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Thread: Shura no Toki

  1. #201

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    just wondering where i can get the first couple episodes, i've checked all the links in this thread and couldn't find any that worked...

  2. #202

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Irc or Dc is your best chance since this show is lic and there wasnt many groups doing it from the begining anyway.

  3. #203

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    animetwo started releasing this

    irc only releases i think

  4. #204

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    has anyone heard any more news about the release of this anime.

    also fuck the people who licensed this anime. hope they have a new disease and die of horrible death.

  5. #205

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i have seen lots of the dvds up to and beyond the current episode so i am just wondering whats up

  6. #206

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    animetwo started releasing this

    irc only releases i think
    i'm not familiar with irc much. But, how do you downloaded using irc? Do you download it from the website itself or people who had it?

  7. #207

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!! is the place and download mirc then ask what to do next in a support forum or something. I can help you also if you write me a pm.

  8. #208

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i've installed the mirc, but i haven't known how to download anime from it.

  9. #209
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4mths later the Aoi eps have finally been leaked, finally can see how all this ends.


    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  10. #210

    Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes finaly [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  11. #211

    Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey there,

    I need to get shura no toki eps 17 and 18. Can someone help me out with this pleeeeaase?

    thank =)

  12. #212
    Hope I don't get in trouble for reviving this lost and forgotten anime thread >_>;

    Just a question~ Does anyone that is a total fan of this know what all of the ultimate moves of the Mutsu are?

  13. #213
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Just reading the description of this show gave a weird feeling because of the much more recent Katanagatari. However, in practice this is quite different, the only shared element being an uber unarmed martial art designed to defeat sword wielding opponents. Differences are much more myriad, though, like the fact Mutsu seems to be just one of three main characters. Another one is a man no lesser than Miyamoto Musashi himself... I suppose it's easy to make somebody look badass by having him catch Musashi's attention.

    After three eps it doesn't look like this show has any bigger plot whatsoever. But who knows.

  14. #214
    Quote Originally Posted by MutsuReborn
    Hope I don't get in trouble for reviving this lost and forgotten anime thread >_>;

    Just a question~ Does anyone that is a total fan of this know what all of the ultimate moves of the Mutsu are?
    Hard to tell, you'd have to shift through the Shura no Toki manga and the Shura no Mon manga.

    The anime pretty much only 3 volumes of a total 15 volumes were animated from the Shura no Toki manga.

    And considering that the mangas haven't been scanlated, though some volumes of Shura no Mon have been a whle ago, I doubt many would be able to help you on your request.

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