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Thread: Naruto published Manga

  1. #1

    Naruto published Manga

    I believe there are 3 volumes so far. Has anyone purchased them? any comments?
    I am thinking of picking them up.
    I did not see a post discussing this so I made a new one ;p

  2. #2

    Naruto published Manga

    The translations are good. However they like to change the name of some of the justus. For example, they call Kage Bunshin Justu, "The Art of the Doppelganger".
    I say...get them because its the honest thing to do..especially if you downloaded all the Naruto manga.

  3. #3

    Naruto published Manga

    ii bought them and couldn't believe the crap viz put in there. they changed alot of the stuff.

    but it is still good to buy them.

  4. #4
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto published Manga

    I just hate the way they translate the honorifics. As in "Master" instead of sensei. "Master" sounds just.... well, bad. Wrong, if you will. "Master Kakashi" is just not correct.
    They should've used teacher, professor, or not use honorifics at all.
    The problem with the jutsu has already been mentioned... attack names should've been left in the original japanese...

    Other than that, its not so bad.

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  5. #5

    RE: Naruto published Manga

    I would say its not as good... They keep the japanese names when they shouldnt and they don't keep it when they should.

    They called bloodlimit- kekkei genkai which i'm still ok with but im used to bloodlimit =)]

    They called kaga bunshin no jutsu- art of the shadow doppelganger
    Sexy no jutsu- art of centerfold
    bunshin no jutsu art of doppelganger

    ALL OF THOSE SHOULD BE SWITCHED =) thank god for fan sub scans

  6. #6

    RE: Naruto published Manga

    exactly, that is why i wish viz and 4 kidz would just drop off the face of the planet. id be so pissed if art of the centerfold was put into the dubbed episode and art of the doppelganger makes no sense. a doppleganger is a creature that is a copy of your self but is the opposites of every single one of your traits like if your good its bad. you got two arms it should have four or none.

  7. #7

    RE: Naruto published Manga

    Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
    I just hate the way they translate the honorifics. As in "Master" instead of sensei. "Master" sounds just.... well, bad. Wrong, if you will. "Master Kakashi" is just not correct.
    They should've used teacher, professor, or not use honorifics at all.
    The problem with the jutsu has already been mentioned... attack names should've been left in the original japanese...

    Other than that, its not so bad.
    I agree with you, they don't need to translate every single word in the manga. Most people know what sensei means outside of Japan, and doppleganger? sheesh!
    Is it black and white or did they color it? glossy?

  8. #8

    RE: Naruto published Manga

    Nah, its just black and white.

  9. #9
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto published Manga

    art of the doppelganger is stupid becuase is can mean so many things...

    it would be a better version for Henge- since you take the form of another person\object, and therefore, you're a doppelganger of it.
    Ninja centerfold isn't that bad, i guess, it's just that we've got used to SEXY! i guess "art of the SEXINESS!" would be lame too..

    transelating suffix to english is allways a prolem, it's best to leave them all intact and stick notes all over the place (San- respect, Sama- more respect than San, Dono - more respect than Sama, often used for samurais), but the real problem is with accents, there's no way for Gaijin (like us) to tell the diffrence between Tokyo and Kyoto styles of speech, so they traselate it into "That i do" (kenshin degouzrio) and 'I say' and 'me thinks", which makes them sound like pirates...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  10. #10
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto published Manga

    "art of the doppelganger" sounds too goofy to ever sound appropriate for a serious battle

    this is why i fear naruto getting licensed......whats to stop THAT company from slaughtering the names of the moves (among other things) just as badly? Even in the subbed form wouldnt be safe
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #11

    RE: Naruto published Manga

    not only that the series i garuntee would have alot cut out at least in total time 6 eps and they would get rid of the guns.

    hell 4 kids did in yu-gi-oh

    and then what oh no all the kunais and swords and shurikens are gone. they barely allow fist fights.

  12. #12
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto published Manga

    they'll replace the sword that oro's snake tongue thing spits out with a stick, and then he'll just smack sarutobi around with the legendary snake stick
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  13. #13

    Naruto published Manga

    hell his tongue will be erased for being to grotusque and then it will be just a sword that appears out of no where.

  14. #14

    RE: Naruto published Manga

    When yu gi oh was new i noticed the missing gun that was suppose to be at that freak pagasuses head. But hell. Naruto will not go to 4-kids. It is a good serise. why would any company Let it go to an inferior company.

  15. #15

    RE: Naruto published Manga

    This is a ninja comic, not some stupid comic about knights. When Viz translated it, they "amercanized it too much" and I personally think it sucks. Fan Group Translations keep the original japanese meanings in them, and make it alot more enjoyable.

  16. #16

    RE: Naruto published Manga

    Ok, I have posted about this type of thing before...Obviously you guys haven't seen my post.

    "Art of the Doppleganger" was used most likely because someone had the copyright for "Shadow Clone" or another variation. Alot of the things that get brought over are changed because of copyright issues. A friend I know that owns a Comicbook shop in town said 90% of all name changes/translation changes are due to someone having a copyright on the word and most likely they got the copyright in 1960's or some time ago. They also most likey were some no-name comic strip that owns the copyright, [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    - Reason -

  17. #17

    RE: Naruto published Manga

    I, personally, don't have a problem with the Viz-produced Naruto. I think it's just fine. On the whole, the translations seem fine, and they did a good job of editing the sound effects without destroying the picture. On top of that, it is nice to have the comic in a paper form. Go ahead and buy them; you won't be disappointed.

  18. #18
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto published Manga

    personally, i don't think the manga is worth buying. naruto is awesome but not money worthy.

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  19. #19

    RE: Naruto published Manga

    Wow that's kinda confusing .. while I'm for saving money as much as the next person, doesn't it strike you as a slightly problematic stance? I think quality artistic products should be supported by the people who enjoy them. However, I do not share the MPAA/RIAA kind of mentality where they don't want anything shared/distributed. For me personally, if I really like a anime/movie/song/etc, I will go out and actually buy it .. and if I am so unimpressed with it that I would never have bought it to begin with, then I don't worry about it.

    Which brings me back to .. "naruto is awesome but not money worthy" .. do you consider any manga money-worthy? I might agree with 'overpriced', but not worthless, which is more or less what you are saying when you state that it's not money-worthy. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

    Personally, I've enjoyed the Naruto series enough, that I will support Kishimoto and Co by paying for what I've been viewing for all these months. I just feel it's the right thing to do. I'm not trying to be critical here, just trying to understand. It seems like a lot of people (not necessarily you) think that they are somehow entitled to their entertainment for nothing ..

  20. #20
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Naruto published Manga

    no, i don't consider any manga or anything related to anime or manga money worthy. money isn't the issue, i just don't like it enough for me to spend any on it. it could be like 2.99 i still wouldn't bother buying it.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

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