You can't really have two gennins with similar powers. Should Neji die, and would his death open up character development for Hinata? She will be the only one in that age group to carry the Hyuuga blood line limit.
You can't really have two gennins with similar powers. Should Neji die, and would his death open up character development for Hinata? She will be the only one in that age group to carry the Hyuuga blood line limit.
hinata is garbage. her sibling, hanabi or whatever will be the successor of the main family. neji isn't gonna die, he's too bad ass.
NEJI CAN't die that easily he said so HIMSELF. i trust him.
Hmmpf neji MUST die.HEs just a prick and stuff.Hinata aint garbage shes f*cking strong if she would just obtain some self confidence.
If you talk about garbage name sakura [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] But it would be a good change in the plot of the"" storie "" NAd as for neji that white feather in is hand for me its a big give away.Remember in most movies and series when i white feather falls people die =]
Neji is needed to protect the Main family. That's more important than the hyuga successor.
What is it with you and somebody dying?
If anyone should die, it should be Hinata. She's made an effort to be a stonger person but she is still useless. Hell even she didn't believe in her own self worth. Whether or not she becomes stronger, I don't think she ought to be considered an heir to the Hyuga clan/Main family. To me, Hinata will never become truly strong. Neji on the other hand is the genius of the Hyuga clan and when it's all said and done I think he'll probably be the strongest Hyuga ever. C'mon, he managed to master the 64 hands and the kaiten on his own and still during his childhood, just imagine what he would be capable to do at 25 or 30yrs old.Originally posted by: CapsuleCorpJX
You can't really have two gennins with similar powers. Should Neji die, and would his death open up character development for Hinata? She will be the only one in that age group to carry the Hyuuga blood line limit.
though so far we haven't seen much of Hanabi, i still think that she'd own Hinata.
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
All this near death crap, somebody has to die, or the series will loose credibility, it'll become closer to a DBZ, where main characters never die.Originally posted by: Hotsuma
What is it with you and somebody dying?
I agree, someone DOES need to die .. but I don't think it will be Neji. Chouji better be toast though, they made such a big deal out of using that last pill .. he went out in a blaze of glory, total sacrifice for the team, the village. If he comes back, I'll be pretty pissed off. Neji might die too, but I think since we didn't see his symbol fade, that will hang on.
dude man
3rd hokage is dead. he isn't important enough???
Nah. Even if Neji dies, I dont see Hinata being as prolific. I doubt Hinata would stay long as a fighting Ninja.
She'll probably turn Chunnin when she's much older and teach the kids. She's too nice to be going out and killing people. Probably they'll use her as a radar-gurl.
MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii
hinata is way to weak man she got kicked out of hyuuga how weak can you be.....
but neji on the other hand ownz and he isnt dead i gues the 3 sand dudes took a heal ninja with them or something and took care of neji...
if some one needs to die its choiji that stupid fatty boy all he can do is roll over and they call that jutsu bhe you dont need any chakra for that....
Hinata=waste of paper
i thought the same.Originally posted by: Hotsuma
What is it with you and somebody dying?
nobody needs to die.
except hinata.Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
i thought the same.Originally posted by: Hotsuma
What is it with you and somebody dying?
nobody needs to die.
I agree that some of them should die. I think it is dumb that they have ALL gotten so strong. It doesn't make sense that these genins would be strong enough to defeat the sound 4. Only if they accomplished this by literally giving all they had would it make sense.
Maybe not Neji, he is a genius and a big-time dominator, but Chouji should die for sure. I like him, but they made such a big deal about him taking that last pill. I will be kind of dissapointed with the manga if they had him live.
looks like this would fit better in the "Someone HAS to die" thread.
As far as Hinata is concerned... I don't think Neji getting killed would help out her development at all.
WHo knows. Hinata might die. Neji poked her heart too hard. One day she might just be eating Ramen with naruto and suddenly croaks. That would be realistic.
MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii
Neiji getting killed won't help Hinata, nothing can. She has no self-confidence, the only thing left for her is suicide.
Disagree. I see her as another character with hidden potential. Not as powerful as Neji, but has different qualities. We see them breifly in her earlier bout with Neji, and I expect to see them develop.Originally posted by: Legendary Nin
Hinata=waste of paper
I wouldn't mind Hinata dying to develop the show in a good direction, however.