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Thread: InuYasha

  1. #121
    From what I understand Inuyasha's manga ends pretty much like the anime ends, just further into the future. By that I mean there is no closure to the story after all the time spent having stuff happen. The stuff happening may be cool but knowing that it's just going to go on and on and then not even wrap things up makes me wary of wasting time on it again.

  2. #122
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    They'll probably just make some ending up when they get there ;P

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  3. #123
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    I'm actually surprised I haven't even watched this series yet aside from the few episodes I'd see on cartoon network. Also because I like these kinds of setting.

    Guess I'll start.

  4. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    From what I understand Inuyasha's manga ends pretty much like the anime ends, just further into the future. By that I mean there is no closure to the story after all the time spent having stuff happen. The stuff happening may be cool but knowing that it's just going to go on and on and then not even wrap things up makes me wary of wasting time on it again.
    Actually Inuyasha's manga did provide closure. Some say it didn't purely because they hadn't kept up with the manga completely. Through the course of the manga many side character roles finished long before the ending which led to a feeling of incompleteness for those who had missed these key points. Personally I was fine with it. The end did seem a little rushed but all in all good. Spoilers removed.
    Last edited by Kraco; Thu, 07-23-2009 at 07:52 AM.

  5. #125
    WHAT I never thought I'd see the day that's for sure. I remember being pissed at the Inuyasha ending and being reassured by crazy Inuyasha fans who thought they were half wolf telling me that a continuation of the anime would surely come soon...

    Several years later they.. are proven right?!
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  6. #126
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    From what I understand Inuyasha's manga ends pretty much like the anime ends, just further into the future. By that I mean there is no closure to the story after all the time spent having stuff happen. The stuff happening may be cool but knowing that it's just going to go on and on and then not even wrap things up makes me wary of wasting time on it again.
    I was wondering if I was the only one not excited about this news.
    Quote Originally Posted by FelixZeroAlastor
    Actually Inuyasha's manga did provide closure. Some say it didn't purely because they hadn't kept up with the manga completely. Through the course of the manga many side character roles finished long before the ending which led to a feeling of incompleteness for those who had missed these key points. Personally I was fine with it. The end did seem a little rushed but all in all good.
    I've read the manga in its entirety and Inuyasha is a perfect example of a manga that just went on for too long. By the end it seems like the mangaka just ran out of ideas so she decided to end the series which she honestly could have and should have done years earlier. There is an attempt at closure but that is all it is an attempt. It takes far too long to happen and then happens all too suddenly, not to mention that it lacks any sense of originality. Closure is supposed to be a satisfying conclusion to the story and Inuyasha's ending is anything but satisfying.

    Inuyasha is just one of those series that you absolutely have to be a fan of in order to be able to enjoy it, and if you're not a fan then it becomes intolerable. So as far as this new anime goes, if you liked the original and you like the characters then you'll enjoy it because it will just be more of the same. If you thought the anime was redundant and just kept going on and on without making any progress as far as the plot is concerned, then you should avoid this new series because it only gets worse.
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  7. #127
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    Wow... this is awesome news !

    I had mixed feelings about FMA being redone but I'm really enjoying it. Seeing how Inuyasha didn't really conclude... this is just great news.

    So... is it just going to pick up mid-story....?

  8. #128
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    All I have to say is, they better kill Naraku or this series can die forever and never be remembered. I hate anime where they bad guy never dies. He should not have been alive for this long.

  9. #129
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Viz to Launch Inuyasha: The Final Act Simulcast on Saturday

    The North American anime distributor Viz Media has confirmed at its New York Anime Festival panel on Sunday that it will start simulcasting the Inuyasha: The Final Act television anime series on Saturday, October 3. The streaming will be hosted at and online.

    Full Story
    Last edited by Marik; Sun, 09-27-2009 at 03:32 PM.

  10. #130
    So will anyone end up picking this up? or just leave it to hulu?

  11. #131
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Who knows... I watched some rip and while the show didn't look as interesting as years ago when I had only watched a few anime shows before it, it was still interesting because now I could recognize lots of voice actors. Actually I was paying mainly attention to them, not whatever story there was going on.

  12. #132
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 1

    [Animeload] Inuyasha Kanketsu-hen - 01 (1440x810 x264+AAC D-NTV).mkv

    I watched this version and thought it was pretty good. The subtitle font is kind of big, though.

    [Darksoul-Subs] Inuyasha​ Kanketsu-hen - 01 [848x480 XVID​ MP3].​avi

    I liked the font on this one better.
    Last edited by Marik; Sun, 10-11-2009 at 08:19 PM.

  13. #133
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Question, will there be any group doing HD releases of this?

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  14. #134
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    There was more plot advancement in this one episode than half the series. If there wasn't, I just couldn't stomach watching it anymore.
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  15. #135
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    Awesome !

    I thought this wasn't going to be out until 2010 ^^

    Downloading now.

  16. #136

  17. #137
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    episode 2 !?

    I just got done watching and I'm a little confused. It's been a while since I finished inuyasha... at least 2 years. I thought they were doing the same thing as FMA. I'm going to have to re-watch the last 30-40 eps of inuyasha to refresh.

    Are any of the charactors they had new? Because I didn't recognize Goryomaru.

  18. #138
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    He was in the last few episodes as the man seeing after all the orphans, he had a few exchanges with Kikyo.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  19. #139
    My memory is kind of foggy. So when the baby was split into two, one become Hakudoshi, and the other Goryomaru?

  20. #140
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Nah, Goryomaru was a monk.

    When Akago (Baby) was split in half, one half was taken by Kagura and the other half by Kanna. The half with Kagura grew up and became Hakudoshi and the half with Kanna stayed a baby.

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