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Thread: Comp Freezes cuz of bittorrent

  1. #1

    Comp Freezes cuz of bittorrent

    As the title says, my comp freezes. I don't have any virus or stuff but if freezes, can anyone help?

  2. #2

    Comp Freezes cuz of bittorrent

    full computer sats would be appriciated.

    I can't think of a reason why BT would freeze your comp. Maybe due to your massive uploading?

    I used to have a problem where if i was downloading at a HUGE speed, i would get a kind of lag. But never would freeze my computer.

    More info is needed

  3. #3

    Comp Freezes cuz of bittorrent

    comp specs are as follows
    2.4 gz
    512mb ram
    geforce 440mx 128mb
    windows xp

    think that should be enough?
    what os do you guys use? Im thinking of changing my os if that will keep me from crashing.

    I've tried's memory checker and it said nothing's wrong with my memory. I don't have any viruses too. I've tried norton, pc cillin and the rest.

  4. #4

    Comp Freezes cuz of bittorrent

    Hmm, with those specs you should encounter NO PROBLEMS.

    Its kinda of weird that it would freeze your system, considering im on XP also.

    When it freezes, do you have to restart?

    or is it just frozen for a little, then opens?

  5. #5

    Comp Freezes cuz of bittorrent

    It freezes as in my mouse wont even move. I've tried using rambooster to see what the problem was back then.

    It's like first it was at 70% then a sudden drop to 0 or 1%

    could it be the ram? not the software part in there, but as in the hardward has a defect like maybe a brocken circuit?

  6. #6

    Comp Freezes cuz of bittorrent

    hmm, dunno if its bad RAM, considering everything else seems to be fine for you.

    It seems kind of weird to open a BT and have it freeze ya like that. I tried all i know, hopefully someone else can pop in and see whats wrong [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    Comp Freezes cuz of bittorrent

    yeah i know, thx anyways

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