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Thread: Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

  1. #21
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    why waste Neji? we have both Shino and Kiba to kill before....

    i mean, realyl, Neji has been going through a redemption progress, and Hinata still has a development of her own to go through.
    however, Kiba and Shino are both avaliable bodies for some sadistic killing, and since no one really cares about them (well, some people like Akamaru), they are already perfect for the rold of dying...

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  2. #22

    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo

    I wouldn't mind Hinata dying to develop the show in a good direction, however.
    Yeah, i think it would be better if Hinata died so we could see how it would effect Neji's development.

  3. #23
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    however, Kiba and Shino are both avaliable bodies for some sadistic killing, and since no one really cares about them (well, some people like Akamaru), they are already perfect for the rold of dying...
    Well, Shino seems to be pretty popular, I think it's a bit untrue to say no one really cares about him. Kiba on the other hand.......

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  4. #24

    RE: Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    The Only one that is going to die is Kimimaro

    And, to stay on topic, I dont think Neji will have an impact on Hinata's Development whether he dies or lives. The only person that does is Naruto.

    BTW, She was healed by Kabuto, so no Heart Attack for Her...

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  5. #25

    RE: Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    I can't see why Chouji would live .. I mean they made such a *HUGE* dramatic deal about how deadly those pills were, then had him go down in a big blaze of glory complete with flashbacks, and went even further with the butterfly symbolism that made Shika look even more dour than usual...

    Bottom line is, if Chouji IS alive, it would totally cheapen any sense of drama or danger that the series has .. it would just get cheesy fast.

  6. #26
    ANBU GhostKaGe's Avatar
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    RE: Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Hinata must die and Neji will feel like he failed and go totaly nuts loseing all sense of self worth until Naruto give him some inspiring words where he will then go off and avenge the Hyuuga kickin major ass

    Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
    I can't see why Chouji would live .. I mean they made such a *HUGE* dramatic deal about how deadly those pills were, then had him go down in a big blaze of glory complete with flashbacks, and went even further with the butterfly symbolism that made Shika look even more dour than usual...

    Bottom line is, if Chouji IS alive, it would totally cheapen any sense of drama or danger that the series has .. it would just get cheesy fast.
    The guy has a point

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  7. #27

    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    couple things

    if everybody survived it would be very unlike dbz as someone said it would become if nobody died. Everybody died at least 20 times in dbz they just all got revived with those cheap ass dragon balls somehow.

    Neji wont die, as its been said hes way way too badass to die.

    Also I believe Kishimoto has a way of only killing off characters that are either barely shown or in ways that have significance to the story overall(unsignificant being dosu, hayate etc) (dieing for a cause being haku 3rd hokage etc) if they killed chouji or neji it would have little effect on the big picture and both are not insignificant characters, i think even kiba is probably exempt through this reasoning. Only one i can see dieing out of this arch are some of the bad guys or (crosses fingers) sakura showing up at the last minute and getting 1 hit killed by a squirrel or something.

  8. #28
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
    I can't see why Chouji would live .. I mean they made such a *HUGE* dramatic deal about how deadly those pills were, then had him go down in a big blaze of glory complete with flashbacks, and went even further with the butterfly symbolism that made Shika look even more dour than usual...

    Bottom line is, if Chouji IS alive, it would totally cheapen any sense of drama or danger that the series has .. it would just get cheesy fast.
    Well, when we were lead to believe that Sasuke died fighting Haku, he had all the drama and flashbacks too. And he lived. So Chouji might yet, it's possible. I agree though, it'd be stupid, because the very point of the pills is that you die.

    I think I know precisely what I mean
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  9. #29

    RE: Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    i don't think many genins will die it kinda doesn't feel like the story... only older dudes that arent main to the story will die.... theres only one who should already have died and thats oro he just sucks you saw him in that picture with his arms fully operational that just sucks why did 3th die just for fun or what damn sucks i hate oro i hope itachi gets in kill mood and take oro out with a single but brutal blow muhahahaha end of suckie snake dude

  10. #30

    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Hrmm okay i tohught about this one on my own. i do not think Neji will die, i do however think Hinata will grow and taker her place as the head of the main house- how she does that could take a series pf paths, one of wich includes her asking to Neji's help. Naruto has changed Neji, and his way of thinking. In addition to having been changed, Neji knows the truth about how his father died- his hatred for the main house no longer runs as deep as it once did, or even as strongly as it may have run in his father.

    Conclusion: interms of character developement, both on the side of Neji, and hinata it would be best to have Neji's continued growth pave the way for hinata. By doing so the Hyuga house wll become stronger. The seperation of the Main house, and the Branch house may take on a restructuring if not anulled alltogether. Again strengthening the Hyuga house, and intern the entire village.

  11. #31
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    i think neji should die. and then to bring him back (cuz of his badass-ness) someone would perform a seal, but it requires a human sacrifice so they kill hinata. then neji is brought back to life. without the swastika.

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  12. #32

    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    wats gonna happen is neji dies, so hinata kills herself and then naruto and sasuke fuse together and they have super powers so they revive neji and then they win

  13. #33
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Yes. And then they start flying around space destroying planets with chakra blasts.[img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]
    I think I know precisely what I mean
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  14. #34
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    and then itachi wins.

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  15. #35
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
    Yes. And then they start flying around space destroying planets with chakra blasts.[img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]
    yes yes Naruto Z 2015. A Kishimoto&Toriyama Production brought to you by Bandai.

    EDIT: Just remembered to add the /just kidding tag.
    heh, i wouldn't want wild rumors to start flying all over the place.

    Chouji's already been dead to me since the begining of the show.

    Hinata should die to pave the way for Hanabi.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  16. #36
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Then it leaks out into the anime section, all hell breaks loose due to the new "spoilers" that everyone reads. heh. Let's hope it never happens.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  17. #37

    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Originally posted by: AlbinoFury
    or (crosses fingers) sakura showing up at the last minute and getting 1 hit killed by a squirrel or something.
    Hey, I like people who make sense! I totally agree with you. Especially with the way she diesThat's the only character whose death would be dramatic without screwing the story altogether. I also wish Sasuke become such a nuisance, well more like the whole village finally realized that he is a nuisance and demanded the Hokage to send somebody to a big favor to the whole Ninja world and kill him. If they came to their senses the choice between a world without Sasuke or the world with him and the sharingan would be very easy.

  18. #38
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    and then itachi wins.

  19. #39
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    please... let udon just die away so it can never come back... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]

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  20. #40

    Should Neji die to pave the way for Hinata's development?

    Hinata will live, why?
    becuase the authors make a great deal about how much u can gain if you really try. so thats probably why she will succeed.
    but then again, i think she would be more suiting as a battle medic.
    iex. go under the training of tsunade perhaps?
    she got the eyes to see everything.
    and if she would get the power to pierce every litle artery or perhaps even cut of chakra strings completely, permanent.
    then she would hold a nice new power [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
    and pluss she is really a nice girl and really doesnt want to kill.. so maybe a healer is better?

    it also seems like naruto is more or less starting to give up on sakura. letting sauske have her.
    so there is a possibility that it will come to a battle where naruto is badly injured and hinata jumps infront to protect him and takes damage, spills her guts to naruto about her feelings.
    and then *trumpet sound* bapa dapa! naruto gains strength from beeing actually love and kick that guys ass...

    it might just happen...
    hinata is there for a reason. my guess is she will be develope quiet good later on.
    if she becomes a medic maybe she will save narutos life or so? =)

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