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Thread: name of the song at the end of naruto 79 (next ep song)

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  1. #1

    name of the song at the end of naruto 79 (next ep song)

    does anyone know what is the title of the song at the end of naruto 79 after the end credit song ?
    you know where naruto says what will be in the next episode.

    it looks very moving.

  2. #2

    name of the song at the end of naruto 79 (next ep song)

    just to be clear, i don't want the title of the end credit song, i want the name of the song thats right after it (in ep 79) where we see sandaime and we hear the voice of iruka.

  3. #3

    name of the song at the end of naruto 79 (next ep song)

    I beileve there is another thread somewhere that talks about this, but i forget which forum it is under.

  4. #4

    name of the song at the end of naruto 79 (next ep song)

    i don't need this kind of answer.

    just the name of the song.

  5. #5

    name of the song at the end of naruto 79 (next ep song)

    It's not on any ost so it's not out yet.
    You can hear this song in previous episodes aswell. Aspecially at the beginning of naruto.

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