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Thread: Will Temari and Shikamaru hook up?

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  1. #1

    Will Temari and Shikamaru hook up?


  2. #2
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Will Temari and Shikamaru hook up?

    i hate this naruto romance crap. this isn't a drama, it's a action, adventure series.

    and the answer is no.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  3. #3

    Will Temari and Shikamaru hook up?

    Mut@t@, just because Naruto considered an Action/Adventure doesn't mean that it can't have some drama aspects, and in a way, it does. It's character development is incredibly good for an anime of that genre, and there have been non-filler episodes with no action whatsoever. The potential romances also exist, and I welcome them; I like small side love stories in anime like this. Also, the idea of "precious people" is incredibly prominent in this story, so naturally little love relationships will pop up.

    In any case, I really can't see Shika and Temari "hooking up." Simply, the fact that they're from two separate countries rules this out. It would be too troublesome for Shikamaru to travel that distance to see her.

    For some reason, I have always seen Shikamaru and Ino as a good pair. I really don't know why, though.

  4. #4

    Will Temari and Shikamaru hook up?

    that would be nice, then they can breed some children that are ten times smarter then they are jp, but they could be a good couple though

  5. #5

    Will Temari and Shikamaru hook up?

    Originally posted by: HimizujinEternia
    Mut@t@, just because Naruto considered an Action/Adventure doesn't mean that it can't have some drama aspects, and in a way, it does. .
    It's like, some people need to write your own anime/manga and make it only with men. Then again, what if the guys turn out to be gay???
    Anyhow, you're right the character development in Narutois great, and for me is more important than senseless fights. As a matter of fact, the fights in Naruto all have meaning. They're there to symbolize internal conflicts, and aren't there just to show blood flowing.
    The fight between Naruto and Haku, the whole Zabuza fight and death, the fight between Neji and Hinata, Neji and Naruto, and Naruto and Gaara, just to mention a few, represent a crash between two opposing sets of values, and the resolution of that conflict will bring the transformation of the characters involved. That belongs to the cathartic funtion of any work of art. And in the case of Naruto, since it's targeted at teenagers and preteens, the fights are an easy way to symbolize their internal conflicts and help them to deal with these problems. It also avoids them going out and beat the crap out of people in real life. And that, for their own benefit, because most likely they'd get beaten into a pulp in that instance.
    In the case of characters, they have two basic functions: mimetic, you identify yourself with the hero and try to emulate him. It's easy for a teenager to see himself in Naruto, since they're clumsly, are realizing they have lots of potential power and don't quite know who to deal with that. So, the idea if you are like Naruto, you will be nice like him, because it's the way to deal with the problems you have in common...
    Well, that all put in a very simplistic way.
    On the other hand, the bad guy is does whatever he wants. So he has this cathartic aspect of doing on screen whatever *you* can't do in real life, so you won't actually try to pick fights 24/7. Of course, many teens feel extremely weak and frustrated, so they will admire and try to emulate the bad guy.
    A character like Itachi for example. He is supposed to be very powerful, so all teens who are feel weak and repressed in real life will identify with him, because he does what they won't be able to do in a million years. One can notice that when looking at the impertinent passion they dedicate to this guy. I'd think those kids are gay, but that's just me.
    All in all romance is part of life. And, obvious also accomplish a psychological function, in the same way fights do. If some are unable to get a girlfriend, obviously romance is not part of *their* lives, and they wish it weren't part of anybody's life...

  6. #6

    Will Temari and Shikamaru hook up?

    Hopefully, Ino and Temari will fight over Shikamaru and kill each other. Ino is more annoying than Temari, but I don't really like either of them

  7. #7

    Will Temari and Shikamaru hook up?

    No they will not hook up. Temari and I belong together *sigh* j/k
    Yeah it will probably happen.

    P.S Ino is annoying and doesn't like guys like Shikimaru anyways. She's in the words of a great man a "Sasuke-obsessed freak". Great man=naruto

  8. #8

    RE: Will Temari and Shikamaru hook up?

    shikamaru belongs to INO.

  9. #9

    RE: Will Temari and Shikamaru hook up?

    "Guys tend to prefer stacked girls, if you know what I mean."

  10. #10
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Will Temari and Shikamaru hook up?

    Originally posted by: jing
    shikamaru belongs to INO.
    LoL... Yeah Ino! Then they'll have mind controlling shadow kids.

    Temari... Windy shadow kids...
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  11. #11

    RE: Will Temari and Shikamaru hook up?

    Shikamaru will end up with Ino and Temari will be the mistress (concubine).

  12. #12
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    RE: Will Temari and Shikamaru hook up?

    Shika&Ino huh...I think that could work.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

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