Hey, i got a question about the movies...
are all of them only in japanese, havn't they made them in english yet???
Hey, i got a question about the movies...
are all of them only in japanese, havn't they made them in english yet???
The first two are. I don't know about the others.
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
the third is coming out in late sept. I think, and the fourth probably wont be out till mid next year maybe
R.I.P Captain America.
hey, i just finished watching inuyasha, exept movie 4 that is..
and the ending is kinda...... well... UNFINISHED!
was wondering if there has been any info on future makings of more episodes, more movies, or more of anything that continues the story?!?!
plz, anyone answer, i NEED TO KNOW!!!
does anyone know where there is a synospsis... or which shows are important... i say up to 50 i think and got bored wit the monster of the day thing... and I dun wanna watch a hundred eps of that...
someone please reply to this question...Originally posted by: tellax
hey, i just finished watching inuyasha, exept movie 4 that is..
and the ending is kinda...... well... UNFINISHED!
was wondering if there has been any info on future makings of more episodes, more movies, or more of anything that continues the story?!?!
plz, anyone answer, i NEED TO KNOW!!!
hmmmm...was wondering whether anyone could tel mi where to download inuyasha episode1-80 onwards..i kinda haf the rest from 80 onwards..anyway..are they continuing inuyasha..?i thought the whole anime has finished?
sorry to revive such an old thread but i just finished downloading season one of this but it is dub. i was wondering if there are any changes between the dub and fansubbed? like cut scenes and stuff
ty psj for this sig
No one did a good fansub of the show until episode 80 or so when Anime-Kraze started, I don't know about the dub, but there's plenty of dual audio DVD rips out there, and I highly doubt that there have been any changes.
New InuYasha TV Anime Confirmed
The new series will see volumes 36 to 56 of the manga animated,
Dude, thats awesome news!
And its going to be a long running show to boot!
Been a long time since i watched InuYasha, looking forward to this.
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
Wow seriously I agree with Penner that will be awesome!
Very nice indeed! About time they finished it upGot to rewatch the series, naturally since it has been a good while since I've seen it.
After this they should finish up Ranma 1/2.. seriously
Finally. I have been waiting for this day since the first one ended. Good to see i've not waited for nothing ^^
As long as Sesshoumaru and Rin get plenty of screentime, I'll be happy with it.
U can't have inuyasha without Jaken or Myoga ^^
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
Personally i think Sango and Kohaku is one of the more boring aspects of the show. At least when they get near each other. Sango can get some funny scenes with Miroku flirting. And i have no problem with Kohaku when he's out soloing. But as soon as those two meet or is aware of each others presence, it immediately gets painful to watch.
Must say i also enjoy Sesshomaru, Rin and Jaken the most by far. This show should have been named Sesshomaru instead ^^
Just because of all the Inuyasha talk I'm gonna have to rewatch some of it. My favorite part so far have been the arc where Naraku revived that mercenary group and hid himself in that mountain. Anyone remember where that arc begins and ends?
Oh Miroku, what comic mischief will you get yourself into now?
"Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco
Originally Posted by TwisT
around episode 78, and I think it ends with kikyo bashing at 124.
I don't know if I'll stand to watch this season. the story got so DRAMATIC that it became painful to watch, and after going for a 'this changes everything!: arc again and again, it gets pointless. (so, Inuyasha killed the other spider youaki? and got what power up?. but then Naraku ate the twin youkai, and got the power of 'twins'?)
also, Kagura.
Dammit, why did it have to happen?
edit: blanked, for possible manga spoilers.
Last edited by Death BOO Z; Mon, 07-20-2009 at 04:53 PM.
sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.
You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.