for a long time and decided i couldn't pass up this oppurtunity to finally create an account; I simply had to post to keep this going =P.
    Oh man, this thing is getting really long.
    You guys have really outdone yourselves this time. Anyhow that ino mind control sex thing is on the wierd side. Same goes for shika using his shadow bind for the purpose of getting some.
    What's next a kage bunshin no gangbang?!?
    I didn't think it could get worse, but u managed to do it... congrats =D but wouldn't it be kage bushin muy gangbang?
    what about the pupet dude( cant think of his name) he has a ready made sex doll on hand 24/7
    Fucking sick. BTW his name is Kankarou

  14. #54

    Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    Originally posted by: SpankyDaM
    My first post - so please be gentle with me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    In japanese mythology the nine-tailed fox also has the ability to appear as a beautiful woman - which could be the reason for sexy no jutsu to be the first transformation technique that Naruto is able to master, and indeed for it's presence in the series.

    Just a thought, and apologies if it's been mentioned here before
    cool stuff, its nice to see something interesting discussed in the forums that we can all benefit from. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  15. #55

    Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    Originally posted by: ComeComeParadise
    Originally posted by: tommy salami
    Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
    Originally posted by: animemaster
    Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
    Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: AkimichiChouji
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: r3n
    Originally posted by: The Next Hokage
    Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
    Originally posted by: Himura_san
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: JusDaMan
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
    Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
    Originally posted by: animemaster
    Originally posted by: ComeComeParadise
    Originally posted by: frexeze
    Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
    That's pretty cool .. heh 'that's one foxy looking babe' LOL!
    that was terrible. :\
    Oh come on, it wasn't that bad.
    true, it could be alot worse ie. naruto's dad being the 4th and he had a thing for screwing animals...that woulda been bad.
    All this stuff about the 4th and the fox screwing each other...This cant go any further can it?
    It can get worse... much worse... why do ANBU dress as cats? Why does Sarutobi summon a monkey... that is really a giant shaft? Where exactly do shino's bugs go? All this and more on the saturday night sex show, konoha style
    this is about to reach the most quotes ever in a reply... doode that would be sick if shino did some sexual shit with his bugs... All the other nins could have sex with whoever they please.. just make a kage bunshin and then have that bunshin henge. Lol thats sick...
    ahhh my mind is plauge with horrible images That is Sick and Wrong on so many freaking level.
    Actucally... it would b.... Nah =) lol btw THIS IS THE LONGEST DAM QUOTE I EVER SEEN
    yeah keep it coming we'll make a record or something eventually
    Keep what coming?? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
    Okay, if Shino did weird stuff with his bugs, I don't even want to think about what sort of messed up stuff Kiba does with poor little Akamaru.
    By the way, what are some good resources for Japanese Mythology?
    at least the kagebunshin would eliminate the need to use your right hand
    DUDE think what zaku cud do with his hands!!!! cant believe i nvr thought of that, honestly naruto is jst a big sex show.
    Stop with the kagebushin and sex thing it getting really creepy now and beside that is just sick and wrong ewww.
    o man that akamaru shit is digusting!!!!!! LOl.. can akamaru henge while in that beast form? cuz that would be the wildest night of kiba's life...

    My this all we think of at nite? Lol...what about Ino using her mind control and having sex with other people? or shikamaru's shadow holding girls together in bondage? Lol how about that? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    well if Ino used her mind control... her body would be lifeless and she would be raping her own "dead" self. and if shikamaru used shadows,
    they would be moving the same exact as him. so if he like rapes them while in bondage it would be like him getting repetetively stabbed with
    a stick in the groinal area... this is getting seriously out of hand lol
    Hey everybody, i've read the forums for a long time and decided i couldn't pass up this oppurtunity to finally create an account; I simply had to post to keep this going =P.
    Oh man, this thing is getting really long.
    You guys have really outdone yourselves this time. Anyhow that ino mind control sex thing is on the wierd side. Same goes for shika using his shadow bind for the purpose of getting some.
    What's next a kage bunshin no gangbang?!?
    I didn't think it could get worse, but u managed to do it... congrats =D but wouldn't it be kage bushin muy gangbang?
    what about the pupet dude( cant think of his name) he has a ready made sex doll on hand 24/7
    Fucking sick. BTW his name is Kankarou
    lmao kage bunshin no gangbang. HAHAHA. That kankarou thing is disturbing...

  16. #56

    Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: ComeComeParadise
    Originally posted by: tommy salami
    Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
    Originally posted by: animemaster
    Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
    Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: AkimichiChouji
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: r3n
    Originally posted by: The Next Hokage
    Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
    Originally posted by: Himura_san
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: JusDaMan
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
    Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
    Originally posted by: animemaster
    Originally posted by: ComeComeParadise
    Originally posted by: frexeze
    Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
    That's pretty cool .. heh 'that's one foxy looking babe' LOL!
    that was terrible. :\
    Oh come on, it wasn't that bad.
    true, it could be alot worse ie. naruto's dad being the 4th and he had a thing for screwing animals...that woulda been bad.
    All this stuff about the 4th and the fox screwing each other...This cant go any further can it?
    It can get worse... much worse... why do ANBU dress as cats? Why does Sarutobi summon a monkey... that is really a giant shaft? Where exactly do shino's bugs go? All this and more on the saturday night sex show, konoha style
    this is about to reach the most quotes ever in a reply... doode that would be sick if shino did some sexual shit with his bugs... All the other nins could have sex with whoever they please.. just make a kage bunshin and then have that bunshin henge. Lol thats sick...
    ahhh my mind is plauge with horrible images That is Sick and Wrong on so many freaking level.
    Actucally... it would b.... Nah =) lol btw THIS IS THE LONGEST DAM QUOTE I EVER SEEN
    yeah keep it coming we'll make a record or something eventually
    Keep what coming?? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
    Okay, if Shino did weird stuff with his bugs, I don't even want to think about what sort of messed up stuff Kiba does with poor little Akamaru.
    By the way, what are some good resources for Japanese Mythology?
    at least the kagebunshin would eliminate the need to use your right hand
    DUDE think what zaku cud do with his hands!!!! cant believe i nvr thought of that, honestly naruto is jst a big sex show.
    Stop with the kagebushin and sex thing it getting really creepy now and beside that is just sick and wrong ewww.
    o man that akamaru shit is digusting!!!!!! LOl.. can akamaru henge while in that beast form? cuz that would be the wildest night of kiba's life...

    My this all we think of at nite? Lol...what about Ino using her mind control and having sex with other people? or shikamaru's shadow holding girls together in bondage? Lol how about that? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    well if Ino used her mind control... her body would be lifeless and she would be raping her own "dead" self. and if shikamaru used shadows,
    they would be moving the same exact as him. so if he like rapes them while in bondage it would be like him getting repetetively stabbed with
    a stick in the groinal area... this is getting seriously out of hand lol
    Hey everybody, i've read the forums for a long time and decided i couldn't pass up this oppurtunity to finally create an account; I simply had to post to keep this going =P.
    Oh man, this thing is getting really long.
    You guys have really outdone yourselves this time. Anyhow that ino mind control sex thing is on the wierd side. Same goes for shika using his shadow bind for the purpose of getting some.
    What's next a kage bunshin no gangbang?!?
    I didn't think it could get worse, but u managed to do it... congrats =D but wouldn't it be kage bushin muy gangbang?
    what about the pupet dude( cant think of his name) he has a ready made sex doll on hand 24/7
    Fucking sick. BTW his name is Kankarou
    lmao kage bunshin no gangbang. HAHAHA. That kankarou thing is disturbing...
    Man, how long can we do this until you think this will get shut down?

  17. #57
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    LA, Cali

    Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    ruined. and guys, what's the point of quote trains? it's unnecessary and makes the pages longer than it has to be for no reason.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  18. #58

    Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    Going for a record, I guess. Didn't start out that way, but just wound up.

  19. #59

    RE: Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    I would sugget continueing this topic in another thread that is sain but that most likely be deleted

  20. #60

    Sexy no Jutsu - Origin in Japanese Mythology?

    Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: ComeComeParadise
    Originally posted by: tommy salami
    Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
    Originally posted by: animemaster
    Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
    Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: AkimichiChouji
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: r3n
    Originally posted by: The Next Hokage
    Originally posted by: Baka_Desuyo
    Originally posted by: Himura_san
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: JusDaMan
    Originally posted by: DarkBahamut
    Originally posted by: originalkrn
    Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
    Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
    Originally posted by: animemaster
    Originally posted by: ComeComeParadise
    Originally posted by: frexeze
    Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
    That's pretty cool .. heh 'that's one foxy looking babe' LOL!
    that was terrible. :\
    Oh come on, it wasn't that bad.
    true, it could be alot worse ie. naruto's dad being the 4th and he had a thing for screwing animals...that woulda been bad.
    All this stuff about the 4th and the fox screwing each other...This cant go any further can it?
    It can get worse... much worse... why do ANBU dress as cats? Why does Sarutobi summon a monkey... that is really a giant shaft? Where exactly do shino's bugs go? All this and more on the saturday night sex show, konoha style
    this is about to reach the most quotes ever in a reply... doode that would be sick if shino did some sexual shit with his bugs... All the other nins could have sex with whoever they please.. just make a kage bunshin and then have that bunshin henge. Lol thats sick...
    ahhh my mind is plauge with horrible images That is Sick and Wrong on so many freaking level.
    Actucally... it would b.... Nah =) lol btw THIS IS THE LONGEST DAM QUOTE I EVER SEEN
    yeah keep it coming we'll make a record or something eventually
    Keep what coming?? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
    Okay, if Shino did weird stuff with his bugs, I don't even want to think about what sort of messed up stuff Kiba does with poor little Akamaru.
    By the way, what are some good resources for Japanese Mythology?
    at least the kagebunshin would eliminate the need to use your right hand
    DUDE think what zaku cud do with his hands!!!! cant believe i nvr thought of that, honestly naruto is jst a big sex show.
    Stop with the kagebushin and sex thing it getting really creepy now and beside that is just sick and wrong ewww.
    o man that akamaru shit is digusting!!!!!! LOl.. can akamaru henge while in that beast form? cuz that would be the wildest night of kiba's life...

    My this all we think of at nite? Lol...what about Ino using her mind control and having sex with other people? or shikamaru's shadow holding girls together in bondage? Lol how about that? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    well if Ino used her mind control... her body would be lifeless and she would be raping her own "dead" self. and if shikamaru used shadows,
    they would be moving the same exact as him. so if he like rapes them while in bondage it would be like him getting repetetively stabbed with
    a stick in the groinal area... this is getting seriously out of hand lol
    Hey everybody, i've read the forums for a long time and decided i couldn't pass up this oppurtunity to finally create an account; I simply had to post to keep this going =P.
    Oh man, this thing is getting really long.
    You guys have really outdone yourselves this time. Anyhow that ino mind control sex thing is on the wierd side. Same goes for shika using his shadow bind for the purpose of getting some.
    What's next a kage bunshin no gangbang?!?
    I didn't think it could get worse, but u managed to do it... congrats =D but wouldn't it be kage bushin muy gangbang?
    what about the pupet dude( cant think of his name) he has a ready made sex doll on hand 24/7
    Fucking sick. BTW his name is Kankarou
    lmao kage bunshin no gangbang. HAHAHA. That kankarou thing is disturbing...
    Man, how long can we do this until you think this will get shut down?
    this is really fun to read

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