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Thread: Shura no Toki

  1. #161

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hmm so u think there goin to sub 16 and on?? that would be awesome!!!

  2. #162

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Srry Bud, beat u to it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    16 + 17 released by Aoi



  3. #163

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    lol i was sleeping if not....

    but there you go guys... no more complaining... it's out

  4. #164
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Apr 2004

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now I'm glad I never deleted ep 16, I need a refresh of whats going on.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  5. #165

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I remember who Sakamoto was now... wasnt he the one with the dreads that had a cowboy hat and a gun in Peace Maker... the one with the ship at the end with Tetsu...

  6. #166

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    17 is out....Finally, i been waiting for this.

  7. #167

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    just watch episode 17

    -spoil episode 17-

    ok, i'm really disappointed in Ryoma, he could have been a powerful samurai if he still use his sword.
    Who is the shinsengumi? and y do they want to kill Ryoma?

  8. #168

    Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    u guys suck. im one of the bigggest fans of shura no toki and... i cant even dl the episode that fast. my k/b is at 12 and i got optomin online or w/e !@@!!!! is there any way of making it dl faster?}?

    cause i also want to dl tenjou tenge's 1-24 really soon and dears 1-12 and beet the vandel buster 2 and all this stuff so i need it to hurry up!!-

  9. #169
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  10. #170
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What, you don't know who the shinsengumi are? you need to go back and re-evaluate your life!

    kidding, of course, you can either do that or take a short lesson in the history of japan:

    in the later parts of the 1800, around 1870 or so, there was an uproar against the shougnate, which was caused by the ishin-shishi (people of change, in loose translation) who said that japan should open up to wide world, and not wait that the world will come by force and open it up.

    anyway, alot of people fought, in what will be called 'the mejai restoration', one of the groups who fought were the shinsengumi, who were in the shougnate's side (the losing side), they were residents of kyoto (the capital of that time). thier fighting style (shienken ryo) had a special offensive forward thrust, which was invented bt hijikita, and was called Hirazuki. thier nickname was 'Mibu no Okami'- wolves of Mibu (the place were they originated from). one of thier most famous acts was the charge on the ikida-ya, a secret meeting of the ishin shishi leaders.

    they numbered at about 100 fighting members at their prime, ten groups of ten people, plust the high commander (kondo, i think) and the two vice captains (hijikita and one other guy), the first divition captain was okita souji, who was said to be gentle\childish looking and was a genious of sword wielding and died young of some deases which it's name i don't know in english, the 3rd divition captain was Saito Hajime, who was said to be eqaul to okita. i don't remember the rest, (beside the 10th divition captain, Sanosuke, who was good with the spear).

    for more information you should watch Peacemaker Kuragone and Rurouni Kenshin, PMK is directly about the shinsengumi, while RK deals more with the general topic of japan after and during the mejai restoration, and is much better than PMK. both are licenesed.

    those were 200 words on the shinsengumi.

    and back to the topic: i hate Ryoma, he should die, and so should Izumi, let Saito kill both of them, i say, the anime is laughing at japan's national heros and makes them seem like dorks.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  11. #171

    Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    woot sorry lol

  12. #172

    Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    sorry i never knew a sub group still continued shura!! slap me!

    are any other groups subbing it besides aoi?

    what should be the link to getting it

  13. #173

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    there are no other groups... and the links have been posted pretty frequently in the last few posts

    the other group was mutsu... they are apparently dead so dont wait up

  14. #174

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i don't know much about japanese history but who are the heroes and why r the characters making a joke out of them?

    enlightment me!!!! *beam of light coming*

  15. #175

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i don't know anything about japan history. I blame school for not teaching.

    i don't understand why Ryoma even bother pulling out that sword when he just put it back in again. I think anyone can beat Ryoma, what the points in carrying a sword when he's not using it.

  16. #176

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hm... they only seem to have from 13 ep. on and running

    where can i get the ones before that?



  17. #177

    Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    you can get it at

  18. #178

    Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    unfortunately, I think only has from ep. 13 onwards

    or am I wrong?

    EDIT: Hey guys checked out aoi's forum... according to the subbing group a week ago, they will release a batch for all those mofos like me who missed ep. after it fell off a-suki.

    so i guess i'll just wait patiently

  19. #179

    Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    my bad...the website is Try to refresh the page, see if that help. I'm sure there's episodes 14 and so on.

  20. #180
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!

    does anyone know about ep 19? it's been almost a month since 18...

    anyway, another mention of japan history in SnT: Ryoma, he's probably the same ryoma of peacemaker Kuragome, and he's refered to as Okita's rival...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

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