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Thread: Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

  1. #41

    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Originally posted by: Azure
    i think she would be more suiting as a battle medic.
    iex. go under the training of tsunade perhaps?
    she got the eyes to see everything.
    I agree with you.
    Hinata can be an excellent medic Ninja, and should be trained by Tsunade.
    If they give it to Sakura, I will be very irritated. So far, she has done absolutely nothing to deserve it.
    As a matter of fact she has done absolutely nothing. Except maybe for yelling Sasuke-kun.
    Anyhow, on topic-now.
    As for Neji and Hinata.
    I don't think Neji should die for some reasons I've already given here.
    Also, he should live because there's a line of at least two people, Rocky Lee and Hinata, to beat the crap out of him. Well, at least, I'd be happy if Rocky Lee did it. I for one, think that Rocky Lee deserves way more respect than Neji. And apparently, Neji just learn things when they're beaten inside his skull.
    As for Hinata, instead of beating him, she could be magnanimous and forgive him. Which wouldn't be hard for her since she is a wise and understanding creature.
    For example, when she said that Neji was the one who was suffering, she didn't say that to get back at him for all the crap he had previously said to her. She just did that out of compassion and trying to make him understand why he had so much anger inside of him.
    She would still be the chief of the Hyuuga clan, because she is more intelligent, has more common sense and is less bossy than him. Nothing worse than a bossy chief...
    She could remove Neji's cursed seal, and make him her main advisor, and he would have sense enough to accept it, because he'd be a less insecure and imature kid, knowing that he is powerful and understanding that being the chief is not all there is to life.
    Hanabi is too much of a spoiled insuferable brat to be the chief of anything. Child prodigies become retarded grown-ups, Shirley Temple and Mozart being the best examples for that.
    Curiously, the members of the Hyuuga clan seem only to learn things after they get some though love. That goes for both Neji and Hinata. So, Hanabi's role would be that of beating the crap out of her daddy in order to make him less of a demanding bastard and more of a supportive and nurturing father. While at it, Hiashi could even start treating Neji better. I, mean, how many years did that jackass left Neji wthout knowing the truth, making him grow as an angry young man?

  2. #42

    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
    Originally posted by: Azure
    i think she would be more suiting as a battle medic.
    Lots of snipping done. I really like the idea of Hinata becoming the new Tsunade, but... it messes up the flow of things.

    Jiraiya wants Tsunade. Tsunade tells him to screw off. Ditto w/ Sakura and Naruto. If Hinata became the Tsunade figure, there'd be a little love-fest, and there'd probably be several "adult" versions spawned of the comic.

    As much as I want Hinata to take a larger role in this series (... she's almost as good a figure of redemption as Naruto, IMO, especially if she went to Neji's aid) it would ruin all the (extensive extensive extensive extensive) foreshadowing that has been going on up to this point.

    And just think, Sakura is the perfect f^$@ing slug.


  3. #43

    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Originally posted by: xtort

    Originally posted by: Azure
    i think she would be more suiting as a battle medic.
    Lots of snipping done. More snipping

    And just think, Sakura is the perfect f^$@ing slug.


    I am almost feeling sorry for Sakura. *eg*
    I just think she didn't do anything remarkable, besides being a victim, to deserve to be taught by Tsunade.
    Hinata, on the other hand *likes* Naruto, which in itself is an heroic deed [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
    Seriously, now. She acknowledged Naruto even before Iruka. And she gets *nothing* for it? It's freaking unfair.
    I was annoyed with the anime. Naruto thinking of Sakura and Sasuke as his precious people... They never supported him. Sakura thinks he is annoying and Sasuke is jealous of him. His flashback should be the shot where Sakura pushes him aside violently to go drool over Sasuka-kun. He would leave Gaara alone and and Gaara wouldn't have become good and boring,
    Naruto didn't give even a small thought for Hinata. Either he is very stupid, or deep down, a little bastard. I will go with very stupid, for now.
    Sakura is not a victim, she is actually very mean and abusive. Well, so much for freaking news...

  4. #44

    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    She acknowledged him and didn't say anything so it doesn't count.

    Iruka at least said in Naruto's presence that he considered him a good ninja, Hinata just stalked him and still couldn't open her mouth to say it until after her whooping by Neji.

    Sakura and Sasuke are his friends both have acknowledged him and see him as their friend.

    Hinata may love Naruto but in the big picture she really hasn't done much of anything but stalk.

    I'd much rather see Hinata get dropped than Neji.

    If she shows up again and does something then maybe i'll reconsider.

  5. #45

    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    well actually, if im not wrong.
    konohamaru aknowledge naruto really early. shiat. he even made a fan club.
    as for hinata.
    the reason why she wasnt good before, was that she lacked the self esteem, thus making it quiet impossible to tell the one that she love about how she feels.

    it would be a big slap in the face if hinata would die, since she was the one who liked naruto for what he was before he became known as the one he is now.
    i would hope that perhaps in the battle between sasuke and naruto. naruto gets whooped and when hes lying there and bleeding, hinata pops up and stands in the way and voila! a forced confession of her true feelings (iex. "dont lay a hand on naruto! hes the one that i love, i shall protect him with my life")
    she gets a litle slapped around.
    then naruto turns into a huge frenzy...
    it could happen you know [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] atleast im hoping so. would be fun.

  6. #46

    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Originally posted by: Azure
    well actually, if im not wrong.
    konohamaru aknowledge naruto really early. shiat. he even made a fan club.
    as for hinata.
    Hinata watched Naruto *way* before that. There are enough flashbacks of them both *before* they graduate from the Academy.
    Konohamaru only met him for the first time at the Hokage's office, *after* Naruto graduated...
    How about that?????
    As for Naruto's precious people... I guess I should cut and paste some images from the manga/anime where we can clearly see how much those two precious people care for Naruto...
    If Naruto wasn't totally stupid, he'd have left Gaara alone and beat the crap out of those who should actually be beaten.
    Sure it's the behavior of a best friend to try to chidori his ass off...yeah, was it because Naruto went visit said friend on the hospital???
    Also, nice way Sakura thanks Naruto for saving her... by spoon feeding Sasuke-kun...
    She goes on a date with Naruto, all right, but guess who she is going to talk about...
    Finally, to top it all, she goes to Naruto in tears to beg him to save the very same guy who tried to kill him not so long ago. Coincidentaly, the same guy who knock the plate out of her hand and called her annoying.
    I mean, even an evil Gaara is worth 100 times those two. Ooops, a hundred times zero is zero. So, even an evil Gaara is worth something, unlike those two low-lives.

    Hey, I *loved* your idea of having Hinata popping up at the scene. But maybe, she could beat the crap outta Saska herself! It's not so impossible, I will tell you. Maybe on the meanwhile she learned how to see the tenketsus... and Saske would be doomed!
    Lovely idea.

  7. #47

    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
    Originally posted by: Azure
    well actually, if im not wrong.
    konohamaru aknowledge naruto really early. shiat. he even made a fan club.
    as for hinata.

    Sure it's the behavior of a best friend to try to chidori his ass off...yeah, was it because Naruto went visit said friend on the hospital???
    Finally, to top it all, she goes to Naruto in tears to beg him to save the very same guy who tried to kill him not so long ago. Coincidentaly, the same guy who knock the plate out of her hand and called her annoying.

    Hey, I *loved* your idea of having Hinata popping up at the scene. But maybe, she could beat the crap outta Saska herself! It's not so impossible, I will tell you. Maybe on the meanwhile she learned how to see the tenketsus... and Saske would be doomed!
    Lovely idea.
    Naruto whipped out Rasengan, Sasuke responded with Chidori both were killing techniques and therefore fair.

    If i'm in a fight and my opponent kicks it up a notch i'm jumping right up there with him.

    Sasuke went through a period of severe trauma and was understandably pissed i'm surprised it stopped at that.

    Sasuke would own Hinata, Neji wouldn't have a cakewalk beating him and Neji's far better than Hinata will ever be.

  8. #48

    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Originally posted by: Azure
    well actually, if im not wrong.
    konohamaru aknowledge naruto really early. shiat. he even made a fan club.
    as for hinata.
    i don't think you got my point.
    in that line im not saying anything about konohamaru beeing b4 hinata.
    hinata was the first.

    Iruka at least said in Naruto's presence that he considered him a good ninja, Hinata just stalked him and still couldn't open her mouth to say it until after her whooping by Neji.

    Sakura and Sasuke are his friends both have acknowledged him and see him as their friend.
    i just wanted to say that just after iruka there was konohamaru. b4 any of the others.
    and if im not wronge sauske never acknowledged naruto.

    what was it that we were talking about again?
    i think the thread got out of hand [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  9. #49

    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Originally posted by: Azure
    Originally posted by: Azure

    what was it that we were talking about again?
    i think the thread got out of hand [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
    Hinata and Neji. Which one should die or something like it...

  10. #50

    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    something about 2 ppl having the same power.
    but then again.
    sasuke and kakashi both have sharingan(kakashis somewhat lighter power, but more exp). same power?
    gaara and naruto. driven by inner deamons. same power?
    common, both can excist.
    just pick your favorite and stick to him/her.
    their not in each others way for developing so...

  11. #51

    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Originally posted by: Azure
    something about 2 ppl having the same power.
    but then again.
    sasuke and kakashi both have sharingan(kakashis somewhat lighter power, but more exp). same power?
    gaara and naruto. driven by inner deamons. same power?
    common, both can excist.
    just pick your favorite and stick to him/her.
    their not in each others way for developing so...
    I think what happens basically, is that some people, for whatever reason they might have, want to see Hinata dead.
    Personally, I don't agree with that. But everybody is entitled to hate this or that character and wish him or her dead, even without any particular reason to do so...
    I think that there are not facts in the anime to support some statements here, but considering that if the facts don't justify the theory, one should change the facts, that is not a problem at all.
    As a matter of fact, the question that started this thread would be better formulated, in my opinion, of course, if it was stated this way:
    Should *all* people with Byakugan die to pave the way for Hinata? Since I believe, what was implied in the question is that two characters with the same blood-line limit can't co-exist. So, we should ask ourselves: Should all the Hyuuga clan be exterminated to pave the way for Hinata? If so, Hinata would develop as a character in a very similar way to Itachi.
    So there, Hinata would be the Itachi of her generation, and all people who hate her now would start liking her. Hanabi, on the other hand, could be put to good use and, from then on, and live to chase her big sister around...

  12. #52

    RE: Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    All the Female characters are lacking in development in the series - if you think about it - Tsunade and Hinata are the only ones that we have anything resembling a background on.

    Tenten, Sakura, Ino, Temari - all are almost completely undeveloped in the manga.

    I agree that Hinata would make sense as a medical nin - and I would like to see that happen. But if Sakura is going to remain a main character (and she barely qualifys as one now) then she needs to get off her ass and develop herself some.

    The wierd part is trying to figure out how much time has passed during the "chase" story line.

    Lee went from not having had his operation - to it being at least 2 days afterwards, plus the time it took for him to catch up (which seems to be about 1/2 a day) - so somehow 3-4 days seem to have passed during this messed up drawn out car wreck of a storyline. In that time hopefully the Kunoichi have been up to something?

  13. #53
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Originally posted by: Noonan
    All the Female characters are lacking in development in the series - if you think about it - Tsunade and Hinata are the only ones that we have anything resembling a background on.

    Tenten, Sakura, Ino, Temari - all are almost completely undeveloped in the manga.
    Have you forgotten the massive flower flashback for Sakura/Ino? That went on for ages!
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  14. #54

    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
    Originally posted by: Noonan
    All the Female characters are lacking in development in the series - if you think about it - Tsunade and Hinata are the only ones that we have anything resembling a background on.

    Tenten, Sakura, Ino, Temari - all are almost completely undeveloped in the manga.
    Have you forgotten the massive flower flashback for Sakura/Ino? That went on for ages!
    Well, if you think, their *friendship* is locked in the stalemate it was when it began.
    Even though they aren't in talking terms, the situation is pretty much the same, Sakura feels that she is inferior to Ino and therefore shouldn't lose to her(even though she doesn't do anything to make it happen). Huh, what changed? the fact that they now can tie???? Is this a progress?As kids, the only difference was that Sakura was shy... big deal. In terms of attaining goals, none of them has gotten Sasuke-kun. So, if it was established that the *best* of them would be the one to get the man, one more reason to say that they're tied and in no way better off than when they were kids...
    As for Hinata, she is shy and incompetent, but for what we saw of her so far, she gave the first steps to change it. Standing up to Neji and talking to Naruto are the facts which I use to support what I said.
    One thing she isn't is weak. Naruto himself had a hard time with Neji. Neji locked up his tenketsus and what made Naruto stay put was the kyuubi chakra. Hinata doesn't have that kind of chakra, but that doesn't mean that she is weak.
    It's up to Kishimoto to develop or not the other girls, or even show more of Hinata. but so far the only one who changed was Hinata.
    Sakura is still chasing Sasuke as she was on chapter one, and to no avail. Her skills and strenght are pathetic, and so is her character or lack thereof. And yeah, I don't think she didn't anything to deserve the title of main character.

  15. #55
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Originally posted by: Noonan

    Lee went from not having had his operation - to it being at least 2 days afterwards, plus the time it took for him to catch up (which seems to be about 1/2 a day) - so somehow 3-4 days seem to have passed during this messed up drawn out car wreck of a storyline. In that time hopefully the Kunoichi have been up to something?
    24 hours hasn't passed yet, Sakon and Tayuya say that it has been only half a day since their mission started.

    During those few hours since the genins were sent, Tsunde appaerntly managed to complete a long and complicated operation and contact a foreign shinobi village.

    basically, Tsunde was hokage for less then two days now...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  16. #56

    RE: Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z

    24 hours hasn't passed yet, Sakon and Tayuya say that it has been only half a day since their mission started.

    During those few hours since the genins were sent, Tsunde appaerntly managed to complete a long and complicated operation and contact a foreign shinobi village.

    basically, Tsunde was hokage for less then two days now...
    Maybe the Sand guys were included in the peace treaty, and the Sand is not in position to deny the Leaf anything. Maybe was just a matter of calling them...
    I believe the Peace treaty was concluded before Tsunade. And the Leaf demanded compensations for the war, and pretty much all they had was those three.

  17. #57

    RE: Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Hinata and Neji should get together.

    Hinata and Naruto is too obvious. How many times do we see a character in the background, who has a crush on the main character, ever actually get together with the other? Never. Naruto is no different. He's too infatuated with Sakura to even notice Hinata. Hinata should be with Neji.

    However, it'd be cool to see Sasuke slowly develop feelings for Sakura, (unlikely though) just to have a real battle w/Naruto. That'll get ugly. And cool.

  18. #58

    RE: Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Originally posted by: Hotsuma
    Hinata and Neji should get together.

    Hinata and Naruto is too obvious. How many times do we see a character in the background, who has a crush on the main character, ever actually get together with the other? Never. Naruto is no different. He's too infatuated with Sakura to even notice Hinata. Hinata should be with Neji.

    However, it'd be cool to see Sasuke slowly develop feelings for Sakura, (unlikely though) just to have a real battle w/Naruto. That'll get ugly. And cool.
    Yeah, but they, like, are kinda first-degree cousins... I guess the anime world is not ready for that, yet.

  19. #59

    RE: Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Actually due to their father's having pretty much identical DNA, genetically they'd be closer to half-siblings than first cousins.

  20. #60

    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    no thanks [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
    just becuase its obvious it doesnt need to be altered.
    and as for nautos own words to hinata "you'r wierd, but a person like you i really like"
    and if im not wrong.
    hinata is the only one that naruto has been so open with.
    talking about his own lack of power and just making it up with his words.
    and hinata cheered him on and making him all high and mighty again (in a good way though).

    i think they will get it on.
    atleast thats what i hope for.
    but one other thing i'm really hoping on.
    is that if naruto gets his ass kicked sometime, hinata will step up to defend him.
    or something.
    i just wan to see the shy timid girl engulfed with furious anger.
    i think that beneth that silent calm surface of hers, she can be even more scary then most other characters when she pissed.
    and they say that a person can become strong from protecting someone they love, imagen how strong she could get then.
    i can already see the chakra bursting out of her and the "need to be strong" song playing [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    just a theory though, but it fits doesnt it? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

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