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Thread: Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

  1. #41

    Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    Um, not quite quit, but in a few months someone could get a new car, which sucks.

  2. #42

    RE: Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    i wonder if any of the donations are taxable?

  3. #43

    Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    What are you talking about? The manga downloads are free on NarutoFan. The episode downloads are all linked to the fan subber's sites, and they are all torrents, and they are all free.

    REQUESTS to donate isn't the same as charging.

    Maybe you mean direct downloads, I'm not sure.

    However, I do think its in bad taste for them to have a banner. That is making money off of other people's work. But then again, if I was spending time and money keeping up a site, I'd want to cover my costs and at least get paid some for my time.

  4. #44

    Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    Originally posted by: CapsuleCorpJX
    I'd want to cover my costs and at least get paid some for my time.
    Then buy the license and open up a commercial site.
    But that is the way it should not work with fansub fansites. If you want to get the penis enlargement of running a big naruto fansite, you have to live with the unpleasant sides too - the bills.

    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  5. #45
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    requesting donations when you really dont need donations is just as bad as charging
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  6. #46

    Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    its probably gonna be taken down since they're CHARGING to let people download NARUTO which is of course not right and I don't see why people can't be smart enough to know that bittorrent and xdcc bots can get you over 250kbps and thatll take about 15 minutes to download a 25 minute episode of anime, so you can set it to download, watch an anime then your download is done and you set another download and watch the ep you dl'd previously, etc It would be nice to see some evil people with dls over 1mbps and dl eps + delete + repeat all set on a macro [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] leave it on for a month and you've scrood someone over [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  7. #47

    Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    Yeah, this little scheme is going to fail, and then they'll probably wind up going back to the way it is now. So I think we should just sit tight and get our Naruto from other places until they do that.

  8. #48

    Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    a little off topic but waht is xdcc. thanks to the person that ans.

  9. #49

    Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    It seems he put up a responce to these romors

    shows that he pays over 800 for media servers a month, and that prizes usually cost about the same as the monthly server cost, so that adds up to 1600+
    he also says that the ISP puts up hte banner add in exchange for free site hosting.

    and, requoting what some people missed in someone else'searlier posts " is a member of this, as they do not own Naruto Insider"

    ALSO, this "pay for fast service" is not a new concept as i do believe has this option. you either wait in line for free downloads of free files or pay a lil for fast downloads. i dont even know if that site even makes any money off of this "people paying so they dont have to wait long for downloads of free demos and files." business

    HI GPONG! That comment u made about the record companies makeing money off of other peoplse work all the time was to true. lol

  10. #50
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    Naruto Fan is attempting to profit from work they did not create.

    Screw 'em.

  11. #51

    Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    Man, technology is so corrupting.
    If we keep on going on this way eventually we'll be entirely dependent upon computers and stuff, and then the world will turn into the matrix, and then we won't know that we're not actually living a real life, and...
    Sorry, got carried away, but seriously, it's just not cool to profit from other people's work like this.

  12. #52

    RE: Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    The point is that they should NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT rely on donations FULLY. Who's site is it if you use the donations to pay the bills? Hell, ill make a site if someone gave me some money. But it isn't called my site anymore cuz i didn't pay for it. Im not bad mouthing narutofan, they do have a good site, but i don't think they should rely fully on donations. i also think the direct dls=bogus. BUT it would help alot of people in school, so maybe those guys need em.

  13. #53
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    can someone explain to me why they need 6 media servers and over 5000 GB?

    bittorrent exists for a reason [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  14. #54

    RE: Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    they say that the extras are for developing new projects. but if thats the case,then they shouldn't be charging us 3$ for direct download account.

  15. #55

    RE: Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    The only new project I've seen come out of them recently is this stupid thing we're talking about.

  16. #56

    RE: Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    yeah this stupid thing that we have to pay for.... i thought the media servers should be enough........ they should at least pay some of the bill out of their own pockets......

  17. #57
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    well no, if i was maintaining a site that benifits lots of people, then i'd expect them to help out at least a little.....
    but bittorrent was specifically invented so people wouldnt HAVE to deal with expensive bandwidth costs
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  18. #58

    RE: Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    If I had to pay every site I find usefull, man, I would be really poor.

    If you have a site that is usefull to a lot of people - than you have to pay the bills. If you have an unusefull site - take it off the net. You either provide a site and deliever a service or you don't. Donationware / Beer-ware was never intended to pay monthly costs for a simple reason - it' not suited.
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  19. #59

    RE: Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    why don't they just host torrents to the manga

    it might be just be crazy enough to work

  20. #60
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    LA, Cali

    RE: Pay for naruto, still not much, but...

    i like how GW's motto: 'if you can't pay for the servers/web host/etc, then don't run a site'

    or something like that.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

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